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West Virginia could spell trouble for Obama — Scant support among white working-class Democrats, especially men, could dog him into November. — MOOREFIELD, W.VA. — In Hardy County, Democrats outnumber Republicans more than 2 to 1. But there is little enthusiasm for Barack …
Deal with defeat — I'd humbly suggest, to all the Obama supporters that join us here on this blog, that if you can't stand the heat of the West Virginia primary, you stay out of the kitchen. While I'm at it, I also suggest that you refrain from accusations against West Virginians as being racist …
Michelle Vetoes Hillary — WASHINGTON, D.C. — Close-in supporters of Sen. Barack Obama's presidential campaign are convinced he never will offer the vice presidential nomination to Sen. Hillary Clinton for one overriding reason: Michelle Obama. — The Democratic front-runner's wife …
Support Free Speech In Lebanon — Please spread the word: The real target of Hezbollah's vicious campaign is free media in Lebanon. — A little something I designed for those who want to spread the word (details below) — Hidden under the coverage of explosions, smoke and gunmen roaming Beirut …
Sadr Surrenders? Nope — An article from McLatchy today reports a “big concession” from the Sadrist movement which it says is “a surprising capitulation that seemed likely to be hailed as a major victory for Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al Maliki” … Rightwing pro-occupation bloggers …
The Strata-Sphere
In big concession, militia agrees to let Iraqi troops into Sadr City
The Long War Journal, Hot Air, The Strata-Sphere, Dean's World, Macsmind, Wake up America, The Other McCain and Redstate
Seeds of Destruction — The Clintons have never understood how to exit the stage gracefully. — Their repertoire has always been deficient in grace and class. So there was Hillary Clinton cold-bloodedly asserting to USA Today that she was the candidate favored by “hard-working Americans …
Discussion:, AMERICAblog, Balloon Juice, Prairie Weather, The Reaction, American Street, marbury and Real Clear Politics
Kick Burma Out of the U.N. — The United Nations this week said the refusal of Burma's government to allow workers into the country's devastated agricultural region was unprecedented in the history of humanitarian relief. The human catastrophe produced by Burma's refusal to permit aid …
Is It Time to Invade Burma? — The disaster in Burma presents …
The American Mind, New York Times, The News Buckit, War in Context, SWJ Blog and Commentary
Election 2008: Oregon Senate — Oregon Senate: Smith Still Below 50% in Re-election Bid — Gordon Smith, United States Senator from Oregon, remains below the 50% level of support for the third straight month in Rasmussen Reports polling. Any incumbent who polls below 50% …
Election 2008: Oregon Presidential Election — Oregon: Obama Builds Double Digit Lead Over McCain — The latest Rasmussen Reports telephone poll in Oregon shows Barack Obama leading John McCain 52% to 38%. That's a significant improvement for Obama compared to a month ago when he led …
McCain paints Obama's portrait — WASHINGTON — Three months ago, Sen. John McCain made a calculated decision to begin painting a not-so-pretty picture of Sen. Barack Obama. — Although Sen. Hillary Clinton was — and still is — battling Obama for the Democratic presidential nomination …
Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama beat John McCain in Los Angeles Times poll
Quitters Never Win — When I was growing up in the 1960s, I wanted to play basketball. In those days, the rules said girls could dribble only three steps and then had to pass the ball. To make sure we didn't overexert ourselves, we weren't allowed to cross the half-court line.
Obsidian Wings, AMERICAblog, Tennessee Guerilla Women, The Corner, Publius Pundit and Jules Crittenden
Jeremiah Wright's ‘Trumpet’ — The content of the magazine produced by Barack Obama's pastor reveals the content of his character. — To the question of the moment—What did Barack Obama know and when did he know it? —I answer, Obama knew everything, and he's known it for ages.
Wow, We Nominated The Black Guy — Wow, it is really happening: Barack Obama will be the Democratic nominee for President of the United States. Only eighteen months after the Democratic Party elected Nancy Pelosi the first female Speaker of the House, we are now the first major party to nominate an African-American for President.
A Convention Quandary — John McCain's choice to manage the GOP convention this summer is lobbyist Doug Goodyear, whose firm once represented Burma's repressive regime. — Rick Gershon / Getty Images — Questions of Perception: Some McCain allies worry about his convention manager choice
How the military analyst program controlled news coverage: in the Pentagon's own words — On the question of whether the Pentagon maintained an illegal covert domestic propaganda program — and on the broader question of whether the American media's political coverage is largely shaped …
Anti-terror police arrest Muslim author and former al-Qaida recruiter as he boards flight to Pakistan — A muslim author who admits being a former al-Qaida recruiter was today being questioned by anti-terror police. — Hassan Butt, who penned a book on his terrorist past - was detained at Manchester Airport yesterday afternoon.