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Obama's secret weapon: the media — My, oh my, but weren't those fellows from ABC News rude to Barack Obama at this week's presidential debate. — Nothing but petty, process-oriented questions, asked in a prosecutorial tone, about the Democratic front-runner's personal associations and his electablity.

Clinton scorns the base
The Swamp, The Reaction, Pandagon, Stop The ACLU, Middle Earth Journal, The Moderate Voice and Pat Dollard

Hillary Clinton Attacks MoveOn
The Corner, The Trail, Gateway Pundit, The Carpetbagger Report, DownWithTyranny!, American Power, The Raw Story and The Garlic

Clinton Backer Distributes Essay On How GOP Would Link Obama To '70s Radicals — A high-ranking labor supporter of Hillary Clinton is distributing to union leaders and to Democratic strategists a document detailing the radical activities of Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn …

On the Gay Bar Circuit with Chelsea and the Gov. — PHILADELPHIA — In her family's non-stop campaigning in Pennsylvania, Chelsea Clinton got the post-midnight duty on Friday night: stumping in Philadelphia's gay bars. — Hillary Clinton's big supporter in the state, Gov. Ed Rendell …
Don Surber

CHELSEA STOPS TRAFFIC ON GAY BAR CRAWL — From NBC/NJ's Matthew Berger — PHILADELPHIA — Chelsea Clinton stopped traffic Friday night as she wandered the streets of Philadelphia on a gay bar crawl, winning rave reviews for both her politics and her appearance.

KINKY NEWS NETWORK — CNN'S QUEST A VERY ‘KNOTTY’ BOY — This is CNN? Kinky! — CNN personality Richard Quest was busted in Central Park early yesterday with some drugs in his pocket, a rope around his neck that was tied to his genitals, and a sex toy in his boot, law-enforcement sources said.
Discussion:, New York Times, Right Voices, City Room, Althouse,, JammieWearingFool and skippy the bush kangaroo

April Morning — Patriots Day may be the least known American holiday, and the day most deserving of our recognition. Observed in Massachusetts and Maine only. Don't know it? It marks the day, April 19, 1775, on which Americans took up arms against their king, and bled, at the crack of terrible dawn.

McCain: ‘A lot of our problems today are psychological.’ — This week on Fox News, Neil Cavuto asked Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) about the worth of rescinding an 18-cent gas tax as prices at the pump escalate this summer. McCain responded that “a lot of our problems today” are “psychological” — even the “ability to keep our own home”:

Ken Pollack: Al Qaeda is a great “catch-all” term — The New York Times today examines John McCain's very Bush-like propensity to run around slapping the “Al Qaeda” label on everyone we're fighting in Iraq, even though . . . it's completely false to describe them that way.

McCain camp says Hamas wants Obama — (CNN) — John McCain's campaign sent supporters a fundraising e-mail Friday that claims Hamas approves of Democrat Barack Obama's foreign policy vision, and is hoping for his victory this fall. — “Barack Obama's foreign policy plans have even won …

Sex for diploma offer caught on tape — HOUSTON (KTRK) — The founder of a Christian school is confronted after 13 Undercover catches him soliciting sex from a parent, who's trying to get her daughter a high school diploma. — At graduation ceremonies he talks about God …

Our reign of terror, by the Israeli army — In shocking testimonies that reveal abductions, beatings and torture, Israeli soldiers confess the horror they have visited on Hebron … The dark-haired 22-year-old in black T-shirt, blue jeans and red Crocs is understandably hesitant as he sits …

Is The Earth Producing MORE Oil? — Lost in the big news last week — the race for the Democratic nomination, the reeling U.S. economy, the ongoing life/death saga that is “Dancing with the Stars” — came word that a new deep-water exploration area off the coast of Brazil could contain as much as 33 billion barrels of oil.

Newsmax/Zogby Poll: Clinton Builds Lead by Inches in PA — UTICA, New York—Inch by inch, New York's Hillary Clinton is building a lead over rival Barack Obama of Illinois leading up to Tuesday's presidential primary in Pennsylvania, a key late contest on the road to determine who will win …

Bad, Bad Idea: The Anti-Hijacking Safety Bracelet — This is the worst air travel security idea I've heard of in a long time. — A Canadian company called Lamperd Less Lethal is promoting the EMD Safety Bracelet. It's equipped with electro muscular disruption technology, which effectively short-circuits the central nervous system.