Top Items:

Obama denounces Wright — In Winston-Salem, Obama sharply attacks Reverend Jeremiah Wright and the substance of his remarks yesterday, a far sharper disavowal than he gave in Philadelphia last month. — The core of his message: That Wright was not only offensive, but the polar opposite of Obama's own views and politics.

Someone Was Doing Wright-Polling in N.C. — Gee, I wonder why Obama, the anti-political posturer, disowned Wright today. My dad got a call last night that might explain. — I got some more information about that call. — It was a live call last night around 7 p.m., not a robocall.
The Campaign Spot

Obama's Remarks on Wright — The following is a transcript of a press conference held by Senator Barack Obama in response to recent statements by his former pastor, the Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright Jr., as provided by Mr. Obama's presidential campaign. — SENATOR BARACK OBAMA …

Why Obama threw Rev. Wright under the bus today — I'm watching MSNBC and Andrea Mitchell is asking NBC correspondent Athena Jones why Obama chose now to finally, unequivocally, part ways with the Rev. Jeremiah Wright. In her reporting wisdom, Jones is talking about how Wright offended …

Obama's “big press conference” on Wright: “I'm outraged by the comments that were made and saddened by the spectacle;” Wright's remarks “a bunch of rants that aren't grounded in truth” — What, pray tell, could Barack Obama possibly say now to undo the damage of his two decades of bad judgment about Jeremiah Wright?

Is Jeremiah Wright a colossal disaster for Barack Obama or a press trick? — The Rev. Jeremiah Wright couldn't have done more damage to Barack Obama's campaign if he had tried. And you have to wonder if that's just what one friend of Wright wanted. — Shortly before he rose to deliver his rambling …

Why the Jeremiah Wright story deserves more attention — I think the most important thing to note about the Jeremiah Wright Story is that we're a Nation plagued by exceedingly few significant problems; blessed with a quite healthy political culture and very trusted political and media institutions …

Obama Divorces Wright — That was a very impressive, clear and constructive re-framing of the core message of his candidacy; and a moment given to him by Wright. No one will ever be able to say that Obama threw his father-figure and pastor under the bus. We all know that the reverse happened.
Discussion: Blog

Obama Kicks Wright In the Junk — Because I refuse to say he threw him under the bus, which is now my least favorite expression in the English language. At any rate, Obama “distanced” himself from Wright: … All the talking heads assured me he had to do this, and now he has.

Obama, Not Wright, Is Obama's Worst Enemy — Whoever on Team Obama keeps feeding into Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama's seeming compulsive need to speak out on the Reverend Jeremiah Wright should get the swift boot. When Wright went on his latest public and media tear …

Press Club president responds: Reynolds pitched Rev. Wright two years ago

Obama On Wright: “I Might Not Know Him As Well As I Thought”

Making it personal — The shift in Obama's approach …
The New Republic

America's Most Overrated Product: the Bachelor's Degree — Among my saddest moments as a career counselor is when I hear a story like this: “I wasn't a good student in high school, but I wanted to prove that I can get a college diploma. I'd be the first one in my family to do it.

Franken owes $70,000 in back taxes in 17 states — DFL U.S. Senate candidate Al Franken, frontrunner in the race to unseat Republican U.S. Sen. Norm Coleman, owes $70,000 in back taxes in 17 states, where he earned income going back to 2003. — Franken on Tuesday told the Associated Press …

Gallup Daily: Clinton 47%, Obama 46% — Democratic preferences remain very close — PRINCETON, NJ — Democrats at the national level remain very closely divided in their preferences for their party's presidential nomination, with the latest Gallup Poll Daily tracking update showing 47% …
Weekly Standard Blog, The Moderate Voice, The Politico, Marc Ambinder, Balloon Juice and Fox News

N.C. Governor: Hillary Makes Rocky Look Like “Pansy” — From CBS News' Fernando Suarez: — RALEIGH, N.C. - “This lady right here makes Rocky Balboa look like a pansy,” said Governor Mike Easley, D-N.C., today, referring to Hillary Clinton. “There's nothing I love more than a strong powerful woman.”

Exclusive: Iowa superdelegate to endorse Obama — Winthrop farmer Richard Machacek, an Iowa superdelegate, said today he is pledging to support Illinois Sen. Barack Obama. — Machacek, a member of the Democratic National Committee, had been uncommitted. He said he saw little difference between …

SHARPTON RAPS OBAMA — Barack Obama made a call for nonviolence in the aftermath of the Sean Bell verdict - infuriating the Rev. Al Sharpton, who accused the presidential candidate of trying to “grandstand in front of white people,” sources told The Post. — During what a source described as a …