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McCain VP Contender Palin in Alaska, Not Ohio — ABC News' Kate McCarthy Reports: As vice presidential speculation swirls, Gov. Sarah Palin is watching the fireworks from her home in Wasilla, Alaska. — Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., is in Dayton, Ohio, awaiting a high noon event at which the campaign …
Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin Is McCain's VP Pick: Source — Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, a self-styled “hockey mom” who has only been governor for a little over a year, is GOP Presidential candidate John McCain's choice for Vice President, CNBC has learned. — According to a Republican strategist …
John McCain picks Alaska Gov: Source — A Republican source confirms that John McCain has chosen Alaska Governor Sarah Palin to be his running mate. Campaign officials, however, remain mum this morning. — McCain is expected to announce his choice at a rally in Dayton later.
BREAKING: Pawlenty won't be in Dayton today, says “was honored to be considered” — Gov. Tim Pawlenty said this morning that he will he not be in Dayton, Ohio, today and strongly suggested that he won't be John McCain's running mate. — “I'm going to be at the [Minnesota] state fair,” Pawlenty said on WCCO just minutes ago.
Romney Expected To Appear In Dayton Tomorrow — So — two senior McCain campaign officials confirm that John McCain will appear with his vice presidential pick in Dayton, Ohio tomorrow at noon ET. — And Gov. Mitt Romney expects to be in Dayton, Ohio tomorrow, having been asked …
Wiki Breaks It? — On Friday, August 29, Fox & Friends reported that Palin's family departed hastily from Anchorage, Alaska aboard a Gulfstream jet that landed near Dayton, Ohio, site of McCain's planned vice presidential announcement. They cited the website Change& …
Alaska Gov. Palin Tops Speculation About McCain Veep Pick — DENVER — Speculation about who John McCain would name as his running mate focused on Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin after reports circulated early Friday that two short-listers — Mitt Romney and Tim Pawlenty — were out of the running.
A MESSAGE FROM MIKE HUCKABEE — Dear HuckPAC family: — You guys have been incredible in your faithful support, prayers, and efforts throughout the campaign and beyond it. Janet and I feel like the most blessed people on earth to have been able to be part of the growing community …
Reports: It's Palin — Chicago Tribune and CNBC's John Harwood say the Alaska Governor is the pick. — Early morning reports of a plane from Anchorage, Alaska to an airport near Dayton kicked off the speculation. — CNN: Someone who works at the airport says a woman and two children got off …
John McCain's VP pick: Who will it be? What about Sarah Palin?
Christian Science Monitor
MSNBC Host Rips AP Reporter's Analysis of Obama Speech — NEW YORK In an unusually heated attack on a veteran political reporter by a cable news host, MSNBC's Keith Olbermann laced into the Associated Press's Charles Babington an hour after Barack Obama had concluded his speech in Denver on Thursday night.
The Speech: How Did He Do? — Barack Obama delivers …
MyDD, TPM Election Central, Top of the Ticket, The Huffington Post, The Moderate Voice and
Barack Obama's Acceptance Speech — The following is the text, as prepared for delivery, of Senator Barack Obama's acceptance speech at the Democratic National Convention in Denver, as provided by the Obama campaign. — To Chairman Dean and my great friend Dick Durbin; and to all my fellow citizens of this great nation;
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A Speech to the Delegates — My fellow Americans, it is an honor to address the Democratic National Convention at this defining moment in history. We stand at a crossroads at a pivot point, near a fork in the road on the edge of a precipice in the midst of the most consequential election since last year's “American Idol.”
GOP Considers Delaying Convention — Tropical Storm Gustav Is Forecast to Hit U.S. Next Week as Hurricane — Republican officials said yesterday that they are considering delaying the start of the GOP convention in Minneapolis-St. Paul because of Tropical Storm Gustav …
The Hope We Confess — It was a deeply substantive speech, full of policy detail, full of people other than the candidate, centered overwhelmingly on domestic economic anxiety. It was a liberal speech, more unabashedly, unashamedly liberal than any Democratic acceptance speech since the great era of American liberalism.
Security Group Refuses to Back Russia's Actions — DUSHANBE, Tajikistan — Russia suffered a significant setback here on Thursday, as members of a regional security group in which the Kremlin plays an important role offered little support for Moscow's military action in Georgia.
Obama Gets Serious — The famous Greek amphitheatre didn't look all Alexander the Great if you were there. It looked instead like the big front display window at Macy's during Presidents Day Sales Weekend. You expected to see “Sofas 40% off!” in a running line on the bottom of the screen.
Ross Douthat