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McCain's attacks get more reckless, less responsible — In the modern political era, voters have come to expect presidential candidates to be, well, presidential. There's an expectation of respect and decorum. Candidates are going to go on the attack on occasion, but Americans …

McCain POW bud: Muslims ‘going to kill us’ — One of John McCain's fellow POW's in Vietnam defended the war in Iraq, saying, “The Muslims have said either we kneel or they're going to kill us.” — In a phone call with reporters arranged by Republican Party of Florida, Colonel Bud Day added …

McCain surrogate describes war with ‘the Muslims’

Helling One on One with McCain — The Kansas City Star's Dave …
Crooks and Liars, The Huffington Post, The Jed Report, Talking Points Memo and TPM Election Central

Obama's Greatest Admirer — Barack Obama wants to speak at the Brandenburg Gate. He figures it would be a nice backdrop. The supporting cast — a cheering audience and a few fainting frauleins — would be a picturesque way to bolster his foreign policy credentials.

Obama to Speak at Berlin Victory Column, Berliner Zeitung Says — Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama will give a speech at the Victory Column in central Berlin, avoiding the Brandenburg Gate after a political spat broke out over plans to speak there, Berliner Zeitung said.

Berlin Gears Up for Obama Visit — Barack Obama seems set to speak next to Berlin's famous Victory Column when he visits next week. The speech is expected to draw thousands and has put Obama's view on trade in the spotlight. — In what is viewed as a compromise, Obama …

Myth of Consensus Explodes: APS Opens Global Warming Debate — “Considerable presence” of skeptics — The American Physical Society, an organization representing nearly 50,000 physicists, has reversed its stance on climate change and is now proclaiming that many of its members disbelieve in human-induced global warming.
Sadly, No!, The Sundries Shack, Climate Progress, Achenblog, The Carpetbagger Report, Dean's World, Flopping Aces, Hot Air, Moonbattery, The Strata-Sphere, Pirate's Cove, Patterico's Pontifications, Sister Toldjah,, Althouse,, Wake up America, Washington Monthly, GINA COBB, The News Buckit, Don Surber, JustOneMinute, Right Wing News, San Francisco Chronicle, The Australian and Dot Earth

Obama and the captains of American industry — Sen. Barack Obama has been meeting secretly with heavy industry CEOs in Washington to discuss issues that he would face as president. — On the campaign trail, Obama has been highly critical of corporate executives and promised them nothing but tougher regulation and higher taxes.

The 300 — Interesting Elisabeth Bumiller look at the sprawling group of 300 people who are in some sense “foreign policy advisers” to the Obama campaign. Marc Ambinder remarks: … I think that's a pretty revelatory passage. It's true that, in some sense, McCain doesn't need daily talking points.

The Coming Activist Age — We're entering an era of epic legislation. There are at least five large problems that will compel the federal government to act in gigantic ways over the next few years. — First, there is the erosion of the social contract.

Obama Ignorance Watch — Barack Obama delivered a speech in West Lafeyette, IN on Wednesday and once again mangled some well known historical facts: … Aaah yes - “the bomb that fell on Pearl Harbor.” Who can forget that? It was the big one, the one that took out all those boats.

Listen Now — Angelica Hernandez (left) and her mother, Gloria Nunez, struggle to make ends meet on a very limited budget. — Nunez Family Economic Snapshot — Want to read more information on the Nunezes household budget and learn about budget cuts they've made? Click here.

HRC Campaign Aides Buy 2012 Website — A company associated with Hillary Clinton's top presidential campaign advance staff has purchased a website domain that hints of a 2012 presidential bid for the vanquished senator from New York. — was bought by the Markham Group on June 8, according to

Independent, uninspired, and undecided — The oft-noted enthusiasm gap that favors Democrat Barack Obama becomes starkly apparent in a new poll out today. — But the more telling finding in the survey by the Associated Press and Yahoo News is that many independents …

'It's gonna be a bloodbath,' fallen soldier told father — (CNN) — Cpl. Gunnar Zwilling suspected his days were numbered last week, while he and his band of brothers in the 173rd Airborne Brigade Combat Team prepared for a mission near Wanat, Afghanistan. — “It's gonna be a bloodbath …

The secret hidden within John McCain's campaign schedule — You can tell a lot about any political campaign by how it invests its most precious resource: the 1,440 minutes in each candidate's day. — UPDATE: An earlier version of this item had an hour-by-hour schedule that was provided …

‘Time’ Publishes Definitive Obama Puff Piece — NEW YORK—Hailed by media critics as the fluffiest, most toothless, and softest-hitting coverage of the presidential candidate to date, a story in this week's Time magazine is being called the definitive Barack Obama puff piece.

L-ish Economic Prospects — Home prices are in free fall. Unemployment is rising. Consumer confidence is plumbing depths not seen since 1980. When will it all end? — The answer is, probably not until 2010 or later. Barack Obama, take notice. — It's true that some prognosticators …
Calculated Risk, Brendan Nyhan, THE LIBERAL JOURNAL, The Glittering Eye and The Sideshow

Prop. 8 facing a fight — POLL SHOWS MAJORITY OPPOSES GAY MARRIAGE BAN — In a finding that could foreshadow a difficult political battle for a proposed constitutional ban on gay marriage, a new Field Poll says more California voters oppose Proposition 8 than favor it.