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Clinton dismisses weekend losses — WHITE MARSH, Maryland (CNN) — Hillary Clinton on Monday explained away Barack Obama's clean sweep of the weekend's caucuses and primaries as a product of a caucus system that favors “activists” and, in the case of the Louisiana primary, an energized African-American community.
The Swamp, The Page, Spin Cycle, THE LIBERAL JOURNAL, AMERICAblog, Donklephant, Comments from Left Field and Balloon Juice

Clinton Insists Campaign Is Strong
Matthew Yglesias, New York Sun, Truthdig, MSNBC, Associated Press, Jules Crittenden and Gateway Pundit

College Junior Breakfasts With Chelsea Clinton — 21-Year-Old Wisconsin Super Delegate Gets Face Time With Former First Daughter — Jason Rae is a typical junior in college. — He spends several hours a day in class at Marquette University in Wisconsin where he is majoring in history and political science.

The Clintons' Charm Offensive — Jason Rae, a 21-year-old super-delegate from Wisconsin, has not only had breakfast with Chelsea, he's gotten a phone call from Bill: … Impressively (especially for a 21 year old), Rae says he won't endorse until after the Wisconsin primary.

Barack Obama Makes His Case — Steve Kroft Interviews The Democratic Presidential Candidate — (CBS) Asked what he thinks is the biggest difference between himself and Senator Hillary Clinton, Obama told Kroft, “I think Senator Clinton is smart and can be an effective advocate.

Not Ready For Prime Time — Barack Obama appeared on 60 Minutes last night, and once again he offered change. Unfortunately, the kind of change offered appeared to be the same he accuses his opponents of offering — waffling on the status of troops in Iraq.

A Flag Obama Supporters Salute? — Oh, my. Barack Obama may want to call his new Houston office and suggest some decorating ideas. Take a look at the flag flying in the office at the moment: — No, that's not a Texas state flag with a picture of Obama on it.

Getting to 270 — Can John McCain win in November? — The conventional wisdom is that Republicans start at a serious disadvantage in trying to hold the White House. A still-unpopular war and a softening economy certainly represent challenges. So far, most of the enthusiasm in the primaries …

Obama, the Democratic Nominee? Yes He Can! — A Commentary By Dick Morris & Eileen McGann — I believe that Barack Obama will defeat Hillary and win the Democratic nomination. I think that this weekend's victories in states as diverse as Washington State, Louisiana, Nebraska …

Krugman: Sigh — Paul Krugman's column today is just bizarre: … Note to self: whenever someone writes an article that doesn't reference any specific individual, just a mindset attributed to an entire group of people, beware. — I have no doubt that most of the venom that Krugman sees comes from Obama supporters.

My Brother the Superdelegate and Why I Don't Trust Him to Pick the Next President — My brother Rahm Emanuel is a superdelegate. I love my brother, and I trust my brother. But I gave up letting my brother dictate my life since he determined whether he got the top or bottom bunk in our bedroom back in Chicago.
Open Left, DownWithTyranny!, Balloon Juice, The American Mind, The Swamp, politburo diktat 2.0, Ground Game and Left in the West

Rove's Awesome Election Analysis — Rove was on Face the Nation yesterday, expressing confidence that John McCain would have no trouble uniting the Republican party in time to defeat the Democratic nominee in the fall. The intraparty squabbling, said Rove, was a hiccup; in 2000 …

Did Bill Sink Hill on Purpose? — Before I explain, let me say that I'm not a (Bill) Clinton hater. I actually like the guy. I've grown nostalgic for the Clinton years. The economy was booming. He was the most free trade president we've had in a long, long time (certainly more free trade than this one).

Why Democrats must choose Obama — The manager or the visionary. Hillary Clinton's own supporters - the candidate herself, in speech after speech - have cast the fight this way. Stirred emotions and soaring rhetoric are all very well, goes the line. If that is what you want, vote for Barack Obama.

Gallup Daily: Tracking Election 2008 — Based on daily polling conducted Feb. 8-10, 2008 — PRINCETON, NJ — Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama are now essentially tied in the Gallup Poll Daily tracking results for Feb. 8-10, with Clinton at 46% and Obama at 44%. Clinton's lead over Obama has eroded over the past five days.

NEW: Preliminary Virginia Poll has Obama and McCain with Sizable Leads: Huckabee Surges — Eve of VA Democratic Primary 2/11/08: No Late Charge from Clinton; Obama Will Get Larger Share of Delegates: 24 hours till votes are counted in the Virginia Democratic Primary, Barack Obama is positioned …

Obama, the Very-High-Tax Candidate — To the casual reader of the primary and caucus results of this past weekend, Obama is just creaming Hillary. This race won't be over until the returns are in from Texas and Ohio next month and Pennsylvania in April. After that, the super-delegates will have to make up their minds.