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Iraq official: U.S. could be out by 2011 — BAGHDAD, Iraq (CNN) — A deadline should be set for the withdrawal of U.S. and allied forces from Iraq, and the pullout could be done by 2011, an Iraqi government spokesman said Tuesday. — Ali al-Dabbagh said any timetable would depend on …
Bloomberg, Right Wing Nut House, Hot Air, The Washington Independent, The Glittering Eye, Dean's World, QandO, Pajamas Media and KCBS-TV
McCain Dismisses Iraqi Idea of Troop Withdrawal — PITTSBURGH - The Iraqi government's decision to raise the possibility of making a scheduled withdrawal of American troops a part of an agreement on their future status in Iraq poses special complications for Senator John McCain …
One nation, not just speaking English — After a substantial speech decrying the current state of bankruptcy law in the United States, Barack Obama took a few questions from the audience in Powder Springs, Georgia on Tuesday morning. One young woman asked whether there was anything …
Networks may limit convention coverage — Major television networks are considering curtailing coverage of the Democratic National Convention after Monday's announcement that Barack Obama will accept his party's nomination in a Denver stadium. — According to several broadcast executives …
Dallas County meeting turns racial — A special meeting about Dallas County traffic tickets turned tense and bizarre this afternoon. — County commissioners were discussing problems with the central collections office that is used to process traffic ticket payments and handle other paperwork normally done by the JP Courts.
Losing the Latino Vote — McCain's prospects don't look good. — PLENTY OF COMMENTATORS, including yours truly, argued during the Democratic primaries that Barack Obama had shown a weakness with Latino voters which could last through the general election and help John McCain on Election Day.
Obama Donors Aren't Rushing to Aid Clinton — A prominent donor to Senator Barack Obama recently sent an e-mail plea to other supporters, asking them — for the sake of Democratic unity — to write checks to Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton to help retire her $23 million in campaign debt.
MSNBC, Political Machine, NY Daily News, Wonkette, The Other McCain, Corrente and rubber hose
Pastor Hagee's Desperate News Suppression Campaign Backfires — During the week of July 1, lawyers representing far-right Pastor John Hagee demanded that YouTube remove scores of videos supposedly infringing on the copyright of John Hagee Ministries. YouTube acceded to Hagee's attorneys without even a cursory review of their claims.
Iran missile test ratchets up regional tensions — Iran test-fired a missile capable of reaching Israel early this morning, as part of war games that escalate the sabre-rattling between the Islamic Republic and the West. — The new version of the Shahab-3 missile was one of nine medium …
Iran Test-Fires Missiles, Reports Say
The Moderate Voice,, Power Line, Political Machine, The Corner, Reuters and Real Clear Politics
In theory, economists support McCain — The endorsement could hardly have been stronger. On Monday, John McCain's campaign released a statement signed by 300 economists who “enthusiastically support” his “Jobs for America” economic plan, providing a heavyweight testimonial …
Atheist soldier sues Army for ‘unconstitutional’ discrimination — KANSAS CITY, Kansas (CNN) — Army Spc. Jeremy Hall was raised Baptist. — Like many Christians, he said grace before dinner and read the Bible before bed. Four years ago when he was deployed to Iraq, he packed his Bible so he would feel closer to God.
Pharyngula, Gateway Pundit, Macsmind, Lean Left, Comments from Left Field, Balloon Juice and Freespace
Clinton, Bush Advisers Steeped in Crisis Join Forces — Penn and Hughes Also Have Sights Set on Comeback — WASHINGTON — Two hard-charging political operatives are teaming up to create a bipartisan consulting organization to advise corporations in crisis — as they work to burnish their own reputations as well.
3 Police and 3 Gunmen Die in Attack on U.S. Post in Turkey — PARIS — Unidentified gunmen opened fire on Turkish security guards outside the United States Consulate in Istanbul, Turkey, on Wednesday and at least three officers were killed, the governor of Istanbul said.
Reuters, Gateway Pundit, The Sundries Shack, PoliGazette, Confederate Yankee and Israel Matzav
Jesse Ventura To Run for Senate? — In an interview with NPR's David Welna that ran today former Gov. Jesse “The Body” Ventura, Ind-Minn., sounds like he may run for Senate, challenging incumbent Sen. Norm Coleman, R-Minn., whom Ventura defeated for governor in 1998, as well as Democratic nominee …
How to be a Moron (sans Lime Jello) — Ladies and Gentlemen, a self-described foreign policy and national security expert. … *rim shot* — How many flippant statements has John McCain made now about killing Iranian citizens? — There was last year's “Bomb bomb bomb bomb Iran”
Women Prominent in Defense Movement — In March, White House Press Secretary Dana Perino demurred on a question about the military. Her reason? Don't ask her—she's just a woman. — “Some of the terms I just don't know,” Perino told Fox News's Chris Wallace.