Top Items:

JPMorgan Acts to Buy Ailing Bear Stearns at Huge Discount — Bear Stearns, facing collapse because of the mortgage crisis, agreed Sunday evening to be bought by JPMorgan Chase for a bargain-basement price of less than $250 million, the two companies announced.

Bear Stearns Closes in on Deal To Sell Itself to J.P. Morgan — Bear Stearns Cos. was closing in on a deal Sunday afternoon to sell itself to J.P. Morgan Chase & Co., as worries deepened that the financial crisis of confidence could spread if Bear failed to find a buyer by Monday morning.

Sunday Financial Meltdown Blogging — Every now and again, and then increasingly as things start looking worse, I get a comment like “how can you write about [thing that's not earth-shatteringly important] when the economy is [something terrible happening in the economy].”
Brendan Nyhan

The B Word — O.K., here it comes: The unthinkable is about to become the inevitable. — Last week, Robert Rubin, the former Treasury secretary, and John Lipsky, a top official at the International Monetary Fund, both suggested that public funds might be needed to rescue the U.S. financial system.

U.S. Fed Cuts Discount Rate, Says Dealers May Borrow — The Federal Reserve, in an emergency weekend decision, cut the rate on direct loans to commercial banks and opened up borrowing at the rate to primary dealers in government securities. — In an announcement before the start of trading …

Rescue Me: A Fed Bailout Crosses a Line
DownWithTyranny!, Balkinization, The Huffington Post, Greg Mankiw's Blog, Grasping Reality … and The New Republic

McGreevey aide says he had sexual trysts with ex-governor, wife — A former aide to James E. McGreevey said today that he had three-way sexual trysts with the former governor and his wife before he took office, challenging Dina Matos McGreevey's assertion that she was naive about her husband's sexual exploits.
JunkYardBlog, Gawker, Gateway Pundit, The Corner, The Daily Dish, Pam's House Blend, The Other McCain and Political Byline

Obama's church accuses media of character assassination — The Chicago church attended by Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.) issued a statement Sunday contending that coverage of his pastor's inflammatory remarks amounted to character assassination and “an attack on ... the history of the African American church.”
Discussion:, Hot Air, Gateway Pundit, UCCtruths, The Sundries Shack, Donklephant, Political Byline, Stop The ACLU and PoliGazette

Oprah, Obama, And Wright — It has been reported that Oprah Winfrey, who endorsed Obama, is the other famous member of Wright's now controversial church. However, she seems to have moved away from that church quite some time ago - this is from 2002: … I wonder what Oprah would say about the direction Wright's ministry took.

Obama answers questions about Rezko, pastor — No campaign stops were scheduled Sunday for Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama. He was in the Chicago area Saturday night for a fundraiser. — The Illinois senator was in an Indianapolis suburb also this weekend, where he …

One Year Later, Market Where McCain Strolled ‘Freely’ Is Controlled By Sadr, Too Unsafe For Americans To Visit — On April 1, 2007, Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) strolled through the open-air Shorja market in Baghdad in an effort to prove that Americans are “not getting the full picture” of what's going on in Iraq.
The Daily Dish, The Seminal, Crooks and Liars, Associated Press, Hullabaloo, The Newshoggers, Angry Bear and Political Byline

The Gathering Storm at Justice — I don't in the ordinary course review and recommend law review articles, but I've just come across one that is close to indispensable for public affairs junkies. On December 7, 2006—the anniversary of the attack on Pearl Harbor—at least eight U.S. attorneys …
Centerpoint Review

Video: Juan Williams lowers the boom on Obama — By special request of Ace, who tells me his commenters were buzzing about it this morning. Williams has never had much patience for grievance culture so this shouldn't surprise. He's juggling a lot of balls here — the “authenticity” …

Bill Clinton: ‘Chill Out,’ Let Voters Decide — Former President Says Most Democrats Like Both Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama — Bill Clinton, in an exclusive interview with Robin Roberts, said he thinks Democrats are torn between two candidates they like, and that it's time to “chill out” …

Gallup Daily: McCain at 47% to Obama's 44% — PRINCETON, NJ — The latest Gallup Poll Daily tracking update on registered voters' general election preferences for president finds that John McCain has opened up a slight advantage over Barack Obama, 47% to 44%, while McCain and Hillary Clinton remained tied at 46% each.

Op-Ed Contributors: Reflections on the Invasion of Iraq — To mark this week's fifth anniversary of the invasion of Iraq, the Op-Ed page asked nine experts on military and foreign affairs to assess their previous and current outlook.

Obama prepares for full assault on Clinton — Contender to take aim at Clinton's ethics — PLAINFIELD, Ind. - Sen. Barack Obama is trying to air his dirty laundry — even some items that might appear just a little wrinkled — as he prepares a full assault on Sen. Hillary Clinton over ethics and transparency.
The Swamp