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Hillary and Bill Clinton Tax Returns — Statement of Jay Carson — Today Senator Hillary Clinton and President Bill Clinton are releasing their tax returns for the years 2000 through 2006, and are providing information regarding their 2007 taxes as well.
The Caucus, JustOneMinute, MoJoBlog, Salon, Weekly Standard Blog, Taegan Goddard's …, Lynn Sweet, Fox News, TalkLeft, Trailhead, Top of the Ticket, The American Mind, The Swamp, Ben Smith's Blogs, Hotline On Call, FP Passport, Political Insider,, American Spectator, TPM Election Central and TRAIL BLAZERS

Clintons made nearly $109M since 2000 — WASHINGTON - Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton and former President Clinton made nearly $109 million since they left the White House, capitalizing on the world's interest in the former first couple and lucrative business ventures.
Hot Air

Think Progress Screws Up Again — Last week Think Progress blogger Amanda accused John McCain of plagiarizing a speech from Admiral Timothy Ziemer only to retract the story hours later. Amanda, last name unknown, had failed to check with McCain's office before running her “exclusive,” …

Rep. McHenry calls U.S. soldier in Iraq a ‘two-bit security guard.’ — During a public appearance on Saturday, Rep. Patrick McHenry (R-NC) belittled a U.S. soldier in Iraq who was following orders and wouldn't let McHenry go to the gym without the proper credentials.

Obama Adviser Calls for Troops To Stay in Iraq Through 2010 — WASHINGTON — A key adviser to Senator Obama's campaign is recommending in a confidential paper that America keep between 60,000 and 80,000 troops in Iraq as of late 2010, a plan at odds with the public pledge of the Illinois senator …

Honoring King is Not Enough — The day after Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., was shot, I went out into the riot-torn Washington, D.C., streets and into schools in those neighborhoods scorched by flames to talk to the children. I went to tell them not to loot and raid, so that they would not get arrested and ruin their futures.

...From NIXONLAND — Since Spencer Ackerman and Henry Farrell …
Crooks and Liars, American Prospect, toohotfortnr, New York Times, Oliver Willis, Crooked Timber and Hullabaloo

What If Democrats Used Winner Take All? — A Commentary by Wesley Little — Even as the Obama and Clinton campaigns fight frantically to establish the appropriate yard-stick by which to judge the will of the American people, one fact has been largely ignored: Obama's significant delegate lead …

GOP lands top-tier recruit against Lautenberg — Biotech executive John Crowley is expected to enter the New Jersey Senate race against Democratic Sen. Frank Lautenberg, according to a source familiar with his thinking. It would give Republicans a candidate with a compelling personal narrative …

Clinton Donors Press Dean at Fifth Avenue Bundler Summit — Leading donors to the Clinton and Obama campaigns sat down together last night with DNC chairman Howard Dean at a meeting at the Fifth Avenue apartment of super-bundlers Maureen White and Steven Rattner.

In an ABSOLUT World according to Mexico — The In An Absolut World advertising campaign invites consumers to visualize a world that appeals to them — one they feel may be more idealized or one that may be a bit “fantastic.” As such, the campaign will elicit varying opinions and points of view.

New Michigan Primary: It's Really Most Sincerely Dead — There'll be no primary re-vote in Michigan, the state's Democratic party announced today. — In a phone meeting, Michigan party executives decided that such a move “is not practical.” The decision isn't much of a surprise …

This T-Shirt Is About Rape — In 2004, Jennifer Baumgardner distributed T-shirts with a bold message across their fronts in blocky blue text: “I Had an Abortion.” More recently, the Williamsburg-based writer and activist decided to apply her T-shirt approach to consciousness-raising to the subject of rape.

Beck Rants Against Polar Bears: 'They Eat People! For The Love Of Pete, They're Big, Angry Bears!' — Last night on his CNN Headline News show, right-wing pundit Glenn Beck hosted global warming skeptic Sen. James Inhofe (R-OK). Beck allowed Inhofe to rant about how — with “all the liberals” …

An Economic Cleansing — Recessions are part of capitalism. They happen every so often. We've had two in the last 25 years. And it looks like we are entering a third one after today's jobs-loss report. — The unemployment rate went up to 5.1 percent. Non-farm payrolls have fallen for three straight months.
Daily Pundit

Is Rove Behind McCain's Tour? — Was John McCain's 'round the country biography tour Karl Rove's idea? — On Feb. 20, Rove spoke at the University of Pennsylvania, and, in response to a question, here's one of the things he said when asked what he would tell McCain to do …

Statement Regarding POPLINE Database — I was informed this morning that the word “abortion” was blocked as a search term in the POPLINE family planning database administered by the Bloomberg School's Center for Communication Programs. POPLINE provides evidence-based information …
Threat Level, Think Progress, Daily Kos, Crooks and Liars, Feministing, Boing Boing, Women's Health News and SIVACRACY.NET