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The Reverend Wright — Oy. — And furthermore, I've been to dozens and dozens of African-American church services over the years, including the investiture of one of my friends as an AME minister two years ago, and I have very rarely, if ever, heard the kind of rants that are part of Reverend Wright's canon.
TownHall Blog, Marc Ambinder, Hotline On Call, Taylor Marsh, Commentary, The Campaign Spot and Redstate
Wright to Obama: ‘Coming after you’ — The Rev. Jeremiah Wright said Monday that he will try to change national policy by “coming after” Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.) if he is elected president. — The pastor also insisted Obama “didn't denounce” him and “didn't distance himself” …
Wright Assails Media, Cheney, Obama at National Press Club — “This is not an attack on Jeremiah Wright,” said Rev. Jeremiah Wright this morning at the National Press Club, explaining why he was emerging before a national audience, regardless of what harm it might do to the candidacy …
Wright Says Criticism Is Attack on Black Church — Attacks on him are really attacks on the black church, the Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright Jr. said in a speech to the National Press Club in Washington on Monday, in which he mounted a spirited defense of views and sermons that have become an issue …
Monday morning engine-starter: Jeremiah Wright, racial phrenologist — Good morning, people. I'll be on Fox and Friends at around 8:15am to talk politics. Today's engine-starter is The American Digest's post on Jeremiah Wright's racial brain theories. — Do you remember nutball racialist …
McCain Criticizes Remarks by Obama's Former Pastor — CORAL GABLES, Fla. — Senator John McCain delved on Sunday into remarks made by Senator Barack Obama's former pastor, the Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright Jr., saying it was “beyond belief” that Mr. Wright had likened the Romans at the time of Jesus' crucifixion …
Hot Air, The Caucus, TPM Election Central, TownHall Blog, The Carpetbagger Report, Firedoglake, Wake up America, Crooks and Liars and Swampland
Surprise, There is a Difference Between Black Brains and White Brains: Obama's Pastor Explains It All to You — “In comparing African-American children and European-American children, we were comparing apples and rocks.” — “Different is not deficient.” It would seem there is a profound …
Liveblogging Wright at the National Press Club: The “black church” is under “attack;” “I am open to being vice president;” defends his AIDS conspiracy-theorizing, “God damns,” “Louis Farrakhan is not my enemy;” don't be dissin' my mama or my faith — Scroll down for liveblogging of Obama's NPC rant.
Rev. Wright Delivers Fiery Address to NAACP
Detroit Free Press, Weekly Standard Blog, Detroit News, The Opinionator, Fox News,,, Comments from Left Field, Associated Press, The Democratic Daily, Hot Air, Tennessee Guerilla Women, protein wisdom, RIGHTWINGSPARKLE, Jules Crittenden, The Campaign Spot, Political Machine, PoliGazette, JustOneMinute and Macsmind
Jeremiah Wright at the National Press Club
Rev. Wright Calls Criticism of Sermons ‘Attack on Black Church’
The Carpetbagger Report
The Scary Legacy of the 2008 Democratic Primary
Jay Currie
Supreme Court upholds photo ID law for voters in Indiana — WASHINGTON - The Supreme Court ruled Monday that states can require voters to produce photo identification without violating their constitutional rights, validating Republican-inspired voter ID laws.
Court rejects voter ID challenge; no new grants — The Supreme Court, voting 6-3, on Monday rejected a constitutional challenge to Indiana's law requiring voters to show a government-issued photo ID before they may cast a ballot. Three Justices said the evidence offered against the requirement …
Go for the Bitter Bloc — Hillary shows McCain the path to victory over Obama. — Last week's Pennsylvania primary demonstrated that Barack Obama is not unbeatable. This might sound a strange way to put it. Hasn't it always been true that Obama is beatable?
The New Republic
Hillary Strangelove — AMERICANS have learned to take with a grain of salt much of the rhetoric in a campaign like the current Democratic donnybrook between Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama. Still, there are some red lines that should never be crossed. Clinton did so Tuesday morning …
Top of the Ticket, The Swamp, The New Republic, The Daily Dish, Spin Cycle, and AMERICAblog
FIRST THOUGHTS: YOU'RE SO VAIN... From Chuck Todd, Mark Murray, and Domenico Montanaro
Hillary Gets No Respect — I normally don't claim to speak for other members of the vast right-wing conspiracy. After all, we're each nefarious in our own, individual way. Indeed, we often disagree with one another. — But I do think I can speak for most of my fellow right-wingers when I say this …
Salon, The Confluence, MSNBC, American Power, Hullabaloo, Hot Air, Booman Tribune, AMERICAblog and No More Mister Nice Blog
Eyes on Blue-Collar Voters, Obama Shifts Style — ANDERSON, Ind. — Senator Barack Obama is making subtle changes to his campaign style and message in an effort to strengthen his appeal to blue-collar voters and to avoid a defeat in Indiana that aides fear could give Democratic Party leaders further pause …
Redstate, TalkLeft, Wall Street Journal, Commentary, The Page, Washington Post, TPM Election Central, The Huffington Post and MSNBC
Bush Made Permanent — As the designated political heir of a deeply unpopular president — according to Gallup, President Bush has the highest disapproval rating recorded in 70 years of polling — John McCain should have little hope of winning in November. In fact, however, current polls show him roughly tied with either Democrat.