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Angry White Man — The bigoted past of Ron Paul. — If you are a critic of the Bush administration, chances are that, at some point over the past six months, Ron Paul has said something that appealed to you. Paul describes himself as a libertarian, but, since his presidential campaign took off earlier …

Press Releases › Ron Paul Statement on The New Republic Article Regarding Old Newsletters — ARLINGTON, VIRGINIA - In response to an article published by The New Republic, Ron Paul issued the following statement: — “The quotations in The New Republic article are not mine …

RON PAUL BIGOTRY REVOLUTION — A damning New Republic expose on Ron Paul shows the “libertarian” Republican candidate to be a racist, a homophobe and an anti-Semite. Will his diehard supporters continue to defend a man who called Martin Luther King a gay pedophile?
A Blog For All

Audio: TNR editor pores through the archives of Ron Paul's …
TownHall Blog

New Hampshire Turnout ‘Absolutely Huge’ — ABC News' Karen Travers Reports: New Hampshire Deputy Secretary of State Dave Scanlan told ABC News that turnout among primary voters today is “absolutely huge” — and there are concerns about running out of ballots in towns like Portsmouth, Keene, Hudson and Pelham.

Large voter turnout reported — MANCHESTER - Long lines of people formed inside some polls this morning minutes after they opened at 6 a.m. for the New Hampshire presidential primary. — Louise Gosselin, Ward 6 moderator, said election officials expected about 150 people to vote each hour at St. Pius X on Candia Road.

Huckabee vows to defy birthright citizenship — Mike Huckabee wants to amend the Constitution to prevent children born in the U.S. to illegal aliens from automatically becoming American citizens, according to his top immigration surrogate — a radical step no other major presidential candidate has embraced.

Re: You Have to be Kidding Me — Mike Huckabee just released this statement:
The Jawa Report

Women Are Never Front-Runners — Gender is probably the most restricting force in American life, whether the question is who must be in the kitchen or who could be in the White House.
JustOneMinute, Matthew Yglesias, Captain's Quarters, The Plank, Brian Beutler, Don Surber, Shakespeare's Sister, baldilocks, Too Sense, No More Mister Nice Blog, The Democratic Daily, Fausta's blog, Wake up America, CBS News, Firedoglake, The Gun Toting Liberal™, Althouse, PoliGazette, The Trail, Lawyers, Guns and Money and TalkLeft

GUERRILLA WARFARE? — The graf that really jumped out at me from that Tom Edsall piece at Huffpo was this one ... If Obama wins big tonight, as the polls suggest, I think the Dems will quickly move to a major gut check on this question. And I don't think it will be an easy one.

Even Conservative Media Chorus Sings Obama's Praises
Booman Tribune, The Caucus, The Democratic Daily, Taylor Marsh, Donklephant, Macsmind and RealClearPolitics

Dartmouth Students Walk Out on Bill — HANOVER, N.H. — About thirty minutes into Bill Clinton's nearly two-hour stop here at Dartmouth College, a steady stream of students started walking out of the venue. — Moments later, Clinton — his voice hoarse, sometimes cracking …

LOOKING FOR NEW HAMPSHIRE EXIT POLLS? — Looking for leaked exit poll results from New Hampshire? Sorry to disappoint, but whatever their merits, we are unlikely to see any such leaked results until moments before the polls close. — In past years, the network consortium that conducts …

IRAN 1, USA 0 — NAVAL ERROR IN THE GULF — EARLY Sunday morning, the US Navy lost its nerve and guaranteed that American sailors will die at Iranian hands in the future. — As three of our warships passed through the Straits of Hormuz, five small Iranian patrol craft rushed them.

Today's Must Read — It's been nearly a year since the Bush Administration mounted a public relations campaign accusing Iran of arming insurgents in Iraq. If that was a campaign to generate enough public support to go on the offensive against Iran, it failed.

Shake-up, the narrative — James Carville is coming on board the Clinton campaign as a “volunteer,” offering an assertive new voice in its chaotic internal workings and a new face for a campaign trying to change its story, according to a report on Fox and a source familiar with his conversations with CNN.
Fausta's blog

Back to the Future: Carville & Begala to join Clinton campaign
Pam's House Blend

James Carville Emphatically Denies That He's Going To Work For Hillary

A President's Defender Keeps His Distance — TEHRAN — A rift is emerging between President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and Iran's supreme religious leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, suggesting that the president no longer enjoys the ayatollah's full backing, as he did in the years after his election in 2005.

The Woman Who Changed the World — With Barack Obama's meteoric rise topping the news these days, many people have forgotten the bizarre series of events that paved the way to his stunning ascendance. It's especially interesting given that some personal and minor details …
American Street, American Power,, No Runny Eggs and No More Mister Nice Blog

Obama's Surge Deflates Forum and Talk of a Bloomberg Run — NORMAN, Okla. — He arrived here for what seemed like it could be a big moment. Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg, eyeing a third-party presidential bid, joined Republican and Democratic elders at a forum to denounce the extreme partisanship …