Top Items:

Gallup Daily: No Dent in Obama Lead So Far — Obama holds 7-point lead in latest results — PRINCETON, NJ — Barack Obama continues to hold a lead over John McCain, 49% to 42%, in the latest Gallup Poll Daily tracking update. — The results are based on interviewing conducted Sept. 1-3.

Palin raises $8 million — for Obama — Obama's coffers have been filling since Sarah Palin attacked him repeatedly in St. Paul last night. — An Obama aide confirms Drudge's report that Obama has raised about $8 million from more than 130,000 donors and is on pace to raise $10 million by the time McCain reaches the stage tonight.

51% Say Reporters Are Trying To Hurt Palin; 39% Say She Has Better Experience Than Obama — Over half of U.S. voters (51%) think reporters are trying to hurt Sarah Palin with their news coverage, and 24% say those stories make them more likely to vote for Republican presidential candidate John McCain in November.
Wizbang, protein wisdom, The Raw Story, Stop The ACLU, Hot Air, The Reaction and Boston Globe

COMMUNITY ORGANIZERS. — Chris Hayes fires back on Giuliani and Palin's mockery of “community organizers”: … Adam Serwer agrees: … But look, let's call a spade a spade: When Giuliani sneered about community organizers on the “South side” of Chicago, it's pretty clear what he's saying …

Obama didn't expect ginger treatment from Palin — PITTSBURGH (CNN) - Senior Obama adviser David Axelrod appeared unfazed by Sarah Palin's tough speech in St. Paul Wednesday night, telling reporters Thursday Barack Obama watched a bit of her speech and took it in stride.
Comments from Left Field

What a Community Organizer Does — Slowly, slowly, I am recovering from the extremely effective bilge festival staged by the Republicans last night. And while there is much to discuss, there was one item, in particular, that has to be considered infuriating: the attack on Barack Obama's service …

More Thoughts on Palin — Credit where it's due! — That was an amazing performance by Sarah Palin last night. She delivered a powerful, clever, and deftly savage speech - but even more important, she projected through the speech a personality at once charismatic and down to earth, feminine yet tough.

Sarah Palin: Gov'nors don't vote present
Jonathan Martin's Blogs

How Dare Sarah Palin Insult Community Organizers!
The New Republic

COMMUNITY ORGANIZING. — Another irresponsible “community organizer”

Obama: ‘Who are they fighting for?’ — Barack Obama addresses …
Jonathan Martin's Blogs

BREAKING: Sarah Palin “Winged” Her Speech Because of “Broken” Teleprompter — Halfway through Sarah Palin's speech tonight at the RNC, people following the speech noticed she was deviating from the prepared text. — According to sources close to the McCain campaign, the teleprompter continued scrolling during applause breaks.

Free Press voter panel reacts to Palin's speech — “Originally, I was a not too happy about McCain's choice for a running mate, Sarah Palin ... However, after her speech tonight I am beginning to see her in a different light. She seems like a real fighter, someone who would stick …
Discussion:, Political Punch, CNN, The Huffington Post, Political Insider, The Mahablog, Riehl World View, The Next Right, The Politico, MyDD, Donklephant, Kevin Drum, Washington Monthly, Eunomia, Taylor Marsh, Hullabaloo, Real Clear Politics, The XX Factor, The Anonymous Liberal and Althouse

Palin: wrong woman, wrong message — Sarah Palin shares nothing but a chromosome with Hillary Clinton. She is Phyllis Schlafly, only younger. — Here's the good news: Women have become so politically powerful that even the anti-feminist right wing — the folks with a headlock on the Republican Party …

The teleprompter did not break — Sarah Palin delivered a powerful speech last night, but she did not “wing it.” — That is what Erick Erickson, citing sources close to McCain, has written on his blog, RedState. — Erickson writes that “the teleprompter continued scrolling during applause breaks.
TPM Election Central

Thoughts on Sarah Palin — They're a little scattered, since I spent the speech lying in bed and wheezing. So, bullet points. — This woman is an Obama-level political natural. She is a ferociously good speaker, and almost preternaturally composed.
Clive Crook, The Corner, The Huffington Post, The Next Right, Matthew Yglesias and Althouse

A PERFECTLY FUNCTIONING TELEPROMPTER.... Watching Sarah Palin's speech …

Westmoreland calls Obama ‘uppity’ — Georgia Republican Rep. Lynn Westmoreland used the racially-tinged term “uppity” to describe Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama Thursday. — Westmoreland was discussing vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin's speech with reporters outside …

Cindy McCain's $300,000 Outfit — One of the persistent memes in the Republican line of attack against Barack Obama is the notion that he is an elitist, whereas the G.O.P. represent real working Americans like Levi “F-in' Redneck” Johnston. — It caught our attention, then …
culturekitchen, The New Republic,, The Huffington Post, Undiplomatic and Comments from Left Field

Fired Alaskan Official Says Palin Hasn't Been Truthful — Monegan Says He Was Fired For His Refusal to Fire Governor's Former Brother-In-Law — The fired Alaskan official, whose dismissal has become the subject of a state senate committee's investigation of Gov. Sarah Palin …

Mentions of Bush in St. Paul dwindle to one — We don't know if George W. Bush watched the Republican National Convention Wednesday night. If so, he might have been surprised to hear his name mentioned. — As Countdown to Crawford has been chronicling over the last two weeks …

NFL Opener Has McCain Campaign Leery of Delay-of-Game Penalty — Hurricane Gustav blew away the opening night of the Republican National Convention on Monday. Now Republicans are warily eyeing a man-made event — the NFL season opener between the Redskins and Giants — hoping that it won't complicate the convention's climax tonight.

Obama: Surge Succeeded Beyond ‘Wildest Dreams’ — The troop surge in Iraq has been more successful than anyone could have imagined, Barack Obama conceded Thursday in his first-ever interview on FOX News' “The O'Reilly Factor.” — As recently as July, the Democratic presidential candidate declined …