Top Items:

AP sets up a toll booth for bloggers citing its stories — The AP's disharmony with bloggers may have only just begun, as the alternative it's now offering to being served with takedown notices involves paying an up-front sum for excerpting online articles — as few as five words.
Techdirt, The Mahablog, Outside The Beltway, Donklephant, PoliGazette, Dyre Portents, THE GUN TOTING LIBERAL™, Crooks and Liars, The Daily Whim, Comments from Left Field, Buck Naked Politics, Daily Kos, The Moderate Voice, The Impolitic, QandO, Macsmind, Little Green Footballs, Unqualified Offerings and Firedoglake

Hey, Associated Press: You owe me at least $132,125! — The Internet firestorm over the Associated Press's heavy-handed attempt to bully bloggers over fair use article excerpts has been absolutely schadenfreude-licious. Now, it's time to turn the tables. If your blog or blog commenters …

Irony Alert: AP Attacks Blogs for Quoting Their Stories, Then Quotes Even More Extensively from Blogs — So the AP has been threatening bloggers who quote their stories: … Even after an AP spokesman acknowledged that the organization's tactics were “heavy-handed,” they still didn't really back off:

Hil and Obama, together again: First joint appearance to rally her donors — Hil and Obama, together again — Hillary Clinton will join Barack Obama for a joint appearance in Washington next week to persuade her donors to begin giving to the Democrats' nominee, the Daily News has learned.
NO QUARTER, Taylor Marsh, Gawker, The Democratic Daily, The Sundries Shack, Wake up America,, TPM Election Central, Boston Globe and Salon

‘Danger Signs’ as Clinton Supporters Resist Obama — Democratic Candidate Leads but Still Struggles to Win Over Key Groups — Sen. Barack Obama has emerged from his bruising battle for the Democratic presidential nomination with only a six point lead over Sen. John McCain and claiming …

Obama Pushes Back on McCain Camp Terrorism Attacks — Responding to charges by the campaign of Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz, that comments he made to ABC News indicate he has a “naive” pre-9/11 view of terrorism, Sen. Barack Obama, D-Illinois, told reporters Tuesday that Republicans are not trying …

McCain Campaign Makes ‘Sept. 10’ Argument About Obama, Clarke Calls It the ‘Big Lie’

Michelle Obama Looks for a New Introduction — Michelle Obama's eyes flicker tentatively even as she offers a trained smile. As her campaign plane arcs over the Flathead Range in Montana, she is asked to consider her complicated public image. — Conservative columnists accuse …
Brilliant at Breakfast, TalkLeft, Comments from Left Field, The Huffington Post, Gawker and Hot Air

Documents confirm U.S. hid detainees from Red Cross — WASHINGTON — The U.S. military hid the locations of suspected terrorist detainees and concealed harsh treatment to avoid the scrutiny of the International Committee of the Red Cross, according to documents that a Senate committee released Tuesday.

Bush Will Seek to End Offshore Oil Drilling Ban — WASHINGTON — President Bush, reversing a longstanding position, will call on Congress on Wednesday to end a federal ban on offshore oil drilling, according to White House officials who say Mr. Bush now wants to work with states to determine where drilling should occur.

For Immediate Release: June 17, 2008 — Gore's personal electricity consumption up 10%, despite “energy-efficient” home renovations — NASHVILLE - In the year since Al Gore took steps to make his home more energy-efficient, the former Vice President's home energy use surged more than 10% …

McCain's Energy and Climate Speech — The following is the prepared text of Senator John McCain's speech about energy and climate change in Houston, as provided by his presidential campaign. — Thank you all very much. Governor Perry, Lieutenant Governor Dewhurst, and other distinguished guests, I appreciate your joining us today.

Obama's Shifting Positions on Iraq: A Rezko Connection? — The time line of Obama's flip-flops on Iraq just happens to correlate to his friend's business dealings in that country. — Barack Obama's position on Iraq has shifted significantly over the last six years.

‘Curveball’ speaks, and a reputation as a disinformation agent remains intact — The Iraqi refugee and German intelligence source code-named Curveball, left, meets with reporter John Goetz somewhere in Germany. His tall tales of Saddam Hussein's mobile germ weapons labs helped the White House justify the invasion of Iraq.

MKH on O'Reilly — Many thanks to Allah Pundit for grabbing this clip for me. — In thinking about the video we discuss in the clip below, it makes perfect sense that it would portray an appeal to vote Democrat as a one-night stand. Both activities are mostly the province of the young and irresponsible …
The Other McCain

How F&F Became WPITW — Keith Olbermann gave Fox & Friends the gold on the Worst Persons list last night. — That's the short story. The long story has actually very little to do with either the Countdown anchor or the FNC morning show. It goes back to Friday night …

Obama's missteps — On his first day as the presumptive Democratic candidate for president earlier this month, Barack Obama committed a serious foreign policy blunder. Reciting a litany of pro-Israeli positions at the annual meeting of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) …
Outside The Beltway

Chuck Todd disses Move On's new ad: ‘I think it was a borderline shameless ad’ — Well, well, well. I hate to say I told you so to all the bloggers that praised him, but in the blink of an eye the Villagers have turned on MoveOn. For all those that thought Chuck Todd was so cool—guess what?