Top Items:

Obama plans major race speech tomorrow — Barack Obama will give a major speech on “the larger issue of race in this campaign,” he told reporters in Monaca, PA just now. — He was pressed there, as he has been at recent appearances, on statements by his former pastor, Jeremiah Wright.

Kristol Fails To Check His Sources, And So Bungles Key Fact In Anti-Obama Column — Bill Kristol's New York Times column about Barack Obama this morning contains a major, prejudicial error. — Paragraph five: … The error is in trusting the source without checking.
The Moderate Voice,, Think Progress, JustOneMinute,, Confederate Yankee, Balloon Juice, The Carpetbagger Report, Dick Polman's American Debate, Political Byline, Matthew Yglesias, Outside The Beltway, Riehl World View, TalkLeft, Sister Toldjah, Comments from Left Field, Obsidian Wings, Reason Magazine, Macsmind, Fausta's blog, Brendan Nyhan, Swampland, Left in the West, PunditGuy, Political Punch and AMERICAblog

Falwell and Wright — Ezra Klein's a smart guy, so I'm assuming this is a parody of liberal cluelessness rather than the real thing: … What horses**t. If John McCain were an evangelical Christian and a longstanding member of Jerry Falwell's congregation, and if he had written a memoir describing …

Generation Obama? Perhaps Not. — Sunday evening, Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner held a “Generation Obama” fund-raiser at Boston's Rumor Nightclub. In case you're not up on the Boston club scene, I should tell you that Rumor “brings together the sexiest and hippest people from around the globe” …

Just 8% Have Favorable Opinion of Pastor Jeremiah Wright — Pastor Jeremiah Wright, who has become part of the national political dialogue in recent days, is viewed favorably by 8% of voters nationwide. A Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey found that 58% have an unfavorable view …
ABCNEWS, Taylor Marsh, Top of the Ticket, Hot Air,, The New Republic, Commentary and TPM Election Central

ON DEADLINE: Obama walks arrogance line — WASHINGTON - Arrogance is a common vice in presidential politics. A person must be more than a little self-important to wake up one day and say, “I belong in the Oval Office.” — But there's a line smart politicians don't cross — somewhere between …

USA TODAY/Gallup Poll: Clinton up 5 points on McCain; Obama up 2 — If the election were held today (and yes, we know it won't be), Democratic contender Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton would get 51% of the vote to Republican candidate Sen. John McCain's 46%, the latest USA TODAY/Gallup Poll estimates.

Poll: Majority of Democrats prefer Obama — (CNN) — A majority of Democrats would like to see Barack Obama rather than Hillary Clinton win their party's presidential nomination, according to a national poll out Monday. — Fifty-two percent of registered Democrats questioned …
TPM Election Central

Gallup Daily: Clinton Now at 47%, Obama at 45% — Both Democrats run about even with McCain — PRINCETON, NJ — Gallup Poll Daily election tracking from March 14-16 finds Hillary Clinton's bid for the 2008 Democratic nomination supported by 47% of national Democratic voters, and Barack Obama's candidacy favored by 45%.
TPM Election Central

A Generalized Run on the Shadow Financial System — Since the onset of the liquidity and credit crunch last summer this column has been arguing that monetary policy would be impotent to address such a crunch because, in part, of the existence of a non-bank “shadow financial system”.

News from the Louisiana delegation in the nation's capital — Sen. David Vitter, R-La., has been mostly mum on the prostitution scandal that forced Democratic New York Gov. Eliot Spitzer to announce his resignation last week. But Vitter let down his guard a bit in a conference call with constituents.

IRAQ: Hillary's Remarks at The George Washingon University — Good morning. I want to thank Secretary West for his years of service, not only as Secretary of the Army, but also to the Veteran's Administration, to our men and women in uniform, to our country.

WRIGHT: ISRAEL A “DIRTY WORD;” JOKES THAT BLACKS GET ALL QUIET AT MENTION OF ISRAEL — Scared to speak, he says. — Why? Would that be anti-semitism that many left-indoctrinated blacks are reluctant to to express out loud? — Well, Obama's 20 year political ally and spiritual mentor encourages …

The Clinton civil war — Al Giordano, on the laughable Clinton-supporters “strike” of this blog: … I would add one more item to the list above — this site has also been hostile to the corrosive consultant class that gave us our timid and weak party until Howard Dean shook it up in 2004.

The Buck Stops Where? — In the credit market panic that began in August, we have now reached the point of maximum danger: A global run on the dollar that could become a rout. As the Federal Reserve's Open Market Committee prepares to meet tomorrow, this should be its major concern.

Nacchio conviction reversed — The 10th Circuit Court of Appeals has reversed the guilty verdict in the criminal insider trading case of former Qwest CEO Joe Nacchio and ordered a new trial before a different judge. — The decision was 2-1 to overturn the verdict.

A Last Minute Hurdle Erected In Michigan? — The proposed primaru re-vote legislation in Michigan prevents those who've voted in the Republican primary from voting in the re-vote. — Fair enough, right? — But about 32% of the those who vote in the GOP primary, according to the exit polls, were Democrats or independents.
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