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11:05 AM ET, March 13, 2008


 Top Items: 
Devlin Barrett / Associated Press:
Clinton Apologizes to Black Voters … WASHINGTON (AP) - Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton did something Wednesday night that she almost never does.  She apologized.  And once she started, she didn't seem able to stop.  —  The New York senator, who is in a tight race with Illinois Sen. Barack …
The Huffington Post:
Olbermann Slams Clinton in Special Comment: “You Are Campaigning As If Barack Obama Were The Democrat And You Were The Republican”  —  Tonight, as promised, Keith Olbermann attacked Senator Hillary Clinton in a ten-minute “Special Comment,” saying that he was not endorsing Barack Obama but that …
Logan Murphy / Crooks and Liars:
Countdown Special Comment: Sen. Clinton, “This is not a campaign strategy.
Keith Olbermann / MSNBC:
Clinton's tepid response to Ferraro is shameful
Hillary Clinton / CNN:
Breaking: Ferraro steps down
Ben Smith / Ben Smith's Blogs:
Wright on film  —  Sure does feel like we're plunging into the abyss tonight.  —  Fox just posted a big Jeremiah Wright story, and the video is pretty gripping, and deeply racially confrontational.  He begins by describing the Romans, who crucified Jesus, as Italians, and thus white, and more or less goes from there.
Fox News:
Obama's Spiritual Mentor May Put Church in Hot Water  —  CHICAGO - Barack Obama's controversial pastor and the church he's served for 36 years may be in hot water over statements he has made from the pulpit in support of the Illinois senator's run for the White House.
New York Times:
For an Aspiring Singer, a Harsher Spotlight  —  She left a broken home on the Jersey Shore at 17 and came to New York City to work the nightclubs as a rhythm and blues singer.  Now, at 22, she is the unwitting, and as yet unseen, star of the seamy drama that is the downfall of Gov. Eliot Spitzer of New York.
Kenneth Thiesen / Berkeley Daily Planet:
Commentary: Why I Don't Support the Troops  —  In the recent political battle around the Marine recruiting station in Berkeley there has been much confusion around the concept or slogan of “supporting the troops,” but opposing the unjust wars of the Bush regime.
Detroit Free Press:
Democrats propose do-over primary paid for by donors  —  LANSING — As negotiators continued to work Wednesday on developing an acceptable plan for a possible do-over Democratic presidential primary in Michigan, the prospect of a state-run — but party-funded — primary was raised …
Ben Smith / The Politico:   Fla. Dems propose June 3 re-vote
Thomas Heath / Washington Post:
Carlyle Fund's Assets Seized  —  Leaders Fail to Stop Securities Sell-Off  —  A publicly traded affiliate of the Carlyle Group said yesterday that lenders were seizing its assets, sending the fund, Carlyle Capital, into insolvency.  —  The collapse of Carlyle Capital is the first time a Carlyle Group fund …
Discussion: AMERICAblog
Carlyle Capital Nears Collapse as Rescue Talks Fail
Discussion: Redstate
Jackie Calmes / Wall Street Journal:
McCain, GOP May Have Cause for Hope  —  Latest Poll Helps Detail Reasons the Democrats Remain Deadlocked  —  Rarely have the stars aligned so squarely against the party in power in elections for the White House as it has for Republicans, the latest Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll bears out.
Mark Murray / MSNBC:
NBC/WSJ poll: Voters say they're worse off
Andrew Taylor / Associated Press:
Candidates return for budget votes
Discussion: Truthdig
David Paul Kuhn / The Politico:
Support for war effort highest since 2006  —  American public support for the military effort in Iraq has reached a high point unseen since the summer of 2006, a development that promises to reshape the political landscape.  —  According to late February polling conducted by the Pew Research Center …
Michelle Malkin:
Hot Air TV: Sen. John Kerry confronted about Winter Soldier II  —  Grab the popcorn.  We've got another joint YAF/Hot Air TV production for you, just in time for the anti-war confab known as “Winter Soldier II” that kicks off in Washington, D.C. tomorrow and runs through Sunday.
Robert D. Novak / Washington Post:
Gun Battle at the White House?  —  In preparation for oral arguments Tuesday on the extent of gun rights guaranteed by the Second Amendment, the U.S. Supreme Court has before it a brief signed by Vice President Cheney opposing the Bush administration's stance.
Ted Barrett / CNN:
Senate to vote on one-year earmark ban  —  WASHINGTON (CNN) — The top three presidential candidates are interrupting their campaign schedules Thursday to return to Capitol Hill for a high-profile vote on a measure to ban so-called congressional earmarks for one year.
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 More Items: 
Ross Douthat:
The Costs Of Living  —  Ezra writes: … In response …
Rachel L. Swarns / New York Times:
HUD Secretary Draws Strong Criticism at Hearing
Plain Dealer / OPENERS:
Former Ohio senator Howard Metzenbaum dies in Florida
David S. Broder / Washington Post:
The Dream-Ticket Fantasy
Associated Press:
Sheriff: Woman spent 2 years sitting on boyfriend's toilet
Discussion: The Agitator
Spitzer, Nifong & Earle
Eric Lichtblau / New York Times:
F.B.I. Made ‘Blanket’ Demands for Phone Records
Discussion: Think Progress
David Ignatius / Washington Post:
A Centcom Chief Who Spoke His Mind
 Earlier Items: 
Associated Press:
Conn. Student Suspended For Buying Candy In School
Lexington Green / Chicago Boyz:
Yes or No?  —  Baron Bodissey at Gates of Vienna has a post regarding …
Don Dahler / WCBS-TV:
Experts: Indictments Loom For Spitzer
William Kern / The Moderate Voice:
‘Many Dishes May Brake’ at the Next NATO Summit
Discussion: JustOneMinute
Alison Smale / International Herald Tribune:
‘Magic is over’ for U.S., says French foreign minister
Faiz / Think Progress:
Buchanan flips out, tells guest to ‘shut up!’
Larry McShane / NY Daily News:
Richest man in England may have been Client No. 6
New York Times:
Pentagon Cites Tapes Showing Interrogations