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Fred Thompson may drop out, back McCain — DES MOINES, Iowa - Several Republican officials close to Fred Thompson's presidential campaign said they expect the candidate will drop out of the race within days if he finishes poorly in Thursday's Iowa caucus. — Thompson's campaign …

Late-Breaking Surge for Thompson — The latest news from Iowa? According to Zogby's latest—and I quote: “Sen. Fred Thompson...has seen a late-breaking surge." (Rich notes the same poll below.) — What's going on here? My guess is that there are whole lot of Iowa Republicans …

Clinton Camp Pre-Spinning Possible Bad News in Iowa
MSNBC, The Moderate Voice, Salon, Washington Post, Booman Tribune, Detroit Free Press, Hot Air, Political Punch, THE LIBERAL JOURNAL, Donklephant, The Caucus, Wonkette, Macsmind, Political Radar, Taegan Goddard's …, ScrappleFace, Viking Pundit, Blue Crab Boulevard, PunditGuy and Primary Monitor Blog

Huck yucks it up with Leno — DES MOINES — Presidential contenders Gov. Mike Huckabee and Sen. Hillary Clinton took advantage of the return to work by two late-night talk-show hosts to try to get in an 11th-hour plug before tonight's presidential contest here in Iowa.
The Politico

Late Night TV Hosts Back After 2 Months — NEW YORK (AP) - Late-night TV hosts returned to the air Wednesday after a two-month hiatus, showing support for their striking writers, plenty of creative stretch marks - and at least two scruffy beards. — David Letterman walked onstage amid …

As Campaign Season Begins, Only One Presidential Candidate is Viewed Favorably by Majority of Voters — One impact of the long run-up to Election 2008 can be seen in public perceptions of the leading Presidential candidates. After a year of campaigning with no votes actually being cast …

Manhunt for Father Suspected of Killing Teen Girls — IRVING, Texas — Police continued searching for a man suspected of shooting his two teenage daughters, including one who called 911 about an hour before officers found them dead in his taxi, police said.

Chris Dodd stands by his supporters. Will not be part of an auction — Here's another reason to like Chris Dodd. Andrea Mitchell wanted to know who Chris Dodd would support for the presidential nomination because she said there were reports that other candidates who are not considered to be in the top tier are cutting deals.

Iowans Hear Barrage of Final Pleas for First '08 Votes — DES MOINES — A yearlong prelude to the presidential election drew to a frenzied close on Wednesday here as Iowans absorbed a final torrent of campaign arguments before the state's caucuses formally open the race for the White House.
Shakespeare's Sister

“Revelation” (Charge) To Be Made Against New Hampshire Primary Candidate Monday? — For the second time we've gotten an email that says it comes from a spokesman for Revelation Press about a major announcement that'll be made in Washington on MONDAY about a candidate running in the New Hampshire primary …
Right Wing Nut House, The Democratic Daily, Outside The Beltway, PoliGazette and

Seven Questions: Gen. David Petraeus on Winding down the Surge — By the end of July, 25 percent of American combat troops are due to withdraw from Iraq. FP sat down with Gen. David Petraeus, the top U.S. commander in Iraq, to find out how he plans to draw down without leaving chaos behind.

Burns no longer part of Abramoff probe — WASHINGTON - Former Sen. Conrad Burns is no longer part of a federal investigation of jailed lobbyist Jack Abramoff, the Justice Department said Wednesday. — Burns, R-Mont., narrowly lost re-election to a fourth term in 2006 after Democrats …

Jim Talent: Romney will stop ‘the militant gays.’ — Today on MSNBC's Hardball, former senator Jim Talent, now an adviser to Mitt Romney, discussed Romney's record on gays. Talent maintained that Romney has never been inconsistent on gay rights and has “always” wanted to stop the influence of “the militant gays":

Former “Dateline” reporter blasts NBC — NEW YORK (Hollywood Reporter) - A former “Dateline NBC” correspondent claims that in the aftermath of September 11, the network diverted him from reporting on al Qaeda and instead wanted him to ride along with the country's “forgotten heroes,” firefighters.

McCain boosted by surge - in Iowa — URBANDALE, Iowa — Hundreds of Iowans and scores of reporters squeezed into every corner, and spilled out of, John McCain's suburban Des Moines headquarters for a final rally tonight before tomorrow's caucuses. — Heartened by the senator's resurrection …

Rosenthal withdraws from DA race — Harris County District Attorney Chuck Rosenthal has withdrawn his name from the Republican ballot for re-election today amid pressure from his own party following last week's release of intimate emails he wrote to his personal assistant.

Attorney For D.C. in Gun Ban Case Fired — Counsel Was Set To Defend Law Before High Court — Acting D.C. Attorney General Peter Nickles has fired the city lawyer who had been preparing to defend the District's longtime ban on handguns before the Supreme Court this spring, a move that some city officials fear could harm the case.