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Potentially troubling news for Clinton in Michigan ‘win’ — (CNN) — Hillary Clinton faced a grim statistic in Michigan tonight, despite her primary “win” there: results revealed that she may have reason to worry about her grasp on the African-American vote.
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Bill Clinton paints Obama as ‘establishment’ candidate — SPARKS, Nev. (AP) — Bill Clinton, who carried Nevada in two general elections, urged voters Tuesday to buck labor endorsements for Sen. Barack Obama and support his wife in Saturday's hotly contested presidential caucuses …
Weekly Standard, The Moderate Voice, Comments from Left Field, MSNBC and Right Wing News

Obama best choice for Democrats — Or do they prefer a re-run of 'It came from Little Rock'? — As state Democrats prepare to hold their Saturday caucuses, cynical Republicans might well encourage them to choose Sen. Hillary Clinton, figuring her high “negatives” — the unusual number …

“You're Welcome" — The Clintons' message to African-Americans?
Balloon Juice

Reuters/C-SPAN/Zogby Poll: McCain Leads in South Carolina, Huckabee a strong second — UTICA, New York - Arizona Sen. John McCain is the leader in the South Carolina Republican primary race with 29% support, a Reuters/C-SPAN/Zogby tracking poll shows. Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee …

Exit polling: Democrats pick McCain over Romney
Power Line, Captain's Quarters, National Review, Outside The Beltway, CBS News and Macsmind

The Democratic Debate in Las Vegas — The following is a transcript of the Democratic debate in Las Vegas, as provided by the Federal News Service. — DEMOCRATIC PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATES DEBATE PARTICIPANTS: — FORMER SENATOR JOHN EDWARDS (D-NC) SENATOR BARACK OBAMA (D-IL) — MODERATORS:

Timing may sink lawsuit aimed at Strip voting
politburo diktat 2.0

ON DEADLINE: Mitt Won, Authenticity Lost — WASHINGTON - Mitt Romney's victory in Michigan was a defeat for authenticity in politics. — The former Massachusetts governor pandered to voters, distorted his opponents' record and continued to show why he's the most malleable — and least credible — major presidential candidate.
The New Republic, DownWithTyranny!, Attytood,, RADAMISTO and Boston Globe

Republicans Brawl, Democrats Yawn — Here are a few things that happened Tuesday night. — First, it was a good night for the Democrats and a bad night for the Republicans. The Democratic debate has been a love fest. The candidates have all (for very good reasons) …

CNN's John King responds — Over the weekend, I wrote about an adulating interview which CNN's John King conducted with John McCain while riding on the storied Straight Talk Express bus. The interview was broadcast on “Situation Room” with Wolf Blitzer. In that post, I printed all of the …

The Unbearable Inanity of Tim Russert — On May 27, Democratic presidential candidate Bill Richardson appeared on Meet the Press hoping, no doubt, to get a question about Iraq policy. Richardson was advocating the complete withdrawal of all U.S. forces, an important policy distinction …

Dowd, Sick Instead of Skewering, Gets Help from White House Doc — RIYADH, Saudi Arabia—Having made a living for years skewering President Bush, New York Times columnist Maureen Dowd is almost certainly not one of the White House's favorite columnists. — She refers to the president dismissively …

Station Chief Made Appeal To Destroy CIA Tapes — Lawyer Says Top Official Had Implicit Approval — In late 2005, the retiring CIA station chief in Bangkok sent a classified cable to his superiors in Langley asking if he could destroy videotapes recorded at a secret CIA prison in Thailand …

In Child Porn Case, a Digital Dilemma — U.S. Seeks to Force Suspect to Reveal Password to Computer Files — The federal government is asking a U.S. District Court in Vermont to order a man to type a password that would unlock files on his computer, despite his claim that doing so would constitute self-incrimination.

What to Expect When You're Free Trading — IN the days before Tuesday's Republican presidential primary in Michigan, Mitt Romney and John McCain battled over what the government owes to workers who lose their jobs because of the foreign competition unleashed by free trade.

Who Wrote Ron Paul's Newsletters? — Libertarian movement veterans, and a Paul campaign staffer, say it was “paleolibertarian” strategist Lew Rockwell — Ron Paul doesn't seem to know much about his own newsletters. The libertarian-leaning presidential candidate says he was unaware …