Top Items:
Think Progress:
One Year Later, Market Where McCain Strolled ‘Freely’ Is Controlled By Sadr, Too Unsafe For Americans To Visit — On April 1, 2007, Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) strolled through the open-air Shorja market in Baghdad in an effort to prove that Americans are “not getting the full picture” of what's going on in Iraq.
Bradley Brooks / Associated Press:
McCain makes unannounced trip to Iraq — BAGHDAD - Sen. John McCain, the Republican Party's presumptive nominee for president who has linked his political future to U.S. success in Iraq, was in Baghdad on Sunday for meetings with Iraqi and U.S. diplomatic and military officials, a U.S. government official said.
Sweetness & Light:
Pastor Wright Erased From Obama's Website — Just like in the bad old days of the Stalinist Soviet Union, an inconvenient personage has been airbrushed from the Barack Obama campaign's website. — Before, via Google's cache (as retrieved on Mar 8, 2008 20:01:06 GMT): … And the current page:
Little Green Footballs:
Obama Web Site ‘Disappears’ Radical Pastor — The official Barack Obama campaign web site has quietly airbrushed away any mention of Rev. Jeremiah Wright, with no statement or explanation. He was formerly the very first person listed on Obama's “Testimonials” page: Pastor Wright Erased From Obama's Website.
Mark Steyn / Orange County Register:
Obama's pastor disaster
Obama's pastor disaster
Betsy's Page, NO QUARTER, Blue Crab Boulevard, Patterico's Pontifications and Pajamas Media
Mike Allen / The Politico:
Obama's church accuses media of character assassination — The Chicago church attended by Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.) issued a statement Sunday contending that coverage of his pastor's inflammatory remarks amounted to character assassination and “an attack on ... the history of the African American church.”
Chicago Tribune:
Obama prepares for full assault on Clinton — Contender to take aim at Clinton's ethics — PLAINFIELD, Ind. - Sen. Barack Obama is trying to air his dirty laundry — even some items that might appear just a little wrinkled — as he prepares a full assault on Sen. Hillary Clinton over ethics and transparency.
New York Times:
The Intelligence Cover-Up — For more than two years now, Congress, the news media, current and former national security officials, think tanks and academic institutions have been engaged in a profound debate over how to modernize the law governing electronic spying to keep pace with technology.
Doug B. / Sentencing Law and Policy:
Why the #$@! is AG Mukasey speaking out against execution for 9/11 plotters and suggesting US justice is sadist? — I have never quite figured out what's going on with the Justice Department under the leadership of AG Michael Mukasey, but this new piece from ABCNews has me really scratching my head.
Centerpoint Review
Associated Press:
Oklahoma Rep. Sally Kern on YouTube Clip: Homosexuality Bigger Threat Than Terrorism — OKLAHOMA CITY — A YouTube audio clip of a state lawmaker's screed against homosexuality, which she called a bigger threat than terrorism, has outraged gay activists and brought death threats rolling in.
Ali / Think Progress:
Perino: men know more about war ‘by osmosis.’ — Perino: men know more about war ‘by osmosis.’ — On Fox News Sunday today, White House press secretary Dana Perino was named the “Power Player of the Week.” She explained to host Chris Wallace that, in addition to the pressure to look good …
Andrew Ferguson / Weekly Standard:
The Wit & Wisdom of Barack Obama — Some of it may sound familiar. — There's still room for whimsy at the New Yorker magazine, I don't care what you've heard. Just the other day two of the New Yorker's bloggers (now there's a phrase to send Harold Ross spinning) were chewing over the widely noted eloquence of Barack Obama.
New York Times:
Through Bush-Colored Glasses — President Bush admitted on Friday that times are tough. So much for the straight talk. — Mr. Bush went on to paint a false picture of the economy. He dismissed virtually every proposal Congress is working on to alleviate the mortgage crisis, sticking to his administration's inadequate ideas.
Michael Kinsley / Washington Post:
Offense Taken — First of all, I unequivocally dissociate myself from remarks by my second cousin to the effect that my worthy opponent is a “prize bitch.” My cousin is a dog breeder and thought she was being complimentary. She did not appreciate that such phraseology could give offense …
Lisa Schiffren / The Corner:
Barak, Church and State — Call me a cynic, but here's my guess about how Senator Obama came to join Pastor Wright's church — and stay for 20 years. Obama, as we all know, was brought up by his free-spirit, actively atheistic mom, and her two Muslim husbands.
American Spectator