Top Items:
Obama camp: McCain would be committing “political malpractice” with veep leak tonight — Annoyed by all the mind-games and leaks meant to divert attention from their candidate's long-anticipated acceptance speech tonight, Barack Obama's campaign is hitting back this afternoon and accusing their counterparts of playing poltiical games.
The New Republic, Washington Monthly, The Jed Report, The Gun Toting Liberal, Boston Globe and
Romney Family Gets Security Sweep — If security sweeps are the giveaway, former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney may be on the brink of being selected as Sen. John McCain's (R-Ariz.) vice presidential running mate. — According to sources with strong Michigan ties, the Secret Service …
Obama Campaign Responds to McCain's Congratulatory TV Ad — Tonight, the campaign of Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., will air a TV ad congratulating Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., on his nomination, with a nod to the fact that Obama's speech coincides with the 45th anniversary of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s “I Have a Dream” speech.
McCain ad questioned as word ‘HANG’ appears over image of Barack Obama — A McCain ad aired on Fox News channel with the words “HANG” in the background along with a photograph of Barack Obama has sparked outrage after being noticed by a reporter at a local Fox television affiliate.
In a switch, McCain to Obama: “Well done” — Featured Topics: - John McCain - Barack Obama — DENVER - In a brief break from a fierce advertising war, Republican presidential candidate John McCain will air a one-evening-only ad with a simple message for Barack Obama: “Job well done.”
McCain ad to rebut Obama's DNC speech — Tonight, John McCain will talk directly to his opponent in a television ad his campaign is airing in battleground states, around the time Barack Obama accepts the presidential nomination, McCain's campaign said. — Aides would give few details beyond …
Most exciting McCain ad ever — This better be good. — McCain aide Brian Rogers sends out an expectations-raising email on an ad McCain is releasing today:, which he calls “exciting and unprecedented.” — Communications director Jill Hazelbaker teased it on Morning Joe this morning:
Stop The ACLU
Gallup Daily: Obama Moves Ahead, 48% to 42% — Democratic candidate gains in Monday through Wednesday interviewing — PRINCETON, NJ — Democratic candidate Barack Obama has gained ground in the latest Gallup Poll Daily tracking average from Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday …
Discussion:, Grasping Reality …, The Hill's Blog Briefing Room, Open Left, Power Line, Economist's View, Tom Watson, The Huffington Post, Marc Ambinder, TalkLeft, Political Byline, Outside The Beltway, American Power, Comments from Left Field, New York Post, The Moderate Voice, Wake up America,, American Spectator,, No More Mister Nice Blog, TPM Election Central and Hot Air
McCain's Prickly TIME Interview — For years, John McCain's marathon bull sessions with reporters were more than a means of delivering a message; they were the message. McCain proudly, flagrantly refused direction from handlers, rarely dodged tough questions and considered those who did wimps and frauds.
The Huffington Post, MyDD,, Think Progress, Wonk Room, Political Byline, Liberty Street, Open Left, The Swamp, Washington Post, Brave New Films blog, The Caucus, Outside The Beltway, The New Republic,, Alas, a blog, Matthew Yglesias, AMERICAblog News,, Jonathan Martin's Blogs, Wonkette and Riehl World View
Carter: McCain ‘milking’ POW time — DENVER — Former president Jimmy Carter called Republican presidential candidate John McCain a “distinguished Naval officer,” but said the Arizona senator has been “milking every possible drop of advantage” from his time served as a prisoner of war in Vietnam.
Fox: Bush might not speak at RNC on Monday because of Gustav. — President Bush is scheduled to speak at the Republican National Convention on Monday, but with Tropical Storm Gustav expected to hit Gulf coast, the White House is beginning to hint that President Bush might not speak that day.
MSNBC Anchors' Fights Go Live — Since the start of the Democratic National Convention, ratings have exploded for the cable news channel MSNBC. — So have tensions among the network's top anchors. — The convention was supposed to be the network's coming-out party as a hub for politics.
TVNewser, Salon,, NO QUARTER,, Olbermann Watch and Don Surber
Cindy McCain's Half Sister: “I'm Voting for Barack Obama” — Cindy McCain's half sister is planning on voting for Barack Obama, she tells — “I'm not voting for McCain,” Kathleen Hensley Portalski tells Us. “I have a different political standpoint.
Tuesday With Lanny — A DAY IN THE LIFE OF HILLARY CLINTON'S BIGGEST FAN. — When it comes to defending Hillary Clinton, Lanny Davis has no rival. After Clinton had been mathematically eliminated from contention for the Democratic nomination, Davis continued to campaign for her.
Some Clinton Donors Are Contributing to McCain — Dozens of Prominent Fundraisers Have Donated over $200,000 in Last Few Months — Some of Hillary Clinton's most fervent supporters are taking their enthusiasm - and their campaign contributions - to John McCain.
Atlas Shrugs
What's missing from the Democratic convention? — (updated below - Update II) — As one would expect them to be, virtually all of the prime-time speeches at the Democratic Convention have been — from a rhetorical perspective — very well-crafted and well-delivered.
Open Left
Spring's economic rebound unlikely to last — Spring's economic strength unlikely to last given slowdowns overseas, struggling consumers — WASHINGTON (AP) — The economy pulled out of a dangerous rough patch in the spring, thanks largely to strong exports, but the rebound isn't expected to last.
Putin accuses U.S. of orchestrating Georgian war — SOCHI, Russia (CNN) — Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin has accused the United States of orchestrating the conflict in Georgia to benefit one of its presidential election candidates. — In an exclusive interview with CNN's Matthew Chance …
McCain Campaign Disavows Health Adviser (Updated) — The saga of John McCain and his official views on health care just keeps getting more interesting. — As you may recall, the Dallas Morning News recently quoted John Goodman suggesting that the problems of the uninsured were wildly exaggerated …
Veep Troubles — Ross acknowledges Romney isn't exactly a low risk pick and fumbles around for an appropriate McCain veep: … I think Pawlenty would be the best myself. But Hutchison could be a smart move. Ridge would drive the Christianists nuts. Romney is just political poison.
Ross Douthat