Top Items:

McCain Charge Against Obama Lacks Evidence — For four days, Sen. John McCain and his allies have accused Sen. Barack Obama of snubbing wounded soldiers by canceling a visit to a military hospital because he could not take reporters with him, despite no evidence that the charge is true.

Low-Road Express — Well, that certainly didn't take long. On July 3, news reports said Senator John McCain, worried that he might lose the election before it truly started, opened his doors to disciples of Karl Rove from the 2004 campaign and the Bush White House. Less than a month later, the results are on full display.

More to the story: about my post on Obama canceling visit to troops in Germany — An item I posted July 25 about Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.) canceling a visit to a U.S. military base in Germany has now become grist for the Republicans to attack Obama. — Some points:

McCain Goes Negative, Worrying Some in G.O.P. — SPARKS, Nev. — In recent days Senator John McCain has charged that Senator Barack Obama “would rather lose a war in order to win a political campaign,” tarred him as “Dr. No” on energy policy and run advertisements calling him responsible for high gas prices.
The Moderate Voice,, The Caucus, Don Surber, Liberal Values, DownWithTyranny! and The Politico

Obama's Symbolic Importance — Perhaps he's beginning to believe the hype. — In his closed door meeting with House Democrats this evening, presumptive Democratic nominee Barack Obama delivered a real zinger. According to a witness, he was waxing lyrical about last week's trip to Europe …
Weekly Standard Blog, MSNBC, TownHall Blog, Spin Cycle,, Commentary and

President Obama Continues Hectic Victory Tour — Barack Obama has long been his party's presumptive nominee. Now he's becoming its presumptuous nominee. — Fresh from his presidential-style world tour, during which foreign leaders and American generals lined up to show him affection …
Marc Ambinder, The Swamp, The Moderate Voice, The Carpetbagger Report,, MSNBC, Spin Cycle and Political Punch

From City Council to vice president? — His first council campaign was in '94, and now he's a possible vice president — It has been a rapid rise for the once-curly-headed kid from Kansas. — Gov. Timothy M. Kaine's political career, not 15 years old, has veered from the City Hall …
Spin Cycle

EDWARDS' HU$H MONEY TO MISTRESS — A NATIONAL ENQUIRER investigation has uncovered John Edwards' mistress, Rielle Hunter - the mother of his “love child” - has been secretly receiving $15,000 a month as part of an elaborate cover-up orchestrated by the former presidential contender.

House Issues An Apology For Slavery — The House yesterday apologized to black Americans, more than 140 years after slavery was abolished, for the “fundamental injustice, cruelty, brutality and inhumanity of slavery and Jim Crow” segregation. — The resolution, which passed on a voice vote late …

For GOP, Stevens Indictment Is Latest in a String of Setbacks — Ted Stevens's indictment yesterday could not have occurred at a more politically inopportune time for the senator from Alaska or for his fellow Republicans. — In less than a month, on Aug. 26, he has a primary contest …
MSNBC, DownWithTyranny!, Capitol Briefing, McClatchy Washington Bureau and Jeff Merkley for Senate

As a Professor, Obama Enthralled Students and Puzzled Faculty — CHICAGO — The young law professor stood apart in too many ways to count. At a school where economic analysis was all the rage, he taught rights, race and gender. Other junior faculty dreamed of tenured positions; he turned them down.

Aide to U.S. Senator Jim Webb found dead from apparent gunshot wound — Authorities in Botetourt County this morning discovered the body of a well-known Democratic operative and U.S. Senate aide along U.S. 220, dead from an apparent gunshot wound. — The body of Frederick W. Hutchins Jr. …

Kerry's office: Sen. wasn't partying with women — + Recent Articles + Recent Blog Entries + Email + Bio — An embarrassing gallery of photos showing Bay State Sen. John Kerry surrounded by young women partying on Nantucket was a dockside encounter and nothing more, the senator's office tells the Herald.

McCain and Obama Have Already Spent Over $50 Million on General Election TV Ads — ABC News' David Chalian Reports: It may only be July and Americans may be more tuned into summer vacation plans than the presidential election, but that hasn't stopped the two presidential campaigns from filling …
Taegan Goddard's …

Those privacy-hating Chinese communist tyrants — Associated Press, yesterday: … Rocky Mountain News, October 11, 2007: … For my podcast show later today, I spoke with Tim Shorrock, the investigative journalist who has become the leading expert on the enormous, sprawling …
Associated Press

McCain's Tax Blunder — One of the miracles of this Presidential election campaign is that John McCain still has a chance to win, notwithstanding his best attempts to kick it away. In his latest random policy improvisation, the Arizona Senator tried to give up the tax issue.

When Extremists Attack — I have now been called antisemitic and intellectually unstable and a whole bunch of other silly things by the folks over at the Commentary blog. They want Time Magazine to fire or silence me. This is happening because I said something that is palpably true …