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On My Faith and My Church — The pastor of my church, Rev. Jeremiah Wright, who recently preached his last sermon and is in the process of retiring, has touched off a firestorm over the last few days. He's drawn attention as the result of some inflammatory and appalling remarks he made about our country …
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Wright leaves Obama campaign — Spokesman Tommy Vietor emails: — “Rev. Wright is no longer serving on the African American Religious Leadership Committee.” — That cuts Wright's only formal tie to Obama, and answers what was sure to be a question in Obama's interviews tonight …
Sister Toldjah, MSNBC, Gateway Pundit, NO QUARTER, Jules Crittenden, Wizbang, The Page, MyDD and Patterico's Pontifications

IS WRIGHT A “DEATH BLOW” TO OBAMA? — Like a number of emailers, TPM Reader JB is wringing his hands over Obama's Rev. Wright: … Late Update: TPM Reader KR defends JB: … TPM Reader MS foresees this line of attack:
Scared Monkeys

What Obama Saw in Wright's Church — A reader says that we cannot know what is in Obama's heart, and to a certain extent, that's true. My reader believes therefore that Wright's racist anger is what Obama truly believes - and is now concealing. All I can say is that very …
The Jed Report

Controversial minister leaves Obama campaign — Presidential candidate condemns words but not ministry of former pastor — Editor's note: This article includes language some readers may consider inappropriate. — Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., condemned racially charged sermons …
The Daily Dish, The Other McCain, The Jawa Report, Macsmind, Lynn Sweet and Hotline On Call

Notes From a Black Pastor — Well, considering that I am an African American pastor, I should say something about the whole affair concerning the Rev. Jeremiah Wright, the pastor of Trinity United Church of Christ, Barack Obama's church. — I have to state, in the interest of full disclosure …

Like A Rolling Stone - Obama Realizes Wright is Outrageous — MUST READ: Obama steps to The Huffington Post to address the Wright debacle. At a quick glance, his defense will be ripped as BS - he seems to be pretending Wright has made a few awful comments, not twenty years worth. Here we go:

Obama issues statement repudiating Wright, may appear on Hannity & Colmes; Update: Wright leaves Obama's campaign; Update: “You can get kind of rough in the sermons” — Not sure about the H&C rumor but DU looks to have picked it up from Hannity's radio show.

Obama Sends Statement on Controversial Pastor to The Brody File
The Huffington Post

Obama and the Minister — In a sermon delivered at Howard University …
Marc Ambinder, The Jawa Report, The Daily Dish, Hot Air, The Swamp, Booker Rising, Commentary, baldilocks, The Jed Report, Tammy Bruce, Obsidian Wings, American Power, Reasoned Audacity, A Blog For All, Top of the Ticket, Confederate Yankee, Dick Polman's American Debate and The Opinionator

Obama says Rezko played a bigger fundraising role — This corner lot at Hyde Park Boulevard and Greenwood Avenue in Chicago, formerly owned by Antoin “Tony” Rezko's wife, Rita, is next door to the home (right) of U.S. Sen. Barack Obama. (Tribune photo by Milbert O. Brown / March 6, 2008)

Obama Says Rezko Played a Bigger Fundraising Role Than Previously Known — In a just published interview with Sen. Barack Obama, the Chicago Tribune reports: … Repeated lapses of judgment. The Tribune says that's how Obama views it. — The interview raises another question: Obama's naivite.

WHY CLINTON DOESN'T WANT A RE-VOTE. — There aren't many windows into a strongly pro-Clinton/anti-Obama view in the blogosphere, making TalkLeft invaluable, where “Big Tent Democrat” (the former Armando of DailyKos) has been focused like a laser on the issue of how to deal with the Michigan and Florida Democratic delegations.

Legislators plan talks with Clinton, Obama campaigns today

House Passes FISA Amendments Act — The House has just passed the House amendment to the Senate amendment to H.R. 3773, to amend the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act of 1978 to establish a procedure for authorizing certain acquisitions of foreign intelligence, and for other purposes, by a vote of 213-197-1.

Playing the Racist Card — FERRARO'S COMMENTS ABOUT OBAMA WERE RACIST. WHY CAN'T WE SAY THAT? — There is peculiar bit of jujitsu that white public figures have employed recently whenever they're called to account for saying something stupid about black people.

Obama Cuts Into Clinton's Delegate Lead Among Elected Officials — Barack Obama has pulled almost even with Hillary Clinton in endorsements from top elected officials and has cut into her lead among the other superdelegates she's relying on to win the Democratic presidential nomination.

McCain says al Qaeda might try to tip U.S. election — SPRINGFIELD, Pennsylvania (Reuters) - Republican presidential candidate John McCain said on Friday he fears that al Qaeda or another extremist group might attempt spectacular attacks in Iraq to try to tilt the U.S. election against him.

Halt the political hara-kiri — In this, the most fascinating and longest-running Democratic primary process of our time, we were presented with a silly moment that unfortunately is all too reflective of modern American culture. Consider the case of one Samantha Power.
Jules Crittenden