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Confederate Flag Takes Center Stage Once Again — COLUMBIA, S.C. — The Republican presidential candidates on Thursday moved to appeal to different types of conservative voters before the South Carolina primary, with Mike Huckabee using colorful language to declare the Confederate flag …

In South Carolina, Pro-Confederate Flag Group Airs Ads Praising …

McCain Defends Stance On Confederate Flag In S.C.
The Moderate Voice

THE NEVADA CAUCUS: Poll: Nevada going to Clinton, Romney — Obama picks up no ground; Giuliani fades — Democrat Hillary Clinton and Republican Mitt Romney have comfortable leads in Nevada going into Saturday's presidential campaign caucuses, according to a new Review-Journal poll.
Firedoglake, New York Times, Sister Toldjah, MSNBC, TIME, Boston Globe, MyDD, Reno Gazette-Journal …, Taegan Goddard's …, Hot Air, TPM Election Central, The Page and TalkLeft

Reuters/Zogby Polls: McCain Retains South Carolina Lead; Clinton Leads Obama in Nevada — South Carolina — Arizona Sen. John McCain is holding on to his lead in South Carolina as the Republican primary election there approaches, a new Reuters/C-SPAN/Zogby three-day telephone tracking poll shows.

The president of Florida — Just to be safe, I'm going to say right off the bat that Rudy Giuliani might be the smartest campaign strategist in many a year. — That way, if the improbable occurs and the former New York mayor wins the Republican presidential nomination, I can say I knew it all along.

Military: 75% of Baghdad areas now secure — About 75% of Baghdad's neighborhoods are now secure, a dramatic increase from 8% a year ago when President Bush ordered more troops to the capital, U.S. military figures show. — The military classifies 356 of Baghdad's 474 neighborhoods in the …

Campaigning for His Wife, Shadowed by Past Battles — The question was about a campaign polling memo in 2008, but somehow the answer drifted back to the political wars of 1998. Bill Clinton was holding forth to a group of college students in New Hampshire too young to remember …
Blue Crab Boulevard

Bill Clinton, Stumping and Simmering
The Moderate Voice,, AMERICAblog, TIME: Swampland, New York Post, Macsmind, Los Angeles Times, MSNBC and Riehl World View

Chris Matthews Backs Off ‘Nasty’ Remark on Clinton — Under pressure from feminist groups and his own bosses at MSNBC, Chris Matthews apologized yesterday for remarks about Hillary Clinton that he now admits sounded “nasty." — For 10 days, the “Hardball” host had doggedly insisted …
The Carpetbagger Report, RealClearPolitics, Gateway Pundit,, Hot Air and Romenesko

Judicial Watch Releases Records Re: Hillary's Health Care Reform Plan — Internal Memos Detail Creation of Government “Interest Group Database” to Collect Personal Data on Health Care Debate Activists — (Washington, DC) - Judicial Watch, the public interest group that investigates …

How Voters Think — People in my line of work try to answer certain questions. Why did Hillary surge after misting up in New Hampshire? Why have primary victories produced no momentum for the victors? Why did John McCain win among Republicans who oppose the Iraq war in both New Hampshire and Michigan …

THE NEW ‘LEPERS’ — THE TIMES' TROUBLE WITH VETS — I'VE had a huge response to Tuesday's column about The New York Times' obscene bid to smear veterans of Iraq and Afghanistan as mad killers. Countless readers seem to be wondering: Why did the paper do it?

Callous Conservative — After watching Fred Thompson debate his Republican rivals, I have often wondered why he is not in the top tier of candidates. He seems to have John McCain's honesty, without his razor-sharp edges, and Mitt Romney's conservatism, without his jaw-dropping inconsistencies.

Gay Tiger Attacks Huckabee — After making remarks in which he directly equated homosexuality with bestiality, former Arkansas governor Mike Huckabee was attacked at the San Francisco Zoo by a gay tiger. — Mr. Huckabee had scheduled a campaign stop at the zoo where he made his controversial remarks …

McCain hit by Hammer on the Hill — Former House Majority Leader Tom DeLay (R-Texas) lambasted Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) Thursday for “betraying” the conservative movement. — During a private luncheon with Republican chiefs of staff on Capitol Hill, DeLay — who has criticized McCain for years …

Clinton plays gaming card against Obama — Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton has embraced the gambling industry and its executives. Here, gamblers try their luck at the Desert Inn Hotel-Casino in Las Vegas. — Democrats' gambling stances may be an issue beyond Nevada.

Obama Debuts New Act in Vegas — LAS VEGAS (AP) - The White House campaign has brought a new act to Vegas. Barack Obama has stepped up his campaign against Hillary Rodham Clinton, and he's trying to use humor to bring her down before this weekend's Democratic presidential caucus.

Lawmaker Tells Court FBI Agents Bullied Him — Jefferson Testifies About 2005 Raid On His La. Home — Rep. William J. Jefferson (D-La.) testified yesterday that an FBI agent cursed at him and told him that “this is going to be the worst day of your life,” just before agents searched …

Stimulation-palooza! — Too many people have been borrowing money and spending beyond their means-charging their credit cards up the wazoo, buying more house than they can afford, etc., etc., etc. So what's Washington's solution? Give 'em “tax rebates” so we can spend, spend, spend our way out of recession.