Top Items:

Amid Charges of Spitzer Tryst, Embattled Prostitute “Kristen” Expected to Resign — New York - At a hastily scheduled morning press conference at the headquarters of New York's exclusive Emperors Club prostitution ring, high priced call girl “Kristen” announced that she would temporarily step aside …

SPITZER HAS USED HOOKERS FOR 6 YEARS: SOURCES — Gov. Eliot Spitzer has been soliciting high-priced hookers for at least six years and possibly for more than a decade, sources tell The Post. — The revelation yesterday that the crusading governor was in fact “Client 9” …

Revelations Began in Routine Tax Inquiry — The rendezvous that established Gov. Eliot Spitzer's involvement with high-priced prostitutes occurred last month in one of Washington's grandest hotels, but the criminal investigation that discovered the tryst began last year in a nondescript …

Wall Street Cheers As Its Nemesis Plunges Into Crisis — Allies Praise Spitzer, But Knives Come Out; 'He's Proven Me Correct' — It's Schadenfreude time on Wall Street. — Eliot Spitzer, the New York governor who made his name taking on the titans of finance, apologized yesterday …
New York Times, Harper's, The Current, Jezebel, Debbie Schlussel, DownWithTyranny!, The American Mind and City Room

Sinbad Unloads on Hillary Clinton — Finally, the Barack Obama campaign has found a big gun to help shoot down Hillary Rodham Clinton's self-proclaimed foreign policy experience. And he may be the wackiest gun of all: Sinbad, the actor, who has come out from under a rock to defend Obama in the war over foreign policy credentials.
The New Republic, TownHall Blog, CBS News, Matthew Yglesias, QandO, Wonkette, Trailhead, Real Clear Politics and Slog

The Red Phone in Black and White — ON first watching Hillary Clinton's recent “It's 3 a.m.” advertisement, I was left with an uneasy feeling that something was not quite right — something that went beyond my disappointment that she had decided to go negative. Repeated watching of the ad on YouTube increased my unease.

Obama Memo: “No Support For Claim That Clinton Has Passed ‘Commander-In-Chief Test’” — Signaling a sustained and more aggressive counterattack against Hillary's “commander-in-chief test” assault, the Obama campaign has a new memo out from foreign policy adviser Greg Craig that goes …

Team Obama Hits Clinton on Experience Claims
The Corner

Aide: Spitzer May Defy Calls To Step Down — Governor Huddles With Lawyers at Home — ALBANY — A top aide to Governor Spitzer said today Mr. Spitzer has not made up his mind about whether to step down from office despite mounting calls for his resignation amid allegations that he arranged …

Reality and the Iraq war — Is the progress today the first glimpse of light at the end of the tunnel? Maybe, maybe not. But the Democrats shouldn't act as though it's an oncoming train. — Most Democrats — in fact, most Americans — believe that the Iraq war has been a huge mistake for this country.
Washington Monthly, Think Progress, The Washington Independent, Matthew Yglesias and Open Left

Obama adviser says Clinton must ‘repudiate’ backer's comments — (CNN) — A senior adviser to Barack Obama's presidential campaign called on Hillary Clinton to “repudiate” a comment by one of her top fundraisers that Barack Obama would not be a major presidential contender if he were not black.
TPM Election Central, The Caucus, The Politico, Fox News, The Page, QandO, Wonkette, The Trail and Daily Kos

Geraldine Ferraro sparks controversy with remark on Obama
Real Clear Politics

Exhaustive review finds no link between Saddam and al Qaida — WASHINGTON — An exhaustive review of more than 600,000 Iraqi documents that were captured after the 2003 U.S. invasion has found no evidence that Saddam Hussein's regime had any operational links with Osama bin Laden's al Qaida terrorist network.
The Moderate Voice, Rapid Report, The Huffington Post, MoJoBlog, Washington Post, Donklephant, Liberal Values, The Daily Dish, Sadly, No!, D-Day, Gateway Pundit, Emptywheel, Taylor Marsh, Blue Girl, Red State, PoliGazette, Balloon Juice, The Mahablog, Informed Comment, Washington Monthly, The Carpetbagger Report and TPMMuckraker

House Surveillance Bill Contains Provision to Aid Telecom Suits — As The New York Times reports this morning, the House leadership's draft proposal for a surveillance bill contains a provision that would reject giving retroactive immunity to the telecoms. Instead, it would give …
CQ Politics, Eschaton, The Carpetbagger Report, Daily Kos, Obsidian Wings, Political Machine, New York Times, Hold Fast and

Murdoch: There's no ‘conservative’ agenda — In his first visit to the Wall Street Journal's D.C. bureau, Rupert Murdoch told staffers Friday that he would put more resources into Washington coverage and take on the New York Times, while reassuring them that he is not a “conservative” pushing an agenda in the news pages.

Confirmed: Obama Did Gain Delegates From California Vote Count — We've just confirmed with the California Democratic Party that reports in the blogosphere, which said that Barack Obama picked up additional delegates from the vote count in California, are correct.
The Moderate Voice

Man shoots sister then congratulated by family — Police arrest 24-year-old man from Naura, an Israeli-Arab town in northern Israel, who shot his 19-year old sister to preserve 'family's honor.' Family members arrived to congratulate shooter — Familial endorsement for murder.
The Jawa Report