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More Fun in Obamaconspiracyville: In Which Larry Sinclair Gets Arrested — I blogged a few weeks back about a convicted criminal, Larry Sinclair, who'd been begging the media to cover his wild allegations about Barack Obama. Today Sinclair trotted into the National Press Club to air …

Sinclair arrested, and other notes from the Press Club — A footnote to the story of Larry Sinclair, the gadfly whose long criminal record I wrote about this morning: He was arrested by Washington, D.C. police after his press conference there today, two officials at D.C.'s First District station confirmed to Politico.
The Moderate Voice, The Politico, Political Machine, Lonewacko, AMERICAblog News and Salon

Larry Sinclair Press Conference: Sinclair Arrested, Led Away in Handcuffs — Read 1,289 times. — Larry Sinclair-the gay man who's accused Senator Barack Obama of sharing gay sex and drugs with him in a Gurnee, IL hotel room in 1999-held a press conference at the National Press Club today.
THE MITCH AND NAN SHOW!!!, CANNONFIRE, DBKP, Firedoglake, Political Machine and Redstate

Obama: NAFTA not so bad after all — The Democratic nominee, in an interview with Fortune, says he wants free trade “to work for all people.” — WASHINGTON (Fortune) — The general campaign is on, independent voters are up for grabs, and Barack Obama is toning down his populist rhetoric - at least when it comes to free trade.
Buck Naked Politics, Hot Air, The Nation, The Moderate Voice, Wake up America, QandO,, Lonewacko, TalkLeft, Gateway Pundit and Cato-at-liberty

Memo to Obama: You Can't Represent the Uprising While Undermining It — I'm in New York City for tonight's annual gala for the Progressive States Network. In researching my newspaper column that comes out later this week, I caught two stories on the wire that suggest Barack Obama thinks …
Associated Press

Obama Remarks on Detainees and Afghanistan — Good afternoon. We just finished the first meeting of my new Senior Working Group on National Security. We had a productive discussion about the challenges facing our nation, and I'm grateful that these distinguished men and women will be advising me in the months to come.

Muslims barred from picture at Obama event — Two Muslim women at Barack Obama's rally in Detroit Monday were barred from sitting behind the podium by campaign volunteers seeking to prevent the women's headscarves from appearing in photographs or on television with the candidate.
Ali Eteraz, snapped shot, THE GUN TOTING LIBERAL™, Sister Toldjah, Top of the Ticket, Don Surber, The Impolitic, Fox News, Buck Naked Politics, News Hounds, Marc Ambinder, Opinion L.A., Hot Air, Spin Cycle, Debbie Schlussel, Confederate Yankee, Althouse, The Next Right, Flopping Aces, Political Machine, The American Mind, Below The Beltway, The Raw Story, Wonkette, TownHall Blog, NO QUARTER, Salon, Gateway Pundit, Wake up America, The Trail, doubleplusundead, Doug Ross and

House Dems Call to “Nationalize” Oil Industry — Right after McCain and Bush call to lift the ban on drilling here, the Socialists send in their counterpoint and it is blatant! They skip right over socialism into Communism. No talk about where they'd get the trillions to buy out stockholders …

Cindy McCain Presses Obama Patriotism Case — ABC News' Ed O'Keefe Reports: Laura Bush may be ready to give Michelle Obama the benefit of the doubt when it comes to her patriotism but Cindy McCain may not. — “I don't know why she said what she said,” Mrs. McCain explains in an interview …
Discussion:, Salon, Hot Air, Spin Cycle,, Michelle Obama Watch and The LA Times President …

Michelle on The View — Okay, I watched it. Or I tried. It was hard to pay attention, frankly, because it was the same twaddle as always, which is why it never occurs to me to watch The View. Kathryn has captured perfectly the essential banality of Michelle Obama's appearance …

The Obama Smear Merchants Keep On Smearin' — Here comes the torrent of bulls**t. — Yesterday morning Floyd Brown and Co. sent out a press release and e-mail announcing the Barack Obama's brother had acknowledged he was raised Muslim — something that Obama himself has denied.

From the Fact Check Desk: What Did Obama's Half-Brother Say About …
AMERICAblog News

House, Bush reach deal on war supplemental — The House will vote on an emergency supplemental spending bill Thursday after Republican and Democratic leaders struck a deal with the White House late Wednesday, aides said. — The deal did not include the Senate, but House leaders were to present …

Specter of 2000 could haunt Obama — Until 2000, it hadn't happened in more than 100 years, but plugged-in observers from both parties see a distinct possibility of Barack Obama winning the popular vote but losing the Electoral College — and with it the presidency — to John McCain.

Inaction in boy's killing called justified — (06-17) 19:07 PDT TURLOCK (STANISLAUS COUNTY) — The town of Turlock and much of the rest of the nation was shocked when a 27-year-old man beat and stomped his 2-year-old son to death on a rural road. But what was nearly as stunning for many people …

BELLY OF THE EARMARK BEAST! — We've just gotten a hold of “Intern's Survival Guide” which is part of the initiation material handed out to new interns in the office of Congressman Don Young (R) when they start at the office. — Lots of fun color, as you'd expect.

McCain's Drilling Flip-Flop Is a Good First Step — Warts and all, John McCain's flip-flop on offshore drilling is a very welcome development. When circumstances change, political leaders should change their policies. And $4 at the pump and $140 in the open market is certainly enough …
The Huffington Post, USA Today, New York Times, Sister Toldjah, The New Republic, White House, The Reaction and Clayton Cramer's BLOG

Backstory on AP - Drudge Retort Issue — In reading a small slice of the coverage of the AP - Drudge Retort contretemps it struck me that a lot of the more breathless coverage in the blogosphere stems from the rather larger misperception that one day last week, out of the blue, Rogers Cadenhead got slapped with a lawsuit by AP.
Scott Rosenberg's Wordyard, Scripting News, Making Light,, TechCrunch, Workbench, American Street, Bits, Dean's World and Gawker

Blackwater wants lawsuit decided under Islamic law — The private military company Blackwater has cultivated a patriotic reputation, with its staff of retired military and former police officers, and the requirement that most of its workers swear an oath to support and defend the U.S. Constitution.