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McCain's Prickly TIME Interview — For years, John McCain's marathon bull sessions with reporters were more than a means of delivering a message; they were the message. McCain proudly, flagrantly refused direction from handlers, rarely dodged tough questions and considered those who did wimps and frauds.
Think Progress, The Swamp, Jonathan Martin's Blogs, Matthew Yglesias, The New Republic, Open Left, TPM Election Central,, Alas, a blog, MyDD, Guardian, MoJoBlog, Swampland, Outside The Beltway, Brilliant at Breakfast, Don Surber, No More Mister Nice Blog, The Reaction, Riehl World View and Wonkette

THE PRICKLY TALK EXPRESS.... John McCain became a media darling by offering extraordinary access to campaign reporters. The candidate and the journalists would spend hours hanging out on a bus, enjoying the gabfests, on and off the record, about any subject that came to mind.

Gallup Daily: Obama Moves Ahead, 48% to 42% — Democratic candidate gains in Monday through Wednesday interviewing — PRINCETON, NJ — Democratic candidate Barack Obama has gained ground in the latest Gallup Poll Daily tracking average from Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday …
Marc Ambinder, The Moderate Voice, New York Post, TownHall Blog, Comments from Left Field, American Spectator, Outside The Beltway, Open Left, No More Mister Nice Blog,, Hot Air,, Wake up America, TPM Election Central, The Volokh Conspiracy and The Strata-Sphere

The Bush-McCain administration ... Did we miss something?
The Swamp

A MINI-BOUNCE, PERHAPS — Consistent with Paul's evaluation …
Hot Air

TEMPLE OF DEM ON MT. O-LYMPUS — GOP MOCKS GRAND STAGE FOR BAM AS GREEK HUBRIS — DENVER - Democrats will kneel before the “Temple of Obama” tonight. — As if a Rocky Mountain coronation were not lofty enough, Barack Obama will aim for Mount Olympus when he accepts his party's nomination atop …

Dems nervous over Invesco risks — DENVER - Senior Democratic officials are expressing serious concerns about the political risks posed by Barack Obama's acceptance speech at Invesco Field at Mile High Stadium Thursday evening. — From the elaborate stagecraft to the teeming crowd …
The Swamp, Hot Air, All Spin Zone, The Confluence, Newsweek Blogs and No More Mister Nice Blog

Mount Olympus... Just heard Obama Manager David Plouffe's view …

McCain ad to rebut Obama's DNC speech — Tonight, John McCain will talk directly to his opponent in a television ad his campaign is airing in battleground states, around the time Barack Obama accepts the presidential nomination, McCain's campaign said. — Aides would give few details beyond …

Romney Family Gets Security Sweep — If security sweeps are the giveaway, former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney may be on the brink of being selected as Sen. John McCain's (R-Ariz.) vice presidential running mate. — According to sources with strong Michigan ties, the Secret Service …

Retribution sought for Lieberman — DENVER — Connecticut delegates are demanding that party leaders punish Sen. Joe Lieberman, the Democrat-turned-Independent, because of his support of Sen. John McCain (Ariz.), the Republican nominee. — For many of them, Lieberman's plan to speak …

McCain: I Have Not Picked My Veep
The Politico, Marc Ambinder, The Hill's Blog Briefing Room and International Herald Tribune

Rove tried to kill Lieberman VP pick
The LA Times President …, Jonathan Martin's Blogs, Think Progress, The New Republic, Christian Science Monitor, CNN, MSNBC, The Moderate Voice, Salon, Wake up America,, Pam's House Blend, Political Machine, Shakesville, TPM Election Central, DemConWatch, Donklephant and The Hill's Blog Briefing Room

Flashback: 40 Years Ago Today, Bill Ayers Arrested at DNC — For those Democrats who are too young to have a proper appreciation of their party's history, which likely includes most of Senator Obama's supporters, we direct your attention to a memorable moment in DNC history that shows …

Fox: Bush might not speak at RNC on Monday because of Gustav. — President Bush is scheduled to speak at the Republican National Convention on Monday, but with Tropical Storm Gustav expected to hit Gulf coast, the White House is beginning to hint that President Bush might not speak that day.

The Optimism of Fools — Following my sour take on the forthcoming election, and my follow-up posting that practically all my emailers agree with me, a dissenting reader chid me thus, under the subject line “Why you aren't getting disagreeable emails”: … This gladdens my heart, because it tells me I am doing my job.

Texas still leads nation in rate of uninsured residents — — Texas once again led the nation with the highest percentage of residents without health insurance, a U.S. Census Bureau report showed Tuesday, although the same study also reports a slight dip last year …

Stop Your Whining: Health Care Edition (Corrected)
Think Progress

Pawlenty Clues — Sked Cleared — CBS affiliate WCCO in Minneapolis is reporting that Gov. Tim Pawlenty's schedule has been cleared for today and tomorrow... Now — McCain's campaign could have made similar requests of other candidates. But Pawlenty's is the first we know about.

McCain rally tickets still available — DAYTON — Tickets are still available for Sen. John McCain's Friday, Aug. 29, rally at Wright State University's Nutter Center in Fairborn. — McCain and his wife Cindy will appear at the event, dubbed the “Road to the Convention Rally.”

Putin accuses U.S. of orchestrating Georgian war — SOCHI, Russia (CNN) — Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin has accused the United States of orchestrating the conflict in Georgia to benefit one of its presidential election candidates. — In an exclusive interview with CNN's Matthew Chance …
On Deadline

Video: A new McCain spokesman for Obama's unreadiness — John McCain went to the vault from the Democratic primaries and found a treasure trove of comments from Democrats on the unreadiness of Barack Obama to lead the nation. It includes the comments we've seen before from Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden …

Biden's Exaggerations — Inflating Obama's record will not resolve doubts. — THE DEMOCRATIC NATIONAL CONVENTION exposed the central defect of Senator Barack Obama's candidacy: the absence of compelling evidence he is up to the job of president. The exposé comes courtesy …

Avoiding A Long, Disappointing Fall — A thorough diagnosis of what's been ailing the Obama campaign. And suggestions for a cure. — I. — RELATED CONTENT — Judis (4/23/08): The Next McGovern? — Judis (5/7/08): It's All Over Now, Baby Blue — The Barack Obama campaign has been floundering.