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Something Wasn't Wright — Why Oprah Winfrey left Rev. Jeremiah Wright's church. — For any spiritually minded, up-wardly mobile African-American living in Chicago in the mid-1980s, the Trinity United Church of Christ was—and still is—the place to be. That's what drew Oprah Winfrey …
Tales from the Trail, Tennessee Guerilla Women, TalkLeft, Macsmind, The Swamp, The Other McCain and Lynn Sweet

Sen. Barack Obama (D-IL) — MR. TIM RUSSERT: Our issues this Sunday, only 48 hours until the Indiana and North Carolina primaries. The epic Clinton and Obama battle continues. Issues such as the Reverend Jeremiah Wright and the soaring cost of gasoline and food prices dominate the debate.

BARACK'S REV. ‘STOLE A WIFE’ — EX-HUBBY: HE COUNSELED US, THEN WED HER — By SUSANNAH CAHALAN and VERONICA HINKE in Chicago and BRAD HAMILTON in New York — The Rev. Jeremiah Wright, Barack Obama's loose cannon of a spiritual adviser, stole the wife of a parishioner …

Michelle Obama: Barack has hit boiling point — Barack Obama is struggling to contain his anger and frustration over the constant barrage of questions about his character and judgment, his wife has revealed. — Michelle Obama lifted the lid on the irritation felt by the leading Democrat candidate …

Gallup Daily: Obama 49%, Clinton 45% — McCain leads Obama in general election; Clinton-McCain essentially even — PRINCETON, NJ — Gallup Poll Daily tracking shows Barack Obama is the current choice of 49% of Democratic voters nationwide for the party's presidential nomination, while 45% back Hillary Clinton.

Bill Clinton going to church with superdelegate Shuler — WASHINGTON (CNN) — Former President Bill Clinton will attend Sunday church services with North Carolina Congressman and uncommitted Democratic superdelegate Heath Shuler in his district, CNN has learned.

Clinton On ABC's “This Week”: Awkward For Stephanopoulos — It sounds as if this morning's special Town Meeting format “This Week with George Stephanopoulos” on ABC could give ABC's — and Stephanopoulos' — critics ammunition to say he and his network gave Senator Hillary Clinton an hour of largely softball interview airtime.

Clinton Reminds Viewers: Journalist Was Once on Her Side
Don Surber

Too Solemn for Her Generation? — The YouTube clip is hard to hear at first, but thankfully, the main character is clutching a microphone. In the 90-second video entitled “Madison audience Defend Chelsea Clinton,” a crowd member asserts that the former first daughter's phone calls …

Hillary: It's Me And Ordinary Folks Against “Elite” On Gas Tax Holiday — Hillary Clinton has just started doing an Indiana town-hall meeting being broadcast on ABC, and George Stephanopoulos asked her a direct question: — Could she name a single economist who agrees with her support for the gas tax holiday?

La. Democrat Wins In GOP Stronghold — Strategy to Link Victor to Obama Falls Short — A Louisiana Democrat captured a House seat held by Republicans for the previous 33 years, defeating a former GOP state legislator yesterday in a special election that Republicans tried to turn into a referendum on Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.).
Harry's Place

Cazayoux wins La. special election
TownHall Blog, Hullabaloo, The Carpetbagger Report, Associated Press, Obsidian Wings and The Fix

Louisiana Dem Cazayoux Nabs GOP Seat in Saturday House Special
Swing State Project

The All-White Elephant in the Room — BORED by those endless replays of the Rev. Jeremiah Wright? If so, go directly to YouTube, search for “John Hagee Roman Church Hitler,” and be recharged by a fresh jolt of clerical jive. — What you'll find is a white televangelist, the Rev. John Hagee …
protein wisdom,, The Mahablog, Swampland, No More Mister Nice Blog, Roger L. Simon, Open Left and The Huffington Post

Clinton mailing attacks Obama on guns — Hillary Clinton has re-opened her sharp attack on Barack Obama's position on guns, with a mailer in Indiana that seeks to raise questions about him with both supporters and opponents of gun rights. — The mailing — perhaps the sharpest-edged …

Face The Nation: Schieffer Wakes Up To Life Under The Bush Administration — Download | Play Download | Play (h/t BillW) — I don't know where Bob Schieffer's been these last seven years, but he thinks that the White House might have an credibility problem: … Oh Jiminy Christmas.

Who Will Tell the People? — Traveling the country these past five months while writing a book, I've had my own opportunity to take the pulse, far from the campaign crowds. My own totally unscientific polling has left me feeling that if there is one overwhelming hunger in our country today it's this …