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Hillary Personally Slams Obama Over Reagan Comments — The Hillary campaign clearly made a decision to go all out on Obama's Reagan comments today. Hillary herself just lit into Obama over them in Las Vegas, according to a transcript provided by her campaign:

BILL ALSO HITS OBAMA ON GOP IDEAS — From NBC/NJ's Mike Memoli and NBC's Mark Murray — PAHRUMP, NV — Bill Clinton joined his wife in targeting Barack Obama's statement about Republican ideas, saying that his “legs fell out” when he read it. — “Her principal opponent said that since 1992 …

The Democrats Spar Over Reagan's Legacy — Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama have spent a few days sparring over over Ronald Reagan and the conservative movement. — Obama has said this before, in different words: Here's the original remark, from a meeting editorialists in Reno:

Bush calls for ‘direct and rapid’ stimulus — Package envisioned by White House equal to about 1% of GDP — WASHINGTON (MarketWatch) — President Bush urged Friday for “direct and rapid” tax relief for both U.S. consumers and businesses, calling such a plan the country's “most pressing economic priority.”

The Constitution is Not a “Living, Breathing Document” — This morning I heard that one of the other candidates commented that the Constitution is a “living, breathing document." — Frankly, I assumed this came from Senator Clinton or Senator Obama. It is identical to what Al Gore …

Video: Huckabee says the Constitution is a “living, breathing document” Update: Huck's website disagrees — The comment came during an interview with CNN this morning. — I'm not going to rant about this. I will point out that Huckabee's position doesn't square up well with the …

OMG: A Reporter Not a Stenographer! — Romney lies and a reporter busts him—in real time, on camera. Romney says his campaign isn't run by lobbyists, and he doesn't have lobbyists “tied to” his campaign. Watch this: — The reporter sitting on the floor putting actual, tough …

Romney gets testy over issue of lobbyists in his campaign
Soup Cans, Los Angeles Times, Romenesko, TIME, MSNBC, PrestoPundit and RealClearPolitics

Best. Campaign. Question. Ever. — CLEMSON, S.C.—Imagine a wiry little man with a flop of gray hair. He's wearing a brown leather bomber jacket. Medium build. Every word he says, he shouts. Like he's half deaf. Sounds like an irate hillbilly, even if he's not. (He could be.)

Nicholas Burns and the Clinton Legacy at State — Reports indicate R. Nicholas Burns, the State Department's Number 3 official, will be stepping down. A career foreign service officer, Burns will best be remembered for his most visible post: the Clinton administration's top State Department spokesman during the mid-1990s.
FP Passport

U.S. Diplomat Nicholas Burns Stepping Down
Cliff Schecter

Official Taliban Websites Hosted in US — Several official websites belonging to the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan, the group better known as theTaliban, are back up once again and operating on US soil. The websites are named the “Voice of Jihad". — Again the Taliban webmaster …

Chris Weitz on His “Golden Compass” Fiasco: Blame the Media — The writer-director of “The Golden Compass,” Chris Weitz, is peeved. The movie tanked so badly that the second and third installments are not going to be made (it did fairly well overseas, but unfortunately for New Line Cinema …

O'Reilly Admits There Are 200K Homeless Vets, Still Says Edwards ‘Is A Liar’ Who Owes ‘An Apology’ — Recently, Fox News host Bill O'Reilly attacked former senator John Edwards for noting the 200,000 homeless veterans who “go to sleep under bridges and on grates” every night.

California Blues — Our poor state is $14 billion plus now in the red, and the Governator has promised no new taxes, wise inasmuch as our sales and income taxes are already among the highest in the country. The University of California system is panicking and sending out emails to us alums …
Transterrestrial Musings

Source: Mel Martinez on McCain's Monday Miami sched. Endorsement likely. Crist next? — A source working with the John McCain campaign says U.S. Sen. Mel Martinez is set to appear with him in Miami-Dade on Monday, swinging crucial Hispanic support to his fellow senator who suffered …

Facing Deportation but Clinging to Life in U.S. — WAUKEGAN, Ill. — She is a homeowner, a taxpayer, a friendly neighbor and an American citizen. Yet because she is married to an illegal immigrant, these days she feels like a fugitive. — Whenever her Mexican husband ventures out of the house …

McCain Lies His Head Off; NY Times Asleep at Switch — One of the most common-supply-side talking points is that tax cuts always lead to higher tax revenues. It's not really true (revenues crashed after the 2001 Bush tax cuts) but even if it were, it's misleading: Tax revenues tend to rise …