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Poll: Obama makes gains, is even with Clinton in N.H. — PELHAM, N.H. — Democratic presidential hopefuls Hillary Rodham Clinton and Barack Obama are locked in a dead heat among New Hampshire voters in a statewide USA TODAY/Gallup Poll, underscoring the volatility of the race less than three weeks before the nation's first primary.

USA TODAY / Gallup poll — Results are based on interviews with 477 New Hampshire residents deemed most likely to vote in the Republican primary . The results for Section II are based on interviews with 510 New Hampshire residents deemed most likely to vote in the Democratic primary.

Clinton says wife a ‘world-class genius’ — WOLFEBORO, N.H. - Former President Clinton says his wife is a “world-class genius” when it comes to improving the lives of others. — Clinton stuck mostly to familiar themes in two hour-long appearances Thursday, describing at length what he views as the nation's biggest challenges.

Richardson Accuses Clinton of ‘Flip-Flop’ on Iraq Pullout — MUSCATINE, Iowa — I just got a phone call — unprompted — from Gov. Bill Richardson of New Mexico, a Democratic candidate for president, blasting Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton for saying she would withdraw nearly all American troops …

Romney never saw father on King march — Defends figurative words; evidence contradicts story — Mitt Romney acknowledged yesterday that he never saw his father march with Martin Luther King Jr. as he asserted in a nationally televised speech this month, and historical evidence shows …

It Gets Better — Here's the latest on Mitt and MLK. Thirty years ago, Romney's version of the story was even more figurative:

Zogby Poll: Obama Leads Top Republicans — Telephone survey shows fellow Democrats Hillary Clinton and John Edwards would defeat some GOPers, lose to others — UTICA, New York - Illinois Sen. Barack Obama would defeat all five of the top Republicans in prospective general election contests …

Rush Limbaugh's First Shots at Huckabee — So everybody and their brother is listening to Rush today, wondering if he'll take a shot at Huckabee after an unnamed Huckabee aide in DC criticized Limbaugh... The first comment, moments into the show: “You want to whine like Mike Huckabee's whining …

Obama Camp Registers Anti-Clinton Web Sites — Campaign Plays Semantics Over Whether Sites Are Personal Attacks — Though Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., has pledged to keep criticisms of his rival, Sen. Hillary Clinton, D-NY, focused on the issues, ABC News has learned that his campaign secretly registered …

Dem leaders pressured to alter war strategy — House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, despite their pledges to continue pushing to end the war in Iraq, face growing pressure from their rank-and-file Democrats to focus more attention on domestic, “pocketbook” issues in the upcoming election year.
Captain's Quarters, New York Times, The Swamp, Weekly Standard, Neptunus Lex, Open Left, QandO and Sister Toldjah

Why Isn't Anyone Paying Attention to This? — This was not exactly bannered across the front page of the New York Times yesterday. As a matter of fact, I don't think I saw it in my paper at all. But on the Times' website, dated December 20, there is this headline: “Giuliani's Office Shifted Money Around?

A Problem Like Bill — Hillary Clinton tells audiences that having lived in the White House for eight eventful years, she's eager to take charge as president on “day one." Apparently, though, so is Bill. — Before the Clinton campaign's recent shift to themes of warmth and approachability …

The “Theory of Change” Primary — Perhaps we are being too literal in believing that “hope” and bipartisanship are things that Obama naively believes are present and possible, when in fact they are a tactic, a method of subverting and breaking the unified conservative power structure.
TalkLeft, The Carpetbagger Report, Matthew Yglesias, Lawyers, Guns and Money and Democratic Strategist

Journey to the Center of 20,000 Leagues Under the Bottom of the Barrel — This passage is the lowest of the low. Jonah tries to show that Nazis were really gay rights activists at heart. Read at your own risk. [And plz forgive the weird inconsistencies at the bottom of the graphic …
The Carpetbagger Report, Shakespeare's Sister, Left in the West and No More Mister Nice Blog

Blindly Into the Bubble — When announcing Japan's surrender in 1945, Emperor Hirohito famously explained his decision as follows: “The war situation has developed not necessarily to Japan's advantage." — There was a definite Hirohito feel to the explanation Ben Bernanke …

Ron Paul's Photo-Op with Stormfront — An LGF reader emailed this photograph, showing Ron Paul at the Values Voters Presidential Debate in Fort Lauderdale on September 17, 2007. Immediately to Paul's left: Don Black, the owner of neo-Nazi hate site Stormfront.
Reason Magazine, Wonkette, Comments from Left Field, A Blog For All, Liberal Values, Lone Star Times and PoliGazette

Reid and company target the true enemy: “Dodd and his allies” — (updated below - Update II) — During yesterday's chat with Washington Post Congressional reporter Paul Kane, this extremely revealing exchange occurred, regarding the view of Harry Reid and other anonymous Democrats …

Column One: The triumph of legal defeatism — This week the IDF distributed ribbons to its soldiers and officers for their service in the war with Hizbullah in 2006. The ribbons were a source of embarrassment. Soldiers and officers, who like the general public view the war …