Top Items:

Former Sen. Jesse Helms dies — WASHINGTON (CNN) — Former U.S. Sen. Jesse Helms, a North Carolina Republican who became an icon to conservatives, died Friday at the age of 86, a senior congressional source said. — The Heritage Foundation, a conservative think tank …

Jesse Helms, Conservative Force in the Senate, Dies at 86 — Jesse Helms, the former North Carolina Senator whose courtly manner and mossy drawl barely masked a hard-edged conservatism that opposed civil rights, gay rights, foreign aid and modern art, died early Friday. He was 86.

Bye, Jesse, you left quite a legacy — Jesse Helms has died. As a native and current resident of North Carolina, even today many people I run into outside of this state who know little about it — recognize the name Jesse Helms. He leaves a long, dark trail of professional racial bigotry …

The Jesse Helms “Racial Quota” Ad — Predictably, liberal obituaries will mention prominently the famous—the Left says infamous—TV ad that Jesse Helms used to defeat Harvey Gantt in 1990. Here's an example already, which also allows you to view the ad. — Sorry, but the ad looked perfectly legit to me then, and still does.

Former Sen. Jesse Helms passes away.
JammieWearingFool, Associated Press, The Carpetbagger Report and Comments from Left Field

Rove's Third Term — Al Gore never claimed that he invented the Internet. Howard Dean didn't scream. Hillary Clinton didn't say she was staying in the race because Barack Obama might be assassinated. And Wesley Clark didn't impugn John McCain's military service.

PLEASE, PLEASE, REPORTERS WITH BRAINS — I spent most of today in bed with some kind of nasty cold. So I only caught up on any news this evening. And I must confess to being little short of astounded by the avalanche of press BS I'm reading on Barack Obama's position on Iraq.
NY Daily News, The Daily Dish, The Carpetbagger Report, The Impolitic, Buck Naked Politics and Matthew Yglesias

A Man of Seasonal Principles — You'll notice Barack Obama is now wearing a flag pin. Again. During the primary campaign, he refused to, explaining that he'd worn one after Sept. 11 but then stopped because it “became a substitute for, I think, true patriotism.”

In Praise of Barack Obama — Via the AP comes this news that Barack Obama has changed his mind, and is rejecting at least some of the extremism of NARAL, Emily's List, and other radical abortion organizations. The money graf: … Read on... Of course, Obama's position here is only confined …

The Difference — If conservatives want to argue that Barack Obama's been flip-flopping on Iraq, I'll disagree but I could see what they mean. Charles Krauthammer, however, can't seriously believe that Obama's been “assiduously obliterat[ing] all differences with McCain on national security …

Obama: Mental distress can't justify late abortion
Pirate's Cove, Weekly Standard Blog, The Confluence, American Street, and Gateway Pundit

Bush heckled at new citizen ceremony — President heckled during event at Thomas Jefferson's former home — CHARLOTTESVILLE, Virginia - President Bush invoked the memory of Thomas Jefferson Friday in welcoming new U.S. citizens at a naturalization ceremony at Monticello, saying “I'll be proud to call you a fellow American.”

Nice... Loons Disrupt Bush at July 4th Naturalization Ceremony (Video) — Here's another reminder that nothing is sacred to the Left. — Nothing... Code Pink disrupted President Bush at 46th Annual Independence Day Celebration and Naturalization Ceremony:

Schoolboys punished with detention for refusing to kneel in class and pray to Allah — Two schoolboys were given detention after refusing to kneel down and ‘pray to Allah’ during a religious education lesson. — Parents were outraged that the two boys from year seven (11 to 12-year-olds) …

Condoleezza Rice: ‘I Am Proud Of The Decision’ To Invade Iraq — In an interview last March with Bloomberg's Judy Woodruff, the late conservative scholar William F. Buckley said President Bush's legacy would be judged purely on Iraq. He stressed, “It's important that we acknowledge …
On Deadline

National speed limit pushed as gas saver — WASHINGTON (AP) — An influential Republican senator suggested Thursday that Congress might want to consider reimposing a national speed limit to save gasoline and possibly ease fuel prices. — Sen. John Warner, R-Virginia …

White House says ruling could free detainees in US — WASHINGTON - The White House said Thursday that dangerous detainees at Guantanamo Bay could end up walking Main Street U.S.A. as a result of last month's Supreme Court ruling about detainees' legal rights.
White House, Balloon Juice, Crooks and Liars, New York Times, RADAMISTO, PBD, Shakesville, AMERICAblog News and The Progress Report