Top Items:

‘Scare tactic’ — Obama slams Muslim portrayal — The Obama campaign is condemning as “tasteless and offensive” a New Yorker magazine cover that depicts Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.) in a turban, fist-bumping his gun-slinging wife. — An American flag burns in their fireplace. — The New Yorker says it's satire.

Obama Camp Hammers New ‘Ironic’ New Yorker Cover Depicting Conspiracists' Nightmare of Real Obamas — The sophisticates at The New Yorker have come up with a cover that is sure to get the magazine a lot of attention. Negative attention. From their friends.
The Daily Dish,, Wake up America, Pensito Review, The Raw Story and Michelle Obama Watch

Ya can't make it up — The New Yorker says it's satire. It certainly will be candy for cable news. — At a press availability Sunday afternoon in San Diego, Senator Obama was asked, according to the diligent Maria Gavrilovic of CBS News: “The upcoming issue of the New Yorker …

Barry Blitt Defends His New Yorker Cover Art Of Obama — Barry Blitt is the artist behind this week's very controversial New Yorker cover of Barack and Michelle Obama. Via email, I asked him to respond to those who feel that his work was offensive, and to explain his own personal feelings about the Obamas.
Ben Smith's Blogs

Yikes! Controversial New Yorker Cover Shows Muslim, Flag-Burning, Osama-Loving, Fist-Bumping Obama — Who knows if they'll get this in Dubuque, but they sure aren't going to like it in Chicago: This week's New Yorker cover features an image of Michelle and Barack Obama …

Paulson Statement on Freddie Mac, Fannie Mae: Full Text — July 13 (Bloomberg) — Following is the text of a statement issued today by Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson: — Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac play a central role in our housing finance system and must continue to do so in their current form as shareholder-owned companies.

Treasury Acts to Save Mortgage Giants — WASHINGTON — Alarmed by the sharply eroding confidence in the nation's two largest mortgage finance companies, the Bush administration on Sunday asked Congress to approve a sweeping rescue package that would give officials the power to inject billions …

Bush Offers Plan to Save Fannie, Freddie — WASHINGTON — Alarmed about the sharply eroding confidence in the nation's two largest mortgage finance companies, the Bush administration will ask Congress to approve a rescue package that would give the government the authority to buy billions …

Mark Sanford Draws A Blank On McCain/Bush Economics — The most painful clip from the Sunday morning shows: top McCain VP prospect Mark Sanford “drawing a blank” (in his own words) on live TV when asked to name a major economic policy that President Bush and John McCain disagree on. — The transcript:

THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN MCCAIN AND BUSH IS, UH, UM, AH, ERR... I don't know when Barack Obama's economic team put John McCain, John McCain's economic advisers, and John McCain's surrogates on their payroll, but it sure was a good investment. Between McCain admitting that he knows little …
Matthew Yglesias

MAKING IT — How Chicago shaped Obama. — Barack Obama on the South Side during his first campaign, for the State Senate. An outsider in Chicago's system, he was meticulous about constructing his own political identity and coalition. Photograph by Marc PoKempner. — KEYWORDS

CNN exclusive: Obama on foreign policy — Editor's note: Fareed Zakaria is a pre-eminent foreign affairs analyst and hosts “Fareed Zakaria: GPS” on CNN at 1 p.m. ET Sunday. — (CNN) — Sen. Barack Obama discussed his vision for the world in a wide-ranging foreign policy discussion with CNN's Fareed Zakaria.

Nine US soldiers killed in Afghanistan as Taliban attacks base — Taliban insurgents killed nine US troops when they attempted to overrun an American base as bloody fighting broke out in several parts of Afghanistan today. — Nato reported that the small American Combat Outpost in Dara …
The Strata-Sphere, The Agonist, The Jawa Report, Blue Girl, Red State, and The Long War Journal

Attack on US base in Afghanistan kills 9 Americans

The Shame of Postville, Iowa — Anyone who has doubts that this country is abusing and terrorizing undocumented immigrant workers should read an essay by Erik Camayd-Freixas, a professor and Spanish-language court interpreter who witnessed the aftermath of a huge immigration workplace raid at a meatpacking plant in Iowa.

News Blackout — NYT Ignores Momentous Pro-Jewish Court Case Win in France — French media loses big court case proving Palestinian propaganda false, New York Times ignores shocking story... Why? — France TV 2 has lost a major court case in France that makes the lie to a major piece of Palestinian propaganda.
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