Top Items:
Clinton and Obama Set New Tone — UNITY, N.H. — Senators Barack Obama and Hillary Rodham Clinton set off on their maiden political voyage on Friday, trading their rivalry from the presidential primary battle for a newfound display of harmony intended to set a fresh tone …
The Caucus, The Moderate Voice, TownHall Blog, The Swamp, Hotline On Call, The Impolitic, The Carpetbagger Report and American Power
Hill, Yes! O., No! — The Battle Isn't Over for Many Women Who Fought for Clinton — For several weeks, some of Hillary Clinton's fiercest supporters, most of them women, have been struggling with a defeat that burns and a question with no soothing answer: What next?
Political Punch, culturekitchen, Booman Tribune, Boston Globe, PunditMom, Threat Level and puma pac
BILL AND HILLARY MAX OUT FOR OBAMA — A day after Obama wrote a $4,600 check to Hillary Clinton, First Read has learned Bill and Hillary Clinton have returned the favor, donating the maximum to the Illinois senator's campaign, a Clinton spokesperson says.
Clinton rallies with Obama: ‘We are one party’ — (CNN) — They beamed, hugged and praised one another. Their outfits even matched. — The long-awaited Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton unity event in Unity, New Hampshire, on Friday was carefully choreographed, with the images and speeches …
After The Press Leaves, Some Edgy Questions
Top of the Ticket, Political Radar, Newsweek Blogs, Political Perceptions, MSNBC, Salon and Spin Cycle
Damn us all and our party if we let this go — CONGRESSMAN DELAHUNT CAN BE REACHED AT 202-225-3111 AND BY FAX AT 202-225-5658 — By The Directors Posted in Bill Delahunt | It is no secret that public discourse in this country has become very shrill. Blogs on the left regularly feature vulgar diatribes against the right.
When Anonymity Fails, Be Nasty, Brutish and Short — Throughout the Bush presidency, he toiled in secrecy deep within the White House, a mysterious and feared presence who never stepped into the sunlight of public disclosure. — Until yesterday. — There he sat, hunched and scowling …
Congressman Meant ‘No Ill’ With Al Qaeda Comment to Cheney Aide — A Democratic congressman who was accused of suggesting that Al Qaeda may want to harm a prominent White House official told FOX News he meant “no ill” by the comment. — Massachusetts Rep. Bill Delahunt made the remark Thursday …
Conyers issues subpoena to DOJ for Bush-Cheney interviews on Plame leak
An individual right to keep and bear arms: Ho, hum. — Now that the Supreme Court has struck down the DC gun ban, how much should we expect the Washington homicide rate to go up as a result? — Zero. — There's simply no evidence that keeping guns out of the hands of those currently eligible …
Deadly Consequences — But the Right Call
Wall Street Journal, New York Times, Los Angeles Times, New York Times, The Mahablog and How Appealing
The Federal Marriage Amendment is back — with Vitter's and Craig's support — Just this week, a group of Republican senators re-introduced the Federal Marriage Amendment to the Constitution, which, as we know, would ban gay marriage. — And once again, the language is pretty straightforward:
The Hill's Blog Briefing Room,, PageOneQ, MoJoBlog, The Daily Dish, and Balloon Juice
The Canadian Human Rights Commission blinks — See update below. — The Canadian Human Rights Commission, like any petty tyranny, has a strong instinct for survival. As I predicted last week on the Michael Coren Show, that instinct would cause them to drop the complaint against Mark Steyn and Maclean's.
This Recession, It's Just Beginning — So much for that second-half rebound. — Truth be told, that was always more of a wish than a serious forecast, happy talk from the Fed and Wall Street desperate to get things back to normal. — It ain't gonna happen. Not this summer. Not this fall.
Discussion:, The American Mind, Brilliant at Breakfast, On Deadline and
Democrat mayor says healthy food is “the new patriotism”. … So it's not merely a ban on fried food-it's affirmative action for food! As I said yesterday, they're patriotic, it's just...a different kind of patriotism. — Not surprisingly, Mayor Hickenlooper's already been causing trouble …
Little Green Footballs
Who's that man?: Obama asked for ID at gym — Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.) may have one of the best-known faces in the world, but that doesn't mean he is recognized everywhere, even in Washington. — Washington Sports Club employee Takehia Wheeler was manning the front desk …
The Sam's Club Agenda — Among the many dark tidings for American conservatism, there is one genuine bright spot. Over the past five years, a group of young and unpredictable rightward-leaning writers has emerged on the scene. — These writers came of age as official conservatism slipped into decrepitude.
Gallup Daily: Obama, McCain Still Tied at 44% — PRINCETON, NJ — For the third straight day, Gallup Poll Daily tracking shows Barack Obama and John McCain tied in national registered voter preferences for the fall election, each now with 44% of the vote. — Today's report is based …
The Jed Report
Keith Olbermann's reply and Obama's secret plan to protect the rule of law — (updated below - Update II - Update III) — Keith Olbermann went to Daily Kos to respond to what I wrote yesterday regarding his and Jonathan Alter's statements on Obama's support for the FISA bill.
McCain Gambles with Awkward Joke — In an interview with the Las Vegas Sun, Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., was asked by columnist Jon Ralston why he didn't choose Gov. Jim Gibbons to chair his Nevada campaign. — “I appreciate his support,” McCain said. “As you know, the lieutenant governor is our chairman.”
The odd couple — Obama's advance staff is very good at the visuals, and the Unity event is flawless on TV. — Even better: It's dominating the news cycle without making any news. — And that's one of the key things Hillary (and Bill) bring to Obama: Whenever he wants to deliver …