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Huckabee jokes about Obama ducking a gunman — (CNN) - During a speech before the National Rifle Association convention Friday afternoon in Louisville, Kentucky, former Republican presidential candidate Mike Huckabee — who has endorsed presumptive GOP nominee John McCain …

Huckabee jokes at NRA conference about someone trying to shoot Obama; Update: Painfully awkward video added; Update: Huckabee apologizes — Stupid, and doubtless to receive plenty of attention since it's useful to so many groups. The left will use it as a Larger Truth about the NRA …

Huckabee Jokes About Obama Getting Shot At
American Spectator

Obama on McCain: Hypocrisy and fear-mongering — In an appearance in South Dakota just now, Barack Obama came back at yesterday's attacks from George W. Bush and John McCain, accusing them of “hypocrisy, fear-peddling, and fear-mongering.” — He responded first to the charge from Bush …

Obama Response To Bush McCain “Appeasement” Charge Shows Big Changes — When Senator Barack Obama responded to President George Bush and presumptive GOP Presidential nominee Senator John McCain's suggestion that he would indulge in the “appeasement” of terrorists, it underscored several lessons …

Knesset Kerfuffle Shows Obama Not Afraid to Engage — President George W. Bush's comments at the Israeli Knesset yesterday, in which he blasted as “appeasers” anyone who favors talking with rogue states like Iran or radical groups like Hamas, set off a furious back and forth between …

The Long Night of an Obama Presidency — Reading this piece about the Edwards endorsement of Obama, a cold shiver went down my spine. As scary as a Deval Patrick appointment as AG would be (I've long thought he would be Obama's likely choice), the suggestion that John Edwards …

Edwards flatly rules out running with Obama — (CNN) — Seeing John Edwards and Barack Obama on the same stage earlier this week left political pundits buzzing: Could these two be an unbeatable presidential ticket? — They appeared to have natural chemistry — something Edwards …

Bush Rebuffed on Oil Plea in Saudi Arabia — RIYADH, Saudi Arabia — With the price of oil hitting record highs, President Bush used a private visit to King Abdullah's ranch here Friday to make a second attempt to persuade the Saudi government to increase oil production and was rebuffed yet again.

A Blogger Call With Hillary Clinton: It's the Map Not the Math — Update: Taylor Marsh has posted the audio of the call here. — We had a great blogger call with a very hoarse Hillary Clinton today. It was just for bloggers so she could thank us for our support. — She is staying in the race.

Election 2008: Kansas Senate — Kansas Senate: Roberts 52% Slattery 40% — Before March, the Unites States Senate election in Kansas was a shoe-in for Republican incumbent Pat Roberts. At that point there was no viable Democratic candidate in the race and the state has not elected a Democratic senator since 1932.

Hundreds turn back on Schlafly at ceremony — ST. LOUIS — Some felt the silent protest with white armbands and the dramatic turning of backs was disrespectful. — But those who took part said it was a fitting way to show their disapproval that Washington University was honoring …

The Real Iraq — Moment of Truth in Iraq, by Michael Yon (Richard Vigilante Books, 227 pp., $29.95) — Iraq is where ideologies go to die. Arab nationalism, Baathism, anti-Americanism, al-Qaidism, Donald Rumsfeldism, and Moqtada al-Sadrism have either died there or are dying.

Republican Consultant Alex Castellanos: Obama Has 60 Percent Odds of Winning — Castellanos at Harvard on March 5.Photo: Darren McCollester/Getty Images — The Republican media consultant Alex Castellanos has been called the father of the modern political attack ad …

McCain Responds: Americans Have “Every Reason To Doubt” Whether Obama Can Keep Us Safe — Here's the response from McCain spokesperson Tucker Bounds to Obama's speech hitting McCain and Bush on foreign policy today: … You know, I wasn't aware that Obama had ever indicated that he thinks “we don't have enemies.”
The Page, Talking Points Memo, The Carpetbagger Report, The RBC, Swampland and Hoffmania!