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Jay defends endorsement of Sen. Obama — Sen. Jay Rockefeller, D-W.Va., defended his decision to make an endorsement in the race for president during an interview with Gazette editors on Monday. — Rockefeller said some have criticized him for endorsing Sen. Barack Obama before the West Virginia primary in May.
The Campaign Spot, Don Surber, Betsy's Page, Neptunus Lex, The Caucus, Sweetness & Light and The Other McCain

New Book: McCain Once Physically Attacked Fellow Congressman — Appearing on Fox News this past Sunday, Sen. John McCain attempted to turn his infamously combustible temper from an electoral liability into political strength. — “If I lose my capacity for anger, then I shouldn't be president …

Rockefeller Apologizes to McCain for Calling Him Hit-and-Run Aviator — Democratic Sen. Jay Rockefeller, a Barack Obama supporter, apologized to John McCain Tuesday for suggesting to a West Virginia newspaper that the Arizona senator does not care about “the lives of people” …

McCain seems confused about al Qaeda again, suggests it's a 'sect of Shi'ites.' — During today's hearing with Gen. David Petraeus and Ambassador Ryan Crocker, Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) questioned Petraeus on what he called “the major threat” of al Qaeda in Iraq.

Biden Punks Crocker: ‘I Would Therefore Pick Al Qaeda on The Afghanistan-Pakistan Border’ — There was once a blog called Joe Biden Is Thugged Out. (I swear this is true.) Biden just proved why. He asked Ryan Crocker, who used to be ambassador to Pakistan, whether it would be better …

Obama Catching Up With Clinton In Pennsylvania, Quinnipiac University Poll Finds; She's Losing Ground Even Among Women — Illinois Sen. Barack Obama is catching up with New York Sen. Hillary Clinton in the Pennsylvania Democratic primary and now trails 50 - 44 percent among likely primary voters …

The ‘Obama Effect’ shows itself at Petraeus-Crocker hearing — Never underestimate the drawing power of a star. The crowd lined up for today's hearing of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, which will include an appearance by the frontrunner for the Democratic presidential nomination …

Surprising Political Endorsements By U.S. Troops — American Soldiers Speak Out About Their Presidential Endorsements — ABC's Martha Raddatz asked American soldiers in Iraq what issues are most important to them when looking at the presidential candidates.
Balloon Juice, Salon, The Carpetbagger Report,, Think Progress, Firedoglake, Hot Air and Buck Naked Politics

ABC's big “surprise”: The actual troops don't want McCain — they want to come home

Obama at the Helm — Deep into a primary campaign that was supposed …

General Urges 45-Day Halt in Withdrawal of Troops in Iraq — WASHINGTON — Gen. David H. Petraeus, the senior American commander in Iraq, recommended on Tuesday halting any additional withdrawals of American troops after July for at least 45 days and possibly more, telling Congress that progress there was “fragile and reversible.”

Obama supporter Oprah takes a big dive — Much hay was made nearly a year ago when Oprah Winfrey announced that she would support — and campaign for — Democratic presidential hopeful Barack Obama. Her effect in boosting support for Obama in early primary and caucus states like Iowa …

Grover Norquist Endorses Condi Rice for Veep — No speaker goes to conservative activist Grover Norquist's Wednesday breakfast meeting without a purpose. And so it was with Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice two weeks ago when she convinced a rapt audience — without even raising the possibility …

The Coming Tax Bomb — As the presidential campaign enters its final stages, there will be increased debate over budget priorities and how they will be paid for. Many commentators and political leaders, including Sens. Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama, believe that tax increases are needed …
The Jawa Report, Say Anything,, Club for Growth, Capital Gains and Games blogs, Angry Bear and Babalu Blog

Bill Clinton's Ties To Colombia Trade Deal Stronger Than Even Penn's — On Sunday evening, Sen. Hillary Clinton's chief campaign strategist, Mark Penn, resigned after it was revealed he was working (on the side) for the passage of a Colombia Free Trade Agreement that his candidate opposed.

Bill Clinton backed Colombia trade deal: ‘Estoy a favor’
The Swamp

Michelle Obama speaks at presidential rally in Skibo Gym — Only a week after her husband drew throngs to Soldiers and Sailors, Michelle Obama wooed a small crowd at Skibo Gymnasium on Wednesday. — Skibo's risers were packed with community members and students from many of Pittsburgh's universities.

Suburban Obama delegate quits over ‘divisive’ remark — Moving to nip in the bud some potential bad press, White House hopeful Barack Obama's campaign persuaded a delegate to step down after she was ticketed for calling her neighbor's African-American children “monkeys.”

East Texas Teenager Attacked Over History Project — Melanie Bowers, 13, and her parents walked into Athens High School Monday afternoon to talk to campus police. They were hoping to get some answers. — “It never should have happened in the first place.

Lee Hamilton denies Michael Mukasey's claim about 9/11 — I just received the following statement from the Vice Chairman of the 9/11 Commission, Rep. Lee Hamilton, in response to my inquiries last week (and numerous follow-up inquiries from readers here) about Attorney General Michael Mukasey's claims …

Obama, 2000: Not A Lot Of “Ideological Differences” With Bobby Rush — In yesterday's conversation with Time's Joe Klein (transcript here) I noted that when then Illinois State Senator Barack Obama ran against incumbent Congressman Bobby Rush in the 2000 Democratic primary …