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Reuters/C-SPAN/Zogby Poll: McCain on a Roll; Clinton, Obama Neck-and-Neck in Key Super Tuesday States — Pollster John Zogby: “The Mac Attack appears ready to launch on Super Tuesday. McCain's leads are commanding, except for in California where Romney leads in Southern California and among women, investors, and voters over 50.

Obama expands lead on Clinton in California — WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Democratic presidential contender Barack Obama opened narrow leads on Hillary Clinton in California and Missouri one day before crucial “Super Tuesday” nominating contests in 24 states, according to a Reuters/C-SPAN/Zogby poll released on Monday.
Captain's Quarters,, The Trail, Hot Air, Open Left, TownHall Blog, Gateway Pundit, Donklephant and Power Line

Reuters/C-SPAN/Zogby Poll: Ahead of Super Tuesday, McCain Dominates Everywhere Except California; Obama Enjoys a Super Sunday — UTICA, New York - Republican Arizona Sen. John McCain leads in three out of four key Super Tuesday states - winning more than 50% support in New York and New Jersey …
Los Angeles Times, Captain's Quarters, Booman Tribune, Commentary, Truthdig and Raising Kaine

Dyspepsia on the Right — The prospect of John McCain as the likely Republican presidential nominee has produced a squall of anger on the right. Normally reserved columnists and usually ebullient talk-radio hosts vie to express their disgust with McCain, and their disdain for the Republicans who are about to nominate him.

In Democratic Families, Politics Makes for Estranged Bedfellows — Maria Shriver woke up Sunday morning and decided to surprise the audience at a rally for Barack Obama in Los Angeles, materializing alongside Oprah Winfrey and telling the crowd she was throwing her support behind Senator Obama …

All in the family: Politics and perspective — It gets heated around here. It's bound to get even more heated. We're in the middle of a contentious presidential campaign season. There are deep and fundamental fissures in the Republican Party. Some folks don't deal with conflict well and completely tune out.
Captain's Quarters

BULLETIN: California's First Lady Maria Shriver Endorses Barack Obama (UPDATED)

Breaking News: Maria Shriver endorses Barack Obama
Connecting.the.Dots, culturekitchen, The Caucus, Raising Kaine, SFGate, protein wisdom, PoliGazette and My Left Wing

Poll: Obama erases Clinton's lead — WASHINGTON (CNN) — Democratic Sen. Hillary Clinton is losing ground to Sen. Barack Obama in a national CNN/Opinion Research Corp. poll released on the eve of critical Super Tuesday presidential primaries and caucuses. — The two are virtually tied …

Obama's Super Bowl Ad: ‘Join’
The Democratic Daily, Calitics, Gateway Pundit, The Moderate Voice, Gristmill and The Page

Quarter of Brits think Churchill was myth: poll — LONDON (AFP) - Britons are losing their grip on reality, according to a poll out Monday which showed that nearly a quarter think Winston Churchill was a myth while the majority reckon Sherlock Holmes was real.

Fictional Heroes — If I lived in contemporary Britain …
Vox Popoli

Clinton, Obama, Insurance — The principal policy division between Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama involves health care. It's a division that can seem technical and obscure — and I've read many assertions that only the most wonkish care about the fine print of their proposals.
The Agonist, Corrente, Make Them Accountable, The Crone Speaks, Liberal Values, The Sideshow, The RBC, Tennessee Guerilla Women, NO QUARTER and RADAMISTO

Subsidized care plan's cost to double — Enrollment is outstripping state's estimate — The subsidized insurance program at the heart of the state's healthcare initiative is expected to roughly double in size and expense over the next three years - an unexpected level of growth …

GOP Senators Reassess Views About McCain — His Old Foes Still Wary Of His Pugnacious Style — John McCain once testified under oath that a Senate colleague inappropriately used tobacco corporation donations to sway votes on legislation. He cursed out another colleague in front …

Boasting in Boston — I am so confident of both a Patriots win today and a Romney win in Massachusetts on Tuesday that I made this pledge on the air Friday: “If the NY Giants beat the Patriots in the Super Bowl, I will vote cast my Super Duper Tuesday primary vote for (shudder) John McCain.”

Mad Magazine Uses Pulitzer Winners to Tweak Bush — The “usual gang of idiots,” as the editorial staff of Mad magazine lovingly describes itself, produces cultural and political parody every month. For the next issue, however, the gang has recruited some very special help.

HUD Chief Accused of Retaliation — Philadelphia Officials Sue After Land Dispute — Housing Secretary Alphonso Jackson demanded that the Philadelphia Housing Authority transfer a $2 million public property to a developer at a substantial discount, then retaliated against the housing authority …

The ‘I Hate Romney’ Club — Last summer, former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani took time out of a GOP debate to defend John McCain: “I happen to be a very big admirer of Senator McCain and I can tell you quite honestly that if I weren't running for President I would be here supporting him.”

Hillary vs. the Patriarchy — “Look, the only people for Hillary Clinton are the Democratic establishment and white women,” said Bill Kristol yesterday on Fox News Sunday, one of the many “news” outlets to expose Kristol's reliable sexism. “The Democratic establishment would be crazy …