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Huckabee Reaction to Bhutto Assassination — From CBS News' Nancy Cordes" — ORLANDO, FLA. — With about 150 supporters crowded around a podium set up on the tarmac of Orlando Executive airport (and about 20 Ron Paul supporters waving signs outside) Mike Huckabee strode out to the strains of …
The Radio Equalizer, MyDD, Taylor Marsh, The Campaign Spot, Pajamas Media, Doug Ross, Reason Magazine, NO QUARTER, Liberty Street, The Corner, Guardian, Flopping Aces, TPMmuckraker, The Politico, The Daily Dish, Times of London, Anti-Idiotarian Rottweiler, Power Line, TownHall Blog, The Democratic Daily, Pirate's Cove, Say Anything, TigerHawk and

Ron Paul Blames US Policy for Bhutto Killing — Ron Paul blames the assassination of Benazir Bhutto on the “interventionist” policy of the United States, and says Al Qaeda is justified in being “annoyed” at us. (Click the picture for the video.)

‘A Wrong Must Be Righted’ — An interview with Benazir Bhutto — Editor's note: We are all saddened by the murder this morning of Pakistan's Benazir Bhutto. The assassination adds more danger and confusion to the already chaotic situation in the region.

Benazir Bhutto — A recent CNN poll showed that 46 percent of Pakistanis approve of Osama bin Laden. — Aspirants to the American presidency should hope to score so highly in the United States. In Pakistan, though, the al-Qaeda emir easily beat out that country's current president, Pervez Musharraf, who polled at 38 percent.

Attendee at Bhutto rally: ‘There was pandemonium’ — RAWALPINDI, Pakistan — It was on the drive out of the downtown park that the assassin fired the fatal bullets at Benazir Bhutto. — The election rally had been long and lackluster, but on viewing the crowd gathered at the gates of Liaquat Bagh park …

John Edwards talked to Musharraf regarding Bhutto — Democratic presidential candidate John Edwards talked with Pakistan President Pervez Musharraf early this afternoon (Iowa time). Here's Edwards talking about the situation (mp3 runs 2 minuates) — Henderson: “In regards to the situation …

Critics jump on Huckabee Pakistan gaffe — December 27, 2007 by CNN Ticker Producer Alexander Mooney — Watch Huckabee react to Bhutto's death. — (CNN) - Mike Huckabee - whose foreign policy credentials have been under a microscope since he admitted to journalists that he was unaware …

BENAZIR BHUTTO, 1953-2007. — The sternest critic of Benazir Bhutto would not have been able to deny that she possessed an extraordinary degree of physical courage. When her father was lying in prison under sentence of death from Pakistan's military dictatorship in 1979 …

Huckabee Flubs A Pakistan Question
The Moderate Voice, CBS News, skippy the bush kangaroo, USA Today, Captain's Quarters, Weekly Standard, Hot Air, Stop The ACLU, MyDD and Punditry

Ex-Intel Official: Don't Be So Quick to Blame al-Qaeda, Musharraf for Bhutto Killing
New York Times, New York Sun, CNN, Newsweek, Hindustan Times, alicublog, Hot Air, Foreign Policy Watch and The Daily Dish

Pakistan Crisis For Dummies
CNN, Matthew Yglesias, AMERICAblog, the talking dog, Sisyphus Shrugged, ECHIDNE OF THE SNAKES and Needlenose

Obama runs even with Clinton in two key states — A new Times/Bloomberg Poll finds them statistically tied in New Hampshire and in a three-way race with Edwards in Iowa. GOP's Huckabee has a big lead in Iowa but trails Romney by a wide margin up north. — WASHINGTON — Barack Obama …

Obama Adviser: Bhutto Assassination Reminds Us That Hillary Made Wrong Call On Iraq War — Okay, the battling among Dems over how the Bhutto assassination will affect the Dem primary is officially underway. Today after Barack Obama's closing argument speech in Iowa, Obama adviser David …

Axelrod on Bhutto Assassination
Washington Post, Marc Ambinder, MSNBC, Ben Smith's Blogs, The Caucus, The Huffington Post, Tom Watson, NO QUARTER, TalkLeft and The Democratic Daily

Spider-Man, Spider-Man, does whatever a UNuch can't — This is a waste of a perfectly good ficticious super hero. … The UN has to resort to fiction to bolster its image because a book about the UN doing any good would by definition have to be a work of fiction.

Revisiting the Stupid Party — The nineteenth century English philosopher John Stuart Mill bequeathed to modern conservatism a lasting inferiority complex when he dismissed the conservatives of his day as “the stupid party." No one likes to be called stupid, as we can all agree …

It's like the blind leading the really, really blind — Dr. Mrs. Ole Perfesser is discussin' Liberal Fascism with Jonah hisself: … SIGH: — 1.) When someone who complains about people throwing the term “fascists” around too freely then turns around and writes an entire book explicitly comparing …

Pakistan and the Candidates — Mike Huckabee, in his Foreign Affairs article once suggested that we might have to invade nuclear Islamist Pakistan. On the death of Ms. Bhutto, his Carteresque gut reaction is now to apologize-but for what? — Barack Obama likewise once thought …

YODA IS THE REASON FOR THE SEASON — Michelle Malkin reminds us of the reason for the season. She also reminds us what it's like to have that acidic pukey taste in our mouths: — Nothing says “baby Jesus is the reason for the season” like a pagan tree decorated with Yoda and Pikachu ornaments.
Cliff Schecter

Most Repellent Republican — Actually, it's a close call what among Romney, Thompson and Giuliani. McCain is the most plausible and, given that there's something in every candidate—including Democratic ones—that I positively dislike, he's the best in the Republican crop, by far. And the worst?
The Corner