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Obama Campaign: “McCain Is Not A Warmonger” — Yesterday evening, Senator Barack Obama dropped by a fundraiser for North Dakota Democrats. The campaign arranged with the state party to allow a print pool reporter to accompany the senator, but no cameras were allowed, which has been typical at fundraisers …

What Did Bill Clinton Do To Get $15M From Ron Burkle? — The campaign press statement accompanying the release on Friday of Hillary Clinton's 2000 - 2007 tax returns includes some useful summary data for the media: Bill and Hillary Clinton's total income over the past 8 years, $109 million …

Bill Clinton: N.C. now crucial — He says wife's bid to get nomination will hinge on Tar Heel state — Like it did in Texas and Ohio, the Clinton campaign for president has drawn a line in the sand, down the middle of the Tar Heel state. — Bill Clinton said Friday in Charlotte …

Clintons Made $109 Million in Last 8 Years
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Colombia to Penn: You're Fired — More fallout from the Mark Penn Colombia episode: — The Colombian government said on Saturday that it was ending its relationship with Burson-Marsteller, the global public relations firm headed by Mark Penn, who is also Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton's pollster and chief strategist.

TIME FOR MARK PENN TO GO. — Looks like Mark Penn — Hillary Clinton's chief strategist — met with Colombia's ambassador to the US this week to advise him on how best to pass a bilateral free trade pact.. So, on the one hand, Clinton voices opposition to this Free Trade Pact while running …

Colombia fires Penn — Mark Penn yesterday called his meeting with Colombia, a client of the firm he heads, an “error,” and the Colombian government, in a statement from its embassy, calls the notion that its hired gun won't meet with it “unacceptable,” and fires the firm. — Here's the statement:

Ohio Hospital Contests a Story Clinton Tells — Over the last five weeks, Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton of New York has featured in her campaign stump speeches the story of a health care horror: an uninsured pregnant woman who lost her baby and died herself after being denied care …
The Trail, Hot Air, Corrente, American Street, Swampland, FOX Embeds,, Liberal Values, Political Machine, Classical Values, AMERICAblog, TalkLeft, Fox News, Election Geek Blog …, Comments from Left Field, Washington Post, Spin Cycle, Balloon Juice, The Page and Patterico's Pontifications

MCCAIN, OBAMA, CLINTON, PETRAEUS — Gen. David Petraeus' return engagement on Capitol Hill next week will be of particular interest to a few of the senators on committees hearing his testimony: Sens. McCain, Obama and Clinton. — McCain, as the AP's Liz Sidoti points out today …

Walls close in on Phelpses — Judge orders liens on church building, law office — A federal judge in Maryland on Thursday ordered liens on the Westboro Baptist Church building and the Phelps-Chartered Law office. — If the case presided over by U.S. District Court Judge Richard D. Bennett …

The Democratic veep prospects: A guide — Four years ago today, The New York Times reported that an adviser to John Kerry had completed interviews with four contenders for the vice presidential nomination. — Today, both Democratic campaigns are laughing off the notion of choosing a running mate …

HOW WE GOT HERE! McCain could still win it. Here's why: — WHERE THE WH*RES ARE: In our view, it's been a sad and sobering week for “liberal” and “progressive” values. We'll start with the suspension of Randi Rhodes, who displayed appalling bad judgment in letting us know “Where the Wh*res Are.”

Olbermann Watch - Bonus Saturday Edition — Can we count on Keith Olbermann's pinch-ranter, Rachel Maddow, to pick up on the now-updated/discarded ThinkProgress fantasy and describe McHenry's “two-bit security guard” as an American soldier? Yes we can! — Check the video next to this summary from the Countdown site:

Army Worried by Rising Stress of Return Tours to Iraq — WASHINGTON — Army leaders are expressing increased alarm about the mental health of soldiers who would be sent back to the front again and again under plans that call for troop numbers to be sustained at high levels in Iraq for this year and beyond.
Balloon Juice

The “Moderate” Voice calls Phil Gramm a terrorist — At the so-called Moderate Voice, Sean Mullen has an interesting concept of terrorism. Former Sen. Phil Gramm, now an adviser to John McCain's presidential campaign, is a “terrorist in pinstripes” for his sponsorship of the Financial Services Modernization Act.

Reality Check — Worst-Case Scenarios by Cass Sunstein Buy this book — Two months after the terrorist attacks of 11 September 2001, Dick Cheney was told about a meeting that Osama bin Laden and Ayman al-Zawahiri had had a month before the attacks around a campfire in Kandahar …

Sen. Biden: Troop buildup is failure — WASHINGTON - A leading Democrat on Saturday declared last year's troop buildup in Iraq a failure. — Sen. Joe Biden, chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, said the military push didn't succeed because U.S. troops remain committed …