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Clinton Remark on Kennedy's Killing Stirs Uproar — BRANDON, S.D. — Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton defended staying in the Democratic nominating contest on Friday by pointing out that her husband had not wrapped up the nomination until June 1992, adding, “We all remember Bobby Kennedy was assassinated in June in California.”
Clinton, you invoked a political nightmare — Olbermann: Referencing RFK's assassination as a reason for staying in the race is unforgiveable — SPECIAL COMMENT — Asked if her continuing fight for the nomination against Senator Obama hurts the Democratic party, Sen. Hillary Clinton replied, “I don't.
Clinton Sorry For Remark About RFK Assassination — Comment Was Made in Reference to Primaries — Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton on Friday invoked the 1968 assassination of Sen. Robert F. Kennedy in explaining her decision to remain in the race for the Democratic presidential nomination …
Hillary's Bizarre RFK Comment
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GOP strategists mull McCain ‘blowout’ — It sounds crazy at first. Amid dire reports about the toxic political environment for Republican candidates and the challenges facing John McCain, many top GOP strategists believe he can defeat Barack Obama — and by a margin exceeding President Bush's Electoral College victory in 2004.
A new NEWSWEEK Poll underscores Obama's racial challenge. — Even as he closes in on the Democratic nomination for the presidency, Sen. Barack Obama is facing lingering problems winning the support of white voters—including some in his own party. In a new NEWSWEEK Poll of registered voters …
protein wisdom, JustOneMinute, American Street, The Reaction, The Confluence, TalkLeft, Taylor Marsh and Oliver Willis
270 Illegal Immigrants Sent to Prison in Federal Push — WATERLOO, Iowa — In temporary courtrooms at a fairgrounds here, 270 illegal immigrants were sentenced this week to five months in prison for working at a meatpacking plant with false documents. — The prosecutions, which ended Friday …
A Tiny Revolution, Fact-esque, Economist's View, Don Surber, ImmigrationProf Blog, and PoliGazette
In the Driver's Seat — Condoleezza Rice and the jettisoning of the Bush Doctrine. — Shortly before 10 A.M. on October 9, 2006, George W. Bush read a statement from the Diplomatic Reception Room at the White House. He fixed his face to look resolute. The previous day …
Power Line
Sen. McCain's Agents of Intolerance — It took a long time for him to do it, but Senator John McCain has finally rejected the endorsements of two evangelical ministers — one whose bizarre and hate-filled sermons deeply offended both Catholics and Jews and the other who has used his pulpit to attack Muslims.
Obama stirs up South Florida crowds — Presidential contender Barack Obama promised Florida voters he wouldn't be a stranger anymore if he clinches the Democratic nomination. — AIM — — Barack Obama whipped up some Cuban-American leaders in Miami …
Obama would take California in November, Times/KTLA poll finds — Clinton would also defeat McCain in the fall, but by a smaller margin. The survey comes less than four months after Obama's loss in the state primary. — Less than four months after losing the California primary …
The Moderate Voice, Top of the Ticket, MOMocrats,, Patterico's Pontifications and
Virginia trio draws veep notice — Virginia's sudden rise to prominence as a leading “purple” state — a prime candidate for Democrats to pick up in November — has made its top politicians a hot commodity this year. No fewer than three current or former statewide elected officials …
US residents in military brigs? Govt says it's war — WASHINGTON - If his cell were at Guantanamo Bay, the prisoner would be just one of hundreds of suspected terrorists detained offshore, where the U.S. says the Constitution does not apply. — But Ali Saleh Kahlah al-Marri is a U.S. resident …
John McCain is releasing medical records, to a few — Access to his history over the last eight years is restricted to a small group of reporters. The campaign has delayed releasing the files. — After a long delay, John McCain's campaign plans to release the 71-year-old Republican's medical history …