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‘Bush intends to attack Iran before the end of his term’ — US President George W. Bush intends to attack Iran in the upcoming months, before the end of his term, Army Radio quoted a senior official in Jerusalem as saying Tuesday. — The official claimed that a senior member of the president's entourage …

McCain Confronted With New Iran Gaffe, Gets Facts Wrong Again (VIDEO) — Yesterday, Time's Joe Klein noted that he could find no evidence that Sen. Barack Obama had ever specifically said he would negotiate with Mahmoud Ahmadinejad: … Later in the day, Klein confronted McCain with this question at a press conference.
Think Progress, Weekly Standard Blog,, SteveAudio, Wonk Room and Cliff Schecter

Clinton Puts Up A New Fight — The Candidate Confronts Sexism On the Trail and Vows to Battle On — Women of all ages and nationalities push against the rope line carrying books and T-shirts, posters and stuffed animals — anything for her to autograph. They tote huge signs that shout …
TalkLeft, Washington Wire, protein wisdom, Taylor Marsh, Spin Cycle, The New Republic, Top of the Ticket, MSNBC, New York Times, and Jules Crittenden

Talking Versus Doing — In 1965, Mancur Olson wrote a classic book called “The Logic of Collective Action,” which pointed out that large, amorphous groups are often less powerful politically than small, organized ones. He followed it up with “The Rise and Decline of Nations.”
Digital Rules, UNCoRRELATED, Political Perceptions, Cato-at-liberty, American Spectator and New Yorker

Jobs I'd be Willing to Take — According to George Packer, David Brooks is pretty perceptive: … I have more thoughts on this matter, but for now the superficial — does this really sound like a plausible reason for David Brooks to have agreed to become a New York Times columnist?

KY DISTRICT SAYS ADVANCED MATH IS ONLY FOR GIRLS. — Remember those experimental sex-segregated K-12 programs the New York Times Magazine profiled in March? You know, the ones that rely upon gender stereotypes to educate young public school students? Yesterday the ACLU filed a lawsuit …
Washington Monthly

FIRST THOUGHTS: EVERYONE'S A WINNER — From Chuck Todd, Mark Murray, and Domenico Montanaro — *** Everyone's a winner: Much like a children's soccer or Tee Ball game, tonight's contests in Kentucky (which Clinton is expected to win big) and Oregon (ditto for Obama) are going to allow everyone to walk out a winner.

Clinton Keeps Up Fight As Staff Tensions Rise — By MONICA LANGLEY in Bowling Green, Ky., and AMY CHOZICK in Crow Agency, Mont. — Heading into twin Democratic primaries Tuesday in Kentucky and Oregon — which the two candidates are expected to split — Sen. Hillary Clinton is vowing …

Report Details Complaints Over Interrogations — WASHINGTON — F.B.I. agents complained repeatedly, beginning in 2002, about the harsh interrogation tactics that military and C.I.A. interrogators were using in questioning terrorism suspects, like making them do dog tricks and parade in the nude …
Balloon Juice

Exclusive: Fossella will not seek re-election — In a bombshell announcement that brings the curtain down on one of the most storied careers in Staten Island political history, fifth-term Republican Rep. Vito Fossella will not seek re-election this fall. — Mired in scandal after revelations …
New York Times, The Hill's Blog Briefing Room, Hotline On Call, Capitol Briefing, DownWithTyranny! and Pandagon

Iraqi security forces begin crackdown on Sadr City — U.S. forces were playing no part in the operation to wrest control of the Baghdad district from militiamen loyal to radical Shiite Muslim cleric Muqtada Sadr. — BAGHDAD — Iraqi security forces moved deep into Sadr City today …

John McCain's Rapid-Fire Responders — Aides Turn the Media Rebuttal Into a Savvy Campaign Tactic — When Newsweek ran a story last week on how John McCain and his allies may attack Barack Obama in the fall, the Arizona senator's top adviser fired off a letter calling the article “offensive” …

Barack Obama, Sexist! (?) — Yesterday I posted the news that Geraldine Ferraro may not vote for Barack Obama because of his “terribly sexist” ways. I mocked Ferraro's shrill claim of sexism, but I now realize that perceiving sexist activity is not a strength of mine.
Hot Air

Oh, shoot! — Ald. Richard Mell forgot to re-register his guns (which reportedly include a Walther PPK like this one). No problem — he'll just write a new law. — Ald. Richard Mell (33rd) is a former hunter with an arsenal of weapons that reportedly features shotguns, rifles and pistols …
Reason Magazine

Mom forced to live in car with dogs — SANTA BARBARA, California (CNN) — Barbara Harvey climbs into the back of her small Honda sport utility vehicle and snuggles with her two golden retrievers, her head nestled on a pillow propped against the driver's seat.