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CBS Poll: Support For Obama Rebounds — In Wake Of Controversy Over Former Pastor, Illinois Senator Builds Lead Over McCain, Clinton — (CBS) Democrat Barack Obama appears to have rebounded from some of the damage caused by the controversy surrounding his former pastor Rev. Jeremiah Wright …
Discussion:, The Corner, The Page, The Jed Report, Daily Kos, The Daily Dish, TPM Election Central and TalkLeft

Poll Shows Most Voters Unaffected by Wright — WASHINGTON — A majority of American voters say the furor over the relationship between Senator Barack Obama and his former pastor has not affected their opinion of Mr. Obama, but a substantial number say it could influence voters this fall …

Gallup Daily: Obama 49%, Clinton 45% — McCain leads Obama in general election; Clinton-McCain essentially even — PRINCETON, NJ — Gallup Poll Daily tracking shows Barack Obama is the current choice of 49% of Democratic voters nationwide for the party's presidential nomination, while 45% back Hillary Clinton.

Bill Clinton Asks N.C. Churchgoers to Pray for Hillary
The Page

Hillary Clinton Doesn't Listen to Economists — When asked this morning by ABC News' George Stephanopoulos if she could name a single economist who backs her call for a gas tax holiday this summer, HRC said “I'm not going to put my lot in with economists.” — I know several of the economists …
Jack and Jill Politics, The RBC, Comments from Left Field, Political Machine and The Other McCain

There Goes the Economists' Vote — INDIANAPOLIS — This morning, George Stephanopoulos began his televised interview with Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton by asking if she could name a single economist who supported her plan for a gas-tax suspension. — Mrs. Clinton did not.
Through the Looking Glass, DownWithTyranny!, Matthew Yglesias, The Huffington Post and Right Wing News

I'm not listening to economists on gas tax holiday
The New Republic

Hillary: It's Me And Ordinary Folks Against “Elite” On Gas Tax Holiday
The RBC, Open Left, Corrente, MyDD, Balloon Juice, The Carpetbagger Report and Liberty Street

Clinton Camp Considering Nuclear Option To Overtake Delegate Lead — Hillary Clinton's campaign has a secret weapon to build its delegate count, but her top strategists say privately that any attempt to deploy it would require a sharp (and by no means inevitable) shift in the political climate …
Underground, The Fact Hub, Open Left, Political Machine, The Raw Story, The Swamp, Spin Cycle, The Jed Report, Donklephant and Political Radar

Clinton mailing's gun gaffe — Senator Hillary Clinton's mailing attacking Senator Barack Obama's record on guns appears to include a striking visual gaffe: The image of the gun pictured on the face of the mailing is reversed, making it a non-existent left-handed model of the Mauser 66 rifle.

Why Johnny Can't Read (Or Drive) — Obama's Methaphor Mangler was in overdrive when he appeared on Meet The Tim: … I don't think this interview was a buzzer-beating home run. — PILING ON: On the topic of Rev. Wright and why he might have thought Obama was posturing in his early denunciations, this was comical:

After 2 faint, Clinton cracks joke about making 'em swoon … LENOIR, N.C. (AP) - Former President Bill Clinton is cracking wise about his ability to make people faint, telling voters in North Carolina he didn't think he still had it in him. — Clinton was campaigning Sunday …

McCain finds his own radical friend — Can a presidential candidate justify a long and friendly relationship with someone who, back in the 1970s, extolled violence and committed crimes in the name of a radical ideology—and who has never shown remorse or admitted error?

Clinton: ‘Still the Underdog’ in Indiana — ABC News' Eloise Harper reports: Sen. Hillary Clinton greeted a group of about 150 volunteers in South Bend, Ind., Sunday afternoon. She thanked the group for their work and delivered another short stump speech with a focus on the high gas prices she has been harping on for days.

Israeli Political Crisis Overshadows Rice's Trip — JERUSALEM — Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice held a series of talks on Israeli-Palestinian peace here on Sunday, saying she believed an accord was attainable by year's end. But the process was overshadowed by an intensifying police investigation …

Iraqi President's Wife Not Hurt by a Roadside Bomb — BAGHDAD — Four marines were killed in Anbar Province by a roadside bomb, and in Baghdad, the Iraqi president's wife narrowly escaped an attack on her motorcade, officials said Sunday. — Hiro Ibrahim Ahmed, the wife of President Jalal Talabani …

Dallas County district attorney wants unethical prosecutors punished —; — The Dallas County district attorney who has built a national reputation on freeing the wrongfully convicted says prosecutors who intentionally withhold evidence …
Reason Magazine

Clinton: ‘Partner’; ‘Spoke out’ — In a pair of new Indiana ads, Clinton keeps the focus on gas prices and fighting for workers but drops the shots at Obama, closing on a positive economic message.
TPM Election Central