Top Items:
Hillary rips MSNBC's Shuster — ORONO, MAINE — Hillary Rodham Clinton on Saturday morning ripped MSNBC over reporter David Shuster's suggestion that Chelsea Clinton was “sort of being pimped out” by the campaign. — “I found the remarks incredibly offensive,” Clinton told reporters in this snowy town outside Bangor.
McCain romps while the Dems divide in the NEWSWEEK poll. — Mr. Electable? McCain is the man to beat on the GOP side — Sen. John McCain, whose campaign to win the Republican Party's presidential nomination was all but declared dead last summer, has cemented a commanding lead …
Candidates look for edge in weekend contests — WASHINGTON (CNN) — Louisiana, a state physically and economically damaged by Hurricane Katrina, could be a key political state this year — something not lost on both Democratic campaigns as they drum up last-minute votes.
Message from Ron — Whoa! What a year this has been. And what achievements we have had. If I may quote Trotsky of all people, this Revolution is permanent. It will not end at the Republican convention. It will not end in November. It will not end until we have won the great battle on which we have embarked.
You Decide 08!, Cheat Seeking Missiles, L.A. Times, Donklephant, Gateway Pundit and Reason Magazine
Paul Concedes Race, Sort Of — In a message to supporters sent just before 11 p.m. Friday night, Representative Ron Paul, a long-shot G.O.P. candidate from Texas, basically conceded that he's not going to win the party's nomination. — That said, he's scaling back his campaign — but not entirely.
The Other McCain, The Carpetbagger Report, DownWithTyranny!, Wake up America, PoliBlog (TM), A Blog For All and Don Surber
Mayor to Marines: Leave downtown — He says urban exercises scare people — A company of Marine Corps Reservists received a cold send-off from downtown Toledo yesterday by order of Mayor Carty Finkbeiner. — The 200 members of Company A, 1st Battalion, 24th Marines, based in Grand Rapids …
How I Could Quit The Democratic Party — I am a Democrat. I am my own local precinct captain, and I hold a seat on the Pennsylvania Democratic State Committee. Over the past four years, I have helped raise millions of dollars for Democrats. I believe in the primary process …
Superdelegate Issue Produces Threats of Quitting Democratic Party
Sanctioned States Put Democrats in Quandary — The clever people in Michigan who decided to get into a game of chicken with New Hampshire last fall over the timing of their Democratic primary should be having second thoughts this weekend. — Had Michigan Democrats not engaged in gamesmanship …
For the House in Maryland — Two able incumbents and a spirited challenger — TUESDAY'S DEMOCRATIC primary in Maryland's 4th Congressional District is a rematch of the 2006 contest between Rep. Albert R. Wynn and challenger Donna F. Edwards. In that face-off, just 17 months ago …
Friends Say Drugs Played Only Bit Part for Obama — Nearly three decades ago, Barack Obama stood out on the small campus of Occidental College in Los Angeles for his eloquence, intellect and activism against apartheid in South Africa. But Mr. Obama, then known as Barry, also joined in the party scene.
The Chicken Doves — Elected to end the war, Democrats have surrendered to Bush on Iraq and betrayed the peace movement for their own political ends — Quietly, while Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama have been inspiring Democrats everywhere with their rolling bitchfest …
Good News for Conservatives — We have a great opportunity in 2008. — What a moment! Having learned nothing from the left's Bush Derangement Syndrome, the conservative movement's big talkers spent the days before Super Tuesday indulging in a fiery display of McCain Derangement Syndrome.
The Corner
On The Record — Predictions are a mug's game, but I was right about the Super Bowl, so I thought I might go on record with mine. I think Hillary Clinton's going to win this thing. I think the college educated men who dominate punditland have spent a lot of time missing the fact …
Live updates from the Nebraska Democratic caucuses — It doesn't look good for Clinton at Monroe Middle School. — The line to the Clinton box is empty. The line to vote for Obama is about a half block long. — Order is finally being restored at Monroe Middle School.
British Journalists Dig Sharia — Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams has really stirred up a hornets' nest of controversy with his statement that sharia law is unavoidable in the UK. As you might expect, most of the commentary is opposed to his ludicrous position …