Top Items:
Obama visits Edwards — Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.) paid a secret visit to his former rival, John Edwards, in quest of his endorsement on Sunday. — The meeting in Chapel Hill, N.C., where Edwards lives, is the latest effort by Obama and Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton (D-N.Y.) to win …
Clinton hits Obama on funds — Clinton campaign officials said Sunday that heading into the climactic primaries on March 4, they will try to make a major issue of Sen. Barack Obama's refusal to commit to spending limits in a general election. — “That's not change you can believe in,” …
Obama and Edwards Sit Down in North Carolina — ABC News' David Wright and Sunlen Miller Report: Mother Nature may have called a cease-fire in the snows of Wisconsin, but Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., appears to have put the time to good use. — A helicopter cameraman for ABC's Raleigh-Durham …
Hillary Clinton Not Conceding Wisconsin — Saw this headline over at Huffington Post this morning: … But I noticed that the article it pointed to was written on Friday, prior to the article Jonathan linked to yesterday reporting on her “scaling back” her Wisconsin schedule. So which is it?
The Expectations Game: Point To Clinton's Wolfson — As well as this campaign has gone for Barack Obama, the one field of play where his team has been consistently outmaneuvered by the Clinton team has been on playing the expectations game. Todd Beeton shows Axelrod taking it on the chin …
Kosovo Declares Its Independence From Serbia — PRISTINA, Kosovo — The former Serbian province of Kosovo declared independence on Sunday, sending tens of thousands of ethnic Albanians swarming through the streets to celebrate what they hoped was the end of a long and bloody struggle for national self-determination.
Kosovo Declares Independence From Serbia — PRISTINA, Kosovo — Kosovo declared itself a nation on Sunday, mounting a historic bid to become an “independent and democratic state” backed by the U.S. and key European allies but bitterly contested by Serbia and Russia.
Matthew Yglesias, Hot Air, The Agonist, MSNBC, Stop The ACLU, Taylor Marsh, Vodkapundit, War and Piece and Publius Pundit
Transcript: DNI Mike McConnell on ‘FNS’ — WASHINGTON — The following is a partial transcript of the Feb. 17, 2008, edition of “FOX News Sunday With Chris Wallace”: — “FOX NEWS SUNDAY” HOST CHRIS WALLACE: A law which gives President Bush powers to monitor communications among terrorism suspects expired at midnight.
Dems Accuse Bush Administration of Politicized Fear-Mongering on FISA
The Sundries Shack
Analysts say FISA will suffice
Think Progress, Middle Earth Journal, The Carpetbagger Report, Balloon Juice and White House
“That Root,” “youths,” and why Reuters is a disgrace — In “Portrait of an Age,” G. M. Young's classic overview of early Victorian England, there are a few melancholy pages devoted to the devastating Irish potato famine of the mid 1840s. Young notes in an aside that Sir Robert Peel …
The Fun and Excitement of Civilization Wars (fought from afar) — In response to my post on Friday pointing out that nobody outside of the handful of Muslim-obsessed faux-warriors is moved any longer by the Government's endless exploitation of Terrorism to secure more and more unchecked power, National Review's Mark Steyn said:
Questions For John McCain — WASHINGTON — Foreign policy has slipped to the periphery of presidential politics, displaced by a nonexistent recession as the voters' preoccupation. Come autumn, however, Iraq and Iran might be central subjects, Iraq as a bigger problem for the Democratic nominee …
Steadfast McCain ally sparks veep talk — Even through the McCain campaign's darkest days in 2007, Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty remained a steadfast ally to the Arizona senator in his bid for the Republican presidential nomination. — As a result, with John McCain as the clear GOP frontrunner …
Clinton keeps up health care attack — This mailer, provided by the Obama campaign, is the latest salvo from Hillary on health care. It also includes a quote from Paul Krugman accusing Obama of “unscrupulous demagoguery” on the issue. Obama has a conference call shortly …
New McCain Rips Old McCain's Argument That Bush Tax Cuts Benefit The ‘Wealthy’ — On ABC's This Week today, host George Stephanopoulos asked Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) about Democratic proposals to protect “middle-income Americans” and “only raise” taxes “on the wealthy.”
Lessons Learned — Spencer Ackerman travels the world, assembling apropos anecdotes. For example, when he was in Mosul he saw a Provincial Reconstruction Team helping to oversee a terrorism trial and teach the Iraqis a thing or two about the rule of law: … Let freedom ring.