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Bush suggests Obama wants ‘appeasement’ of terrorists — JERUSALEM (CNN) - In a particularly sharp blast from halfway around the world, President Bush suggested Thursday that Sen. Barack Obama and other Democrats are in favor of “appeasement” of terrorists in the same way U.S. leaders appeased Nazis in the run-up to World War II.
The Huffington Post, Wall Street Journal, MSNBC, Washington Monthly, Associated Press, Marc Ambinder, New York Times, Wonk Room, Sister Toldjah, The New Republic, God-o-Meter, Comments from Left Field, News Hounds, The Mahablog, TPMCafe, Fox News, Flopping Aces, Group News Blog, Think Progress, Stumper, Eunomia, MyDD, Stop The ACLU, Cliff Schecter, The Carpetbagger Report, The Swamp, Taylor Marsh, Salon and Israel Matzav
Biden: Bush's comments were ‘bulls**t’ — Sen. Joe Biden (D-Del.), piling on to Democratic complaints about President Bush's speech in Israel today: — “This is bulls**t, this is malarkey. This is outrageous, for the president of the United States to go to a foreign country …
McCain Blasts Obama As Unfit To Defend America — On a conference call with conservative bloggers this afternoon, John McCain launched what may be his most direct attack yet on Barack Obama's national security credentials, saying flat out that Obama is incapable of protecting America and lacks …
McCain Agrees With Bush's Remarks on Appeasement — Senator John McCain, who has been critical of President Bush on the environment and other policies this week, on Thursday morning wholeheartedly endorsed Mr. Bush's veiled rebuke in the Israeli Knesset of Senator Barack Obama that talking to …
Think Progress, The New Republic, MoJoBlog,, Wonkette, Hot Air, The Page, Don Surber and The Trail
President Bush committed political treason today — I've seen a lot of sad things in American politics in my lifetime — the resignation of a president who became a national disgrace after he oversaw a campaign of break-ins and cover-ups, another who circumvented the Constitution to trade arms for hostages …
Spin Cycle, The Moderate Voice, Right Wing Nut House, American Street, Degree of Madness and Crooks and Liars
Obama Takes Issue With Bush Foreign Policy Speech — ABC News' Ed O'Keefe Reports: The Obama campaign is taking issue with a comment President Bush made while speaking to the Knesset on the 60th anniversary of Israel's statehood. — “Some seem to believe we should negotiate with terrorists and radicals …
Power Line, Little Green Footballs, Comments from Left Field, Don Surber, Confederate Yankee and JustOneMinute
Clinton defends Obama from Bush — Hillary, today in Rapid City, South Dakota, defended Obama from President Bush's apparent comparison of him to Neville Chamberlain, Ken Vogel reports. — She told reporters: … “There is a very clear difference between Democrats and Republicans …
Lieberman On Bush Comparing Democrats To Nazi-Appeasers: ‘The President Got It Exactly Right’ — Delivering an address before the Israeli Knesset today, President Bush said that Sen. Barack Obama (D-IL) and Democrats favor a policy of appeasement toward terrorists.
Prepared Text of Bush's Knesset Speech — As Prepared for Delivery: Remarks by the President to Members of the Knesset — Shalom. Laura and I are thrilled to be back in Israel. We have been deeply moved by the celebrations of the past two days. And this afternoon …
California Supreme Court overturns gay marriage ban — In a 4-3 ruling, the justices rule that state marriage laws are unconstitutional. — SAN FRANCISCO — The California Supreme Court ruled today that same-sex couples should be permitted to marry, rejecting state marriage laws as discriminatory.
State Supreme Court says same-sex couples have right to marry — (05-15) 10:24 PDT SAN FRANCISCO — Gays and lesbians have a constitutional right to marry in California, the state Supreme Court said today in a historic ruling that could be repudiated by the voters in November.
McCain and Obama weigh in on Cali marriage decision — McCain opposed the Federal Marriage Amendment (FMA) because he believes states should set their own marriage laws, but did back Arizona's ballot initiative in 2006 to ban gay marriage. — But it's an issue he rarely brings up and is plainly uncomfortable pushing politically.
The Daily Dish
California's marriage ruling — what it means and what it doesn't mean
The Daily Dish
The Key Points — Two early passages in the California decision stand out.
Conyers: 'We're closing in on Rove' — Just off the House floor today, the Crypt overheard House Judiciary Committee Chairman John Conyers tell two other people: “We're closing in on Rove. Someone's got to kick his ass.” — Asked a few minutes later for a more official explanation …
How Bush's grandfather helped Hitler's rise to power — Rumours of a link between the US first family and the Nazi war machine have circulated for decades. Now the Guardian can reveal how repercussions of events that culminated in action under the Trading with the Enemy Act are still being felt by today's president
GOP leaders tout policies as they mull NRCC changes — House Republicans shifted Thursday to talk publicly about policy initiatives in the wake of their disastrous special election loss in Mississippi. But behind the scenes, GOP officials were discussing politics — specifically whether to make changes at their campaign committee.
The New Republic