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My Plan for Iraq — THE call by Prime Minister Nuri Kamal al-Maliki for a timetable for the removal of American troops from Iraq presents an enormous opportunity. We should seize this moment to begin the phased redeployment of combat troops that I have long advocated …
The Moderate Voice, The Huffington Post, Weekly Standard Blog, The Fix, The Carpetbagger Report, The Daily Dish, MoJoBlog, The Hill's Blog Briefing Room, Firedoglake, Commentary, The Swamp, USA Today, Washington Post, The Washington Note, Jonathan Martin's Blogs, Hullabaloo, Buck Naked Politics, MSNBC, The Trail, Political Radar, TalkLeft, Hot Air, All Spin Zone, Pajamas Media, Taylor Marsh, Comedy Central, Needlenose, Swampland, National Review, Riehl World View, Veterans For America and protein wisdom

BBC: Maliki's remarks misreported — Barack Obama based his editorial on Iraq in large part on the assertion by Nouri al-Maliki wants timetables for American withdrawal. Unfortunately, as the BBC notes, Maliki didn't actually say that — although the fault really does not lie with Obama.

David Remnick On That New Yorker Cover: It's Satire, Meant To Target “Distortions And Misconceptions And Prejudices” About Obama — Earlier today, the New Yorker released its cover for the July 21, 2008 issue — and the reaction was swift and furious. — The cover by Barry Blitt, called …
Crooks and Liars, The Dish Rag, The Hill's Blog Briefing Room, The Huffington Post, Wonkette, Althouse, TownHall Blog, culturekitchen, Comedy Central, Editor and Publisher, Outside The Beltway, Political Punch, Guardian, The Corner, Comment Central, Opinion L.A., The Nation, The Confluence, Political Machine, AMERICAblog News, Michelle Obama Watch, The Other McCain, Liberal Values, Salon, Truthdig, Achenblog and The New Republic

New Yorker — Since it's the controversy of the day, let me make my views more clear.

Remnick Defends Obama Cover, Idea That Readers Aren't Retards

McCain's Hillary Problem — He's running her same campaign. And she lost. — Feel free to tell me I'm nuts for asking the question, but doesn't it seem that, more and more, the McCain campaign is turning into the Clinton campaign? — The comparison smacked me upside the head last week …
Spin Cycle

Krugman on the GSEs — Paul Krugman has a new column on Fannie and Freddie which I think is important. I'm going to take issue with a fair amount of it, but not with the basic argument that the uproar over the GSEs is “overblown.” That, I think is a point worth making.
Matthew Yglesias, The Foundry, Paul Krugman, Washington Monthly, Corrente, EconLog and Firedoglake

Morning Bell: The Left's Crony Capitalism Exposed
The Volokh Conspiracy

McCains to Profit on Anheuser, InBev Deal — T. W. Farnam reports on the presidential race. — Cindy McCain, wife of Republican presidential candidate John McCain, is set to get a huge payout from the sale of Anheuser-Busch Cos., brewer of Budweiser and hundreds of other brands, to Belgian beverage giant InBev NV.

Terrorist Watch List Hits One Million Names — ACLU launches online watch list complaint form — Contact: (202) 675-2312 or [email protected] — WASHINGTON, DC - The nation's terrorist watch list has hit one million names, according to a tally maintained by the American Civil Liberties Union based upon …
Matthew Yglesias, The Huffington Post, PoliBlog (TM),, ACLU Blog and HorsesAss.Org

DO YOUR JOB: STOP IGNORING SCHEUNEMANN'S PAST — As you can see, the McCain campaign is moving ahead with a new stab-in-the-back style attack on Obama over Iraq. But as Team McCain is raising the volume on these slash-and-burn style attacks, it's time for some coverage of the guy who's McCain's brain on Iraq.

AP Stringer Stands by as Taliban Murder 2 Women, Gets Snuff Footage [UPDATE: Worse than Bilal Hussein!] [UPDATE: Confirmed: Took Video of Murder] — AP photographer Rahmatullah Naikzad was a witness to a Taliban murder. The two women were alleged to have been prostitutes who served Western clientèle.

What The New York Times Won't Tell You About Joe Lieberman — There are two facts about Joe Lieberman that the big news orgs simply can't bring themselves to tell their readers and viewers. — The first is that during the 2006 campaign against Ned Lamont, Lieberman and his aides vowed multiple times …

McCain's Perez Hilton Problem — It's no secret that last week was not a good one for John McCain. His old friend, Phil Gramm, demonstrated such a sad case of foot in mouth disease with his “mental recession” line that it was almost as though Gramm was acting as an Obama campaign covert operative.

Election 2008: Michigan Presidential Election — Michigan: Obama's Lead Grows to 8% — Barack Obama has more than doubled his lead over John McCain to eight percentage points in the economic battleground state of Michigan, with much of his new support coming from voters who have moved away from the Republican hopeful.

Is Fournier saving or destroying the AP? — Ron Fournier says he regards Sandy Johnson, his predecessor as head of The Associated Press's Washington bureau, as “a mentor.” — Johnson, though, regards Fournier, who replaced her in a hard-feelings shake-up in May, as a threat …
protein wisdom, The Raw Story, The Carpetbagger Report, Let Freedom Ring and Talking Points Memo

Bush to lift ban on offshore oil drilling — WASHINGTON (CNN) — President Bush lifted an executive order banning offshore oil drilling on Monday and urged Congress to follow suit. — Citing the high prices Americans are paying at the pump, Bush said from the White House Rose Garden …
Comedy Central

Bush to Lift Executive Ban on Offshore Drilling
The Swamp,, The Crypt's Blogs, New York Times, Hot Air, Gristmill, The Caucus and Wonk Room

On Immigration, Poison Pills Or Booster Shots? — In his speech to La Raza today, Sen. McCain blames Barack Obama in part for derailing the 2007 attempt at comprehensive immigration reform by larding up the bill with poison pill amendments. … One of the provisions McCain denounces …
Jonathan Martin's Blogs

Success in Iraq — The war continues to abate in Iraq. Violence is still present, but, of course, Iraq was a relatively violent place long before Coalition forces moved in. I would go so far as to say that barring any major and unexpected developments (like an Israeli air strike on Iran …

Gore To Give Major Speech On Energy And The Environment — His office says Gore will lay out “an unprecedented challenge” on energy and climate change and will set a national goal for a “clean energy future.” — Per Gore's office: … Who: Former Vice President Al Gore

Obama: Immigration enforcement = terror — Barack Obama spoke to the National Council of La Raza and in one sentence managed to do what most Hot Air readers would consider the impossible — he put distance between himself and John McCain on immigration. Calling the ICE terrorists …

McCain Needs Crash Course in Basic Economics: Albert R. Hunt — The American presidential campaign this week was fought on economic terrain, and John McCain was the New York Yankees battling in Boston's Fenway Park or Liverpool playing at Manchester United's Old Trafford: the visiting team with a decided disadvantage.