Top Items:
Romney Quits Race — Says time of war is not the right time to continue GOP fight: “I feel I have to stand aside.” — Read full remarks at the CPAC conference here. — Did not endorse McCain. — AP: Decision effectively cedes nomination to McCain. — HALPERIN'S TAKE: TEN THINGS MITT ROMNEY COULD HAVE DONE DIFFERENTLY
GOP sources: Romney to suspend campaign — (CNN) — Former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney will suspend his bid for the Republican presidential nomination, GOP sources tell CNN. — Romney had won 270 delegates in through the Super Tuesday contests, compared with front-runner John McCain's 680.
Romney Pulling Out? Campaign Doesn't Want “To Look Destructive At What Might Be The End.” — We are beginning to see signs that Mitt Romney might be preparing to pull out of the Republican race. — Everyone is looking for tea leaves from the campaign, and we'll know more about the governor's state …
Romney Announces He Is Dropping Out of GOP Race — Former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney announced today he will suspend his campaign for the Republican presidential nomination. — He revealed his decision during a a speech to the Conservative Political Action Committee conference a few minutes ago in Washington, D.C.
Romney Quits Presidential Race — Updated Mitt Romney is suspending his campaign for president. — “If this were only about me, I'd go on,” he said during a speech at the Conservative Political Action Conference in Washington. “I feel I now have to stand aside for our party and our country.”
Romney suspends presidential campaign — Fears a fight to the convention would make Democratic victory more likely — BOSTON - Former Massachussetts Gov. Mitt Romney is supsending his presidential campaign, effectively ceding the Republican nomination to Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz.
Live from CPAC: Romney speaks..."Frankly in this time of a war, I cannot let my campaign be a part of aiding a surrender to terror...I feel I need to stand aside" — 12:43pm Eastern. I'm starting a new thread for Romney's speech...awaiting his official announcement of the suspension of his campaign.
Transcript of Romney's Speech Withdrawing From the Race
Team Romney source hints that Mitt will drop out? …
Inside Charm City, The Corner, TownHall Blog, The Campaign Spot, The Sundries Shack and Commentary
“EXCLUSIVE!” JOHN McCAIN CPAC SPEECH — A secret operative working for this website has gotten a hold of the speech John McCain will deliver to attendees of the Conservative Political Action Conference. She says I shouldn't ask how she got it although she mentioned that she had a real …
Jon Swift, Captain's Quarters, The Newshoggers, Cheat Seeking Missiles and Gateway Pundit
CPAC to all CPAC-ers: Don't boo McCain — John McCain may have it easier than he expected today when he commandeers the podium at CPAC this afternoon. Conservatives from all over will predictably fill the room to the brim to listen to what the now GOP front-runner has to say, despite a hate/love relationship with the guy.
And Obama Wept — Inspiration is nice. But some folks seem to be getting out of hand. — It's as if Tom Daschle descended from on high saying, “Be not afraid; for behold I bring you good tidings of great joy which shall be to all the people: for there is born to you this day in the city …
The Corner, TalkLeft, The Plank, Washington Monthly, Attytood, Taylor Marsh, Redstate, Wonkette, New York Observer, Hullabaloo and
Message from David Plouffe: Matching the Five Million — David Plouffe just sent out this email...
Sharia law in UK is ‘unavoidable’ — The Archbishop of Canterbury says the adoption of certain aspects of Sharia law in the UK “seems unavoidable”. — Dr Rowan Williams told Radio 4's World at One that the UK has to “face up to the fact” that some of its citizens do not relate to the British legal system.
JammieWearingFool, The Jawa Report, Hot Air, Biased BBC, Tim Blair and Blue Crab Boulevard
CPAC: Dick Cheney Speech Live-Blog — Dick Cheney is giving one of the first speeches here at CPAC. He got a very warm welcome from the crowd, which is SRO. The Cheney we're seeing now is the relaxed and funny speaker that we've known from many speeches here and other places.
The Beast is Red, Chapter 4: In a Mad Frenzy, Stinging Themselves to Eternal Death
Hold Fast
Religious police in Saudi Arabia arrest mother for sitting with a man — A 37-year-old American businesswoman and married mother of three is seeking justice after she was thrown in jail by Saudi Arabia's religious police for sitting with a male colleague at a Starbucks coffee shop in Riyadh.
McCain seeks truce with right-wing critics — John McCain, whose Super Tuesday performance has given him an aura of inevitability in the eyes of many Republican leaders, has begun an aggressive campaign to quell conservative dissent and prevent an outbreak of GOP buyer's remorse.
Confederate Yankee, Washington Wire, Liberty Pundit, The Heretik, You Decide 08!, Connecting.the.Dots and AMERICAblog