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Breaking: What Else Jesse Jackson Said on That FNC Tape — Exclusive: TVNewser has been sent the transcript of what Jesse Jackson said Sunday morning July 6, as he prepared for an interview on Fox & Friends Weekend. Below is the partial transcript we received in our tips box …

Jesse Jackson: N-word for me, but not for thee; Update: Readers say ‘Play the tape!’ — Update 10:00pm: Tons of readers are asking me why my colleagues at Fox won't just play the entire tape and let viewers decide for themselves whether it's newsworthy. I'm with you guys.

Report: Absolute Moral Authority drops the N-bomb on Obama tape; Update: O'Reilly blames Internet “weasel” for leak — Normally I'd wait for video proof but Inside Cable News claimed with unusual insistence last night that it's true and now TV Newser is corroborating it, so obviously someone who's in a position to know is leaking.
The Other McCain

Take Your Paws off the Presidency! — DOES THE BUSH ADMINISTRATION HAVE A SECRET SUCCESSION ORDER THAT BYPASSES CONGRESS? — Suppose the worst happens, and the next terrorist attack hits Washington hard, taking out the president and the vice president. What happens next?

Why the Race is Tied — After almost six weeks of a constant Obama lead, generally in the five- to seven-point range, Scott Rasmussen's daily tracking poll records two consecutive days of a tie race (July 12-13) and a one-point Obama lead on July 14. What happened to the Democrat's lead?

The Morris Touch — Dick Morris says the race is tied:

McCain Camp's New Attack: Obama Is The One Who's The Same As Bush — The McCain campaign is taking their effort to distance their candidate from the unpopular President Bush to a whole new level: McCain's advisers are now openly attacking Bush on Iraq — and not only that …

Media stars will accompany Obama overseas — WASHINGTON: Senator John McCain's trip to Iraq last spring was a low-key affair: With his ordinary retinue of reporters following him abroad, the NBC News anchor Brian Williams reported on his arrival in Baghdad from New York …

U.S., Afghan Troops Leave Combat Outpost After Deadly Clash — After suffering significant setbacks in the fight against insurgents in eastern Afghanistan, U.S. and Afghan troops have pulled out of a combat outpost where nine American soldiers were killed in a pitched battle with Taliban fighters Sunday.
Blue Girl, Red State

Goldwasser, Regev to be laid to rest after 2 uncertain years — Following two years of uncertainty and a day after a long and multi-staged prisoner swap at the Rosh Hanikra border crossing, Eldad Regev and Ehud Goldwasser will finally be laid to rest in military cemeteries on Thursday.

Obama warns against ‘fighting the last war’ … WEST LAFAYETTE, Ind. (AP) - Democrat Barack Obama warned Wednesday about the danger of “fighting the last war” as he pledged to focus on emerging nuclear, biological and cyber threats if elected president. — Two goals of his administration …

McCain Surrogate Fiorina Meets With Clinton Supporters — Christopher Cooper and John Emshwiller report on the presidential race. — The McCain campaign dispatched its top female surrogate Tuesday to meet with about 25 disaffected supporters of Sen. Hillary Clinton in Westchester, N.Y.

Is the War Over? — Independent reporter Michael Yon has spent more time in Iraq embedded with combat soldiers than any other journalist in the world, and a few days ago he boldly declared the war over: … I'm reluctant to say “the war has ended,” as he did, but everything else he wrote is undoubtedly true.

US plans to station first diplomats in Iran since 1979 — Washington move signals thaw in relations — The US plans to establish a diplomatic presence in Tehran for the first time in 30 years as part of a remarkable turnaround in policy by President George Bush.

Dem leaders pressure CEOs to buck GOP — The Senate Democratic leadership summoned the chiefs of 17 major trade associations to the Capitol on Wednesday to send a subtle but unmistakable message: If you want our help on your issues, stop helping the Republicans block our bills.
Washington Monthly

THE DEMOCRATS' PERVERSE ENERGY POLICIES... ...are neatly summed up by Michael Ramirez; click to enlarge: — To comment on this post go here.

In Iraq, Affection for Obama ... but His Proposal? — BAGHDAD — A tough Iraqi general, a former special operations officer with a baritone voice and a barrel chest, melted into smiles when asked about Senator Barack Obama. — “Everyone in Iraq likes him,” said the general, Nassir al-Hiti.
The New Editor

Ex-Clinton aide checked before joining Obama team — CHICAGO - Hillary Rodham Clinton's former campaign manager, now on Barack Obama's team, says she could easily work for her old boss again if Clinton were on the Democratic ticket. — Clinton replaced Patti Solis Doyle after poor early showings …