Top Items:

Chelsea Remark Earns MSNBC Correspondent A Suspension — In case there was any doubt, using a prostitution metaphor for the daughter of a presidential candidate is not a good career move. — MSNBC suspended correspondent David Shuster yesterday for an undetermined period for making a disparaging on-air remark about Chelsea Clinton.

NBC wimped out over “pimped out.” — David Shuster said — about Chelsea Clinton — “Doesn't it seem like she's being pimped out in some weird sort of way?” — Now, MSNBC has suspended him, after pressure from the Clinton campaign: … Really, how bad is it to say “pimped out”?

Reporter initially defended Chelsea comment
Neptunus Lex, FishBowlDC, TVNewser, The Page, Gateway Pundit, Associated Press and Media Matters for America

“Media Matters”; by Jamison Foser
The Moderate Voice, MyDD,, The Democratic Daily, Blog and Crooks and Liars

Friends Say Drugs Played Only Bit Part for Obama — Nearly three decades ago, Barack Obama stood out on the small campus of Occidental College in Los Angeles for his eloquence, intellect and activism against apartheid in South Africa. But Mr. Obama, then known as Barry, also joined in the party scene.

Hannity's Afternoon Meltdown — Boy, oh boy. Something is happening with the ‘true’ conservatives on AM Talk Radio. I tuned into Hannity see what had happened today and the guy just went off on what can only be described as a lick-spittle tirade! Apparently Rich Galen wrote a piece today …

Good News for Conservatives — We have a great opportunity in 2008. — What a moment! Having learned nothing from the left's Bush Derangement Syndrome, the conservative movement's big talkers spent the days before Super Tuesday indulging in a fiery display of McCain Derangement Syndrome.
The Corner

Paul Concedes Race, Sort Of — In a message to supporters sent just before 11 p.m. Friday night, Representative Ron Paul, a long-shot G.O.P. candidate from Texas, basically conceded that he's not going to win the party's nomination. — That said, he's scaling back his campaign — but not entirely.

Sanctioned States Put Democrats in Quandary — The clever people in Michigan who decided to get into a game of chicken with New Hampshire last fall over the timing of their Democratic primary should be having second thoughts this weekend. — Had Michigan Democrats not engaged in gamesmanship …

Mayor to Marines: Leave downtown — He says urban exercises scare people — A company of Marine Corps Reservists received a cold send-off from downtown Toledo yesterday by order of Mayor Carty Finkbeiner. — The 200 members of Company A, 1st Battalion, 24th Marines, based in Grand Rapids …

Superdelegate issue produces threats of quitting Democratic party — Donna Brazile was quoted as saying, “If 795 of my colleagues decide this election, I will quit the Democratic Party. I feel very strongly about this,” Brazile said. — And Chris Bowers of Open Left wrote this post …

Colin Powell may support Democrat or Independent in '08 — WASHINGTON (CNN) - Former Secretary of State Colin Powell, a Republican who served under President Bush, said Friday he may not back the GOP presidential nominee in November, telling CNN that “I am keeping my options open at the moment.”

Washington Is the Contest du Jour — TACOMA, Wash. — Senators Hillary Rodham Clinton and Barack Obama crisscrossed Washington State on Friday, drawing standing-room-only crowds as they campaigned only miles apart on the eve of Saturday's Democratic caucuses.

Gregoire endorses Obama for president

Not Every Leak Is Fit to Print — Why have federal prosecutors subpoenaed a New York Times reporter? — Investigations of national-security leaks in Washington are not all that rare. But until Judith Miller of the New York Times was sent to jail for 85 days by a special prosecutor digging …
Power Line

Fred Thompson Backs McCain — Fred Thompson, the one-time Republican presidential candidate, endorsed Sen. John McCain Friday, calling on the party to “close ranks” behind the presumed nominee. — “This is no longer about past preferences or differences.

Video: John Bolton makes the case for McCain at CPAC
Tammy Bruce, American Spectator, Macsmind, Stop The ACLU, The Huffington Post and Think Progress

When — not if — martial law is declared — I've taken a lot of criticism over the last year about my speculation that our government is preparing to declare martial law. Unfortunately, it looks like I'll get the last laugh, only it's no laughing matter and it's a lot bigger than just Blackwater.

Huckabee-McCain: A ticket made in marriage — Mike Huckabee, calling politics a blood sport that only the brave can stand, declared again here today that he will stand to the finish. — Have people called on him to withdraw from the Republican race for president, now that Sen. John McCain …
Jonathan Martin's Blogs

Marry Him! — About six months after my son was born, he and I were sitting on a blanket at the park with a close friend and her daughter. It was a sunny summer weekend, and other parents and their kids picnicked nearby—mothers munching berries and lounging on the grass, fathers tossing balls with their giddy toddlers.

Deep Background: Where is al-Qaida's American? — Where is accused terrorist Adam Gadahn? — That's what Taliban sources along the Afghan-Pakistan border are wondering about the American-born al-Qaida member. Gadahn, known as Azzam al-Ameriki (Azzam the American), joined al-Qaida in 2003 …
A Blog For All, JammieWearingFool, The Long War Journal, PoliGazette, Hot Air and Gateway Pundit

Adam Gadahn Still Missing, Taliban Worried
Anti-Idiotarian Rottweiler

Bush Presses for G.O.P. Unity; Party Set to Focus on Security — WASHINGTON — Offering a preview of the general election campaign, President Bush sought on Friday to unify the Republican Party behind its presumptive nominee and said the contest would present the country with a stark ideological choice at a time of war.

When the GOP closes ranks
Discussion:, Crooks and Liars, Firedoglake, DownWithTyranny!, Blog and Los Angeles Times