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Fred Thompson may drop out, back McCain — DES MOINES, Iowa - Several Republican officials close to Fred Thompson's presidential campaign said they expect the candidate will drop out of the race within days if he finishes poorly in Thursday's Iowa caucus. — Thompson's campaign …
Captain's Quarters, Caucus …, Crooks and Liars, Don Surber, You Decide 08!, Right Wing Nut House, Political Machine, Brilliant at Breakfast, PoliBlog (TM), Hot Air, The Moderate Voice, Cliff Schecter, The Corner, MyDD, Miss Beth's Victory Dance, DownWithTyranny!, The Right's Field, Outside The Beltway, Shakespeare's Sister, Betsy's Page, Wonkette, LiberalLand, TPM Election Central, ABCNEWS, Hullabaloo, Reason Magazine, Liberal Values, Sister Toldjah, Daily Kos, Macsmind, THE LIBERAL JOURNAL, The Sundries Shack, Publius Endures, and Taegan Goddard's …

As Campaign Season Begins, Only One Presidential Candidate is Viewed Favorably by Majority of Voters — One impact of the long run-up to Election 2008 can be seen in public perceptions of the leading Presidential candidates. After a year of campaigning with no votes actually being cast …
Buck Naked Politics, Taylor Marsh, The Huffington Post, Hullabaloo, Daily Kos and Viking Pundit

Re: Fred's end? — It would be a big loss, for reasons Peter Robinson and Michael Ledeen have outlined, if Fred Thompson were to pull out. But in practical terms the timing is everything. A pull-out before Saturday obviously boosts McCain in NH. But the very floating of the rumor …

Lewisville cabdriver sought in slayings of 2 teen daughters — — Area police continue to search for a man who they believe killed his two teenage daughters and left their bodies in a taxi at an Irving hotel. — Police sealed off a street and surrounded …

Manhunt for Father Suspected of Killing Teen Girls — IRVING, Texas — Police continued searching for a man suspected of shooting his two teenage daughters, including one who called 911 about an hour before officers found them dead in his taxi, police said.
Gateway Pundit, Israel Matzav, Debbie Schlussel, The Jawa Report, Gates of Vienna and BitsBlog

Friends: Murdered Teens Were Afraid Of Their Dad
Hot Air, Washington Times, Fausta's blog, JammieWearingFool, Atlas Shrugs, Crunchy Con and Jihad Watch

Late Night TV Hosts Back After 2 Months — NEW YORK (AP) - Late-night TV hosts returned to the air Wednesday after a two-month hiatus, showing support for their striking writers, plenty of creative stretch marks - and at least two scruffy beards. — David Letterman walked onstage amid …

Ad Attacking Romney Ran In Iowa After Huckabee Said He Was Yanking It

Iowans Hear Barrage of Final Pleas for First '08 Votes — DES MOINES — A yearlong prelude to the presidential election drew to a frenzied close on Wednesday here as Iowans absorbed a final torrent of campaign arguments before the state's caucuses formally open the race for the White House.

Fatigue Factor Gives Equal Time to Candidates

Caucus: Clinton Revises Turnout Model Up — ** Hillary Clinton's team has revised its turnout model. The same senior campaign source who projected a turnout of 140,000 voters is now predicting that 150,000 voters will show, and says that, according to the turnout model the campaign is employing …
Des Moines Register

Get your post-caucus spin now — With this guide, you can analyze any result — before the Iowans gather — DES MOINES, Iowa - In a matter of hours, following the results of the Iowa caucuses, a contest will begin. It will take place among the slew of national media trying to determine exactly what happened.

Reuters/C-SPAN/Zogby Daily Tracking Poll: Obama Moves Into Lead Followed by Edwards; Huckabee Lead Widens — Clinton, Romney dip as Ron Paul gains — UTICA, New York - Democrat Barack Obama continued his upward momentum through the evening before the Iowa caucuses, capturing the lead ahead …

Chris Dodd stands by his supporters. Will not be part of an auction — Here's another reason to like Chris Dodd. Andrea Mitchell wanted to know who Chris Dodd would support for the presidential nomination because she said there were reports that other candidates who are not considered to be in the top tier are cutting deals.

Press, political pressure helped ‘lose’ Fallujah, report says — A secret intelligence assessment of the first battle of Fallujah shows that the U.S. military thinks that it lost control over information about what was happening in the town, leading to “political pressure” …
Captain's Quarters, The Strata-Sphere, The Sundries Shack, The Belmont Club, Neptunus Lex and

Seven Questions: Gen. David Petraeus on Winding down the Surge — By the end of July, 25 percent of American combat troops are due to withdraw from Iraq. FP sat down with Gen. David Petraeus, the top U.S. commander in Iraq, to find out how he plans to draw down without leaving chaos behind.

McCain boosted by surge - in Iowa — URBANDALE, Iowa — Hundreds of Iowans and scores of reporters squeezed into every corner, and spilled out of, John McCain's suburban Des Moines headquarters for a final rally tonight before tomorrow's caucuses. — Heartened by the senator's resurrection …

ROCK MAKES THE GARDEN HOWL — RAUNCHY stand-up Chris Rock had Madison Square Garden in stitches Monday night, when he kicked off his six-month tour performing for a sold-out New Year's Eve audience of 20,000 fans who gave him a midnight standing ovation. — The comic from Bed-Stuy proclaimed …

Iowa: The future starts here — It's the most expensive, unpredictable and crucial presidential race in modern US history. And today, in one small state, people start to cast their votes — The phoney war is over. Tonight, in school rooms, church halls and private homes across …

The Short, Fast Ride: My 30-Day Crash Course In Presidential Politics — The Short, Fast Ride: — My 30-Day Crash Course In Presidential Politics — Before I announced that I was going to work for the Huckabee campaign, the news broke on NRO's The Corner.