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Obama at Ebenerzer Baptist in Atlanta. Clinton at Abyssinian Baptist in Harlem. Pictures. — Barack Obama speaks at the home church of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. on Sunday. — Barack Obama singing “Lift Every Voice and Sing" — (photos by Lynn Sweet)
Hillary, Barack, Experience — With all the sniping from the Clinton camp about whether Barack Obama has enough experience to make a strong president, consider another presidential candidate who was far more of a novice. He had the gall to run for president even though he had served …
Connecticut Favorites — It's Clinton And McCain By Big Margins, Poll Says — Republican John McCain and Democrat Hillary Rodham Clinton hold double-digit leads among likely voters in the Connecticut presidential primaries on Feb. 5, according to a poll commissioned by The Courant.
Breaking News: A Ron Paul surge in Nevada — Boy, oh, boy! Hidden behind all the hoopla, headlines and the Nevada caucus victories of Mitt Romney and Hillary Clinton is one little-noticed but stunning political development and number: — Ron Paul, the one-time Libertarian candidate …
CBS News, The Newshoggers, Deadline USA, US Politics, DownWithTyranny!, Daily Dose and
The Myth of Strategy — Looking back at the last 17 days of the primary season, it occurs to your Cardinal that despite all the talk to the contrary, every major candidate has exactly the same strategy, which is to say no real strategy at all. Each has tried to win every big primary …
Rudy Is Toast — How's that for a bold prediction? Seriously, I think Mark Steyn had it exactly wrong this afternoon, when he wrote: … If Romney hadn't won Michigan, I could almost imagine something like this happening. (Indeed, I did imagine it, back when it looked like Romney might flame out early.)
How Clinton hit pay dirt — The keys to her Nevada victory: a huge wave of new voters — If you want to know how Sen. Hillary Clinton won a convincing victory in Saturday's Nevada caucus, look back to a meeting Dec. 15 at William E. Orr Middle School in Las Vegas.
SOME CLARITY ON THOSE NV DELEGATES — From NBC's Mark Murray — After the Obama campaign pointed out it had won more pledged delegates than Clinton did — which the AP and NBC News later backed up — the Nevada Democratic Party issued this statement: “Just like in Iowa what was awarded today were delegates to the County Convention.
Captain's Quarters, PoliBlog (TM), Open Left, Liberal Values, TPM Election Central, 2008 Democratic … and Slog
Did Obama Lose Nevada Because of his Reagan Remarks? — I've discussed the ‘swing liberal’ block before, noting that this group moved from Obama to Clinton between Iowa and New Hampshire. Unfortunately, we can't really fully understand this trend in Nevada because the entrance polls aren't great.
The “public editor” of the New York Times really is nothing but a flack for the lefties — The “public editor” of the New York Times, Clark Hoyt, remains as ever unwilling to challenge the paper's editorial leadership on questions that matter. Today's column is devoted …
Fausta's blog
Why Democrats Should Support McCain — So after eight years of waiting, my main man — Senator Johnny Mac — finally won a primary in the very state that, in 2000, helped set the course for the so-called Bush presidency. — Good for John. Unfortunately, I fear the most challenging days …
Booker Rising
Yes, Obama Won Nevada — Imagine if, the day after the 2000 election, the national media simply didn't care about what happened in Florida, and instead acted as though Al Gore had won the election because he won the popular vote. Imagine if all cries from the Bush campaign about something called …
The Four Horsemen Claim the Monoline Insurers. Who's Next? — This week on our way to Financial Armageddon it was the turn of the monoline insurers to face the scythe. For over two months AMBAC Financial and MBIA, the two biggest insurers of municipal and structured debt …
McCain Agonistes — Ever since I wrote a favorable column about John McCain, I have been swamped with furious e-mail from outraged conservatives, alleging this and that, and going through in systematic fashion the usual litany-McCain-Feingold, illegal immigration, tax cuts, global warming, etc.
Gerson on Thompson — Last week Michael Gerson wrote a remarkably unserious column in which he suggested Fred Thompson lacked “moral seriousness” because he failed to embrace President Bush's global AIDS initiative with sufficient vigor. Looking at what Thompson actually said …
A Chequer-Board of Nights …