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Geoffrey Garin: Obama's Small-Town Comments Would Damage Him In General Election — And Super-Dels Should Consider Them — Hillary chief strategist Geoffrey Garin dramatically raised the stakes in the battle over Barack Obama's comments about small-town America, saying in an interview that they would be …
The Moderate Voice, Liberty Street, The Fix, Scripting News, Wake up America, Politics Nation, TalkLeft, American Power, The Caucus, The Page and Below The Beltway

Clinton Campaign Further Strengthens the Democratic Party — In light of the Clinton campaign's response to Obama's ill-advised comments on small-town inhabitants, it's become obvious that Jon Chait and I were way off base arguing that the extended primary is killing the party.

Obama, on Defensive, Says His Remarks on Voters Weren't Artful — Senator Barack Obama fought back Saturday against accusations from his rivals that he had displayed a profound misunderstanding of small-town values, in a flare-up that left him on the defensive as he faces a series of primaries …

Hillary hits Obama on faith, guns — Yesterday, Clinton hit Obama for calling Pennsylvanians “bitter,” ground on which he fairly ably engaged. — Today, she's onto the other half of his San Francisco remarks, in which he linked economic frustration to clinging to religion and guns …

Video from San Francisco — Here's a clip taken by somebody at the San Francisco event; it's the passage just before the lines everyone is now focused on, in which he talks about the skepticism he encounters: … There are some pictures from the event on Flickr as well.

Obama: If I offended, I deeply regret that — CHICAGO, Illinois (CNN) — Barack Obama said Saturday that if he has offended people with comments he made almost a week ago where he labeled small town Pennsylvanians “bitter” and that they “cling to guns and religion” then he regrets it.

Discussion:, TalkLeft, Comments from Left Field, Crooks and Liars, Macsmind and The Gun Toting Liberal™

Democratic And Republican Critics Blast Obama's “Small-Town” …
Yahoo! News, Winds of Change.NET,, Stop The ACLU, Gateway Pundit and Below The Beltway

The McGovernization of Obama — I still believe that by August …
Winds of Change.NET, Political Machine, protein wisdom, Redstate, Hot Air and Hotline On Call

In Searching for New Job, Gonzales Sees No Takers — WASHINGTON — Alberto R. Gonzales, like many others recently unemployed, has discovered how difficult it can be to find a new job. Mr. Gonzales, the former attorney general, who was forced to resign last year, has been unable …

Here We Go Again — You know, I just spent seven and a half years disagreeing with the administration that has given us an unprecedented military and economic mess. I saw it coming, it came, and in some ways it was worse, and promises to get worse, than I foresaw.
protein wisdom

Today I know the meaning of 'butthurt.'UPDATED — Today I know the meaning of ‘butthurt.’ — UPDATED — If it were later than 12:16 p.m. and if I had eaten anything yet today, I would take a double shot of whiskey right now. I might do it anyway because any negative repercussions …

BACK TO THE CAMPAIGN. — This may sound odd, but man am I disappointed that stuff is happening again in the presidential campaign. These last few weeks of relative quiet have been terrific. All the older reporters tell me that this is supposedly the greatest campaign of my lifetime …

Obama needs only 33% of SuperDelegates to get nomination — The reason every single top blog has had it with Hillary is because she already lost the nomination, she knows she already lost, and now is throwing a Hail Mary pass that threatens to divide our party and jeopardize our chances against John McCain in the fall.

What McCain Said Compared To What Obama Said — Oliver Willis compares this McCain statement to the Obama Gaffe: … More . . . Obama said: … (Emphasis mine.) From my perspective (the son of Hispanic immigrants), McCain's statement is much worse. Why?

I Get To Nitpick Gary Wills — Gary Wills writes on “Two Speeches”, comparing Lincoln's address at Cooper Union with Barack's Philadelphia speech on race. And here are two from the “Small Historical World” file - I poked through Lincoln's Cooper Union speech a few years back in response …

Where Obama's ‘bitter’ comments go from here — Typically when politicians want to bury bad news, they put it out late on a Friday — which is precisely when this story broke. — But for at least five reasons, this story may only gain steam in the days ahead.

Bittergate: Going Forward — 1. As one Democrat who opposes Obama points out, “elitist comments like these are like catnip for the GOP.” It's not reality that drives these characterizations, it's perceptions. Without putting too fine a point on it, nothing energizes the conservative political machine …
Open Left

Why Gov. Bill Richardson didn't endorse Clinton — The New Mexico governor says he was dismayed by pressure from the Clinton camp, and impressed by Obama's optimism. Besides, 'you don't transfer loyalty to a dynasty.' — SANTA FE, N.M. — Before he endorsed Barack Obama …