Top Items:
The Reverend Wright — Oy. — And furthermore, I've been to dozens and dozens of African-American church services over the years, including the investiture of one of my friends as an AME minister two years ago, and I have very rarely, if ever, heard the kind of rants that are part of Reverend Wright's canon.
For Obama, the Voice of Doom? — The Rev. Jeremiah Wright, explaining this morning why he had waited so long before breaking his silence about his incendiary sermons, offered a paraphrase from Proverbs: “It is better to be quiet and be thought a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.”
Clive Crook,, Commentary, All Spin Zone, Weekly Standard Blog, Ben Smith's Blogs, Spin Cycle, Redstate, QandO, The Sleuth and Hot Air
Wright to Obama: ‘Coming after you’ — The Rev. Jeremiah Wright said Monday that he will try to change national policy by “coming after” Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.) if he is elected president. — The pastor also insisted Obama “didn't denounce” him and “didn't distance himself” …
Wright Says Criticism Is Attack on Black Church — Attacks on him are really attacks on the black church, the Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright Jr. said in a speech to the National Press Club in Washington on Monday, in which he mounted a spirited defense of views and sermons that have become an issue …
Jeremiah Wright at the National Press Club — I read over at Michele Malkin's, and later at Ace Of Spades, about Jeremiah Wright's impending speech at the National Press Club for an “NPC Breakfast”. Michele had links to the Free Republic's intention to protest there, so I packed up my cameras and headed over there.
McCain Criticizes Remarks by Obama's Former Pastor
The Swamp, Fox News, The Caucus, Hot Air, TPM Election Central, Wake up America, The Carpetbagger Report and Little Green Footballs
MoveOn: Obama Got Outfoxed
Threat Level, Ben Smith's Blogs, Daily Kos, Brave New Films blog, Corrente, Wonkette and MyDD
Gallup Daily: Race Still Close with Obama 47%, Clinton 46% — Preferences nearly tied in each of the last three days — PRINCETON, NJ — Gallup Poll Daily tracking conducted April 25-27 shows Democrats closely divided in their nomination preferences, with 47% favoring Barack Obama and 46% backing Hillary Clinton.
Badger Poll: Presidential race up for grabs in Wisconsin — The latest poll of the presidential race shows that none of the three remaining candidates has a majority of support in Wisconsin. — The University of Wisconsin Survey Center's Badger Poll released Monday shows …
Go for the Bitter Bloc — Hillary shows McCain the path to victory over Obama. — Last week's Pennsylvania primary demonstrated that Barack Obama is not unbeatable. This might sound a strange way to put it. Hasn't it always been true that Obama is beatable?
The New Republic
34% of Democrats Want Clinton to Drop Out — Thirty-four percent (34%) of Democrats nationwide now believe that Hillary Clinton should drop out of the race for the White House. That's up from 32% earlier in April and 22% in late March. — As for Barack Obama, just 22% of Democrats say he should drop out.
Hillary Gets No Respect — I normally don't claim to speak for other members of the vast right-wing conspiracy. After all, we're each nefarious in our own, individual way. Indeed, we often disagree with one another. — But I do think I can speak for most of my fellow right-wingers when I say this …
protein wisdom, Crooks and Liars, Hot Air, Hullabaloo, Wonkette, The Confluence, MSNBC, Booman Tribune and American Power
Hillary Strangelove — AMERICANS have learned to take with a grain of salt much of the rhetoric in a campaign like the current Democratic donnybrook between Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama. Still, there are some red lines that should never be crossed. Clinton did so Tuesday morning …
MSNBC, Top of the Ticket, The Swamp, The Mahablog, The New Republic, The Daily Dish, Middle Earth Journal and Spin Cycle
Supreme Court says states can demand photo ID for voting — WASHINGTON - States can require voters to produce photo identification, the Supreme Court ruled Monday, upholding a Republican-inspired law that Democrats say will keep some poor, older and minority voters from casting ballots.
SCOTUSblog, The New Republic, Obsidian Wings, Crooks and Liars, Bad Attitudes, The Swamp, TalkLeft, Daily Kos, Hullabaloo, The Carpetbagger Report, Booman Tribune, QandO, Burnt Orange Report,, Lawyers, Guns and Money, Wake up America, Balloon Juice, Outside The Beltway, Law Blog, Buck Naked Politics and Liberty Street
New York Times, Convictions, The Opinionator, Balkinization, Democratic Strategist and Left in the West
Poll: Clinton leads McCain — WASHINGTON (AP) — Hillary Rodham Clinton has a better chance than Barack Obama of beating Republican John McCain, according to a new Associated Press-Ipsos poll that bolsters her argument that she is more electable in the fall than her rival for the Democratic nomination.
AP NewsBreak: Gov. Easley to endorse Clinton
Ben Smith's Blogs
What The Clintons Did For Feminism — Could Obama do for race relations? It is a situation, with a history, steeped in irony. — Younger people might not be aware, but there was a time, back in the early nineties, when feminist principles like opposition to sexual harassment in the workplace …
Chicago Boyz
Is The US Now A Non-Geneva State? — The manner in which free societies lose their moral compass is always incremental. Step by step by step, certain core values are whittled away. There is rarely a moment at which a government stands up, and asks its people if they wish to abandon such …
Party of the Damned — As the Bush presidency staggers to an end, it's hard to say who has less to brag about: the president or the journalists who cover him. So it's fitting that the last White House Correspondents' Association dinner of the Bush era — the ultimate celebration …
ARUGULA? — When did arugula become the new latte? Newsweek is using it as the counterpoint to beer (which, though drunk by hipsters and sold in Trader Joe's, apparently denotes blue collar cred), but does that register with folks? Arugula just looks like...lettuce. I couldn't even identify it offhand.